The “Golden Graduation Ceremony ” of graduates of the programmes General and Dental Medicine in 1970, 1971, 1972, and 1973 took place in the Assembly Hall of the FM UPJŠ on October 19-20, 2023. The event was attended by 136 of the 637 graduates who graduated in the years mentioned above.
The Golden Graduation Ceremony was attended by the Vice-Rector prof. MUDr. Pavol Jarčuška, PhD. on behalf of the Rector of UPJŠ, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine prof. MUDr. Peter Jarčuška, PhD., Vice-Deans prof. MUDr. Pavol Kristian, PhD., assoc. prof. MUDr. Pavol Joppa, PhD. and MUDr. Peter Kizek, PhD., MHA, MPH, and former Deans Dr.h.c. prof. MUDr. Andrej Jenča, CSc., MPH and Dr.h.c. prof. MUDr. Leonard Siegfried, CSc.
The Dean prof. Peter Jarčuška handed over the certificates confirming the renewal of the diploma of Doctor of Medicine to the present doctors, who have contributed to medicine and successfully fulfilled the public service of a doctor for fifty years. He wished them good luck, happiness, well-being, and health – Quod bonum, felix, faustum, fortunatumque sit.