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Additional Elections to the Student Part of the Academic Senate

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Dear Students of the Academic Community
of University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, the Faculty of Medicine

Based on Decree no. 68 of 18 September 2024 and according
to Article 14 of Election Rules to the Academic Senate of UPJŠ FM
the Academic Senate of UPJŠ FM announces that

the additional elections of five representatives of UPJŠ FM students
to the Student part of the Academic Senate of UPJŠ FM will take place on

9 October 2024 from 8.00 to 16.00.

Additional elections will be made using information and communication technologies.

Candidate proposals can be submitted:

  • by post or personally at the Mail-room of UPJŠ FM, address: AS UPJŠ FM, Trieda SNP 1, 040 11  Košice, Slovakia in the sealed envelope with the label „Proposal for candidate as a member of the AS UPJŠ FM“, or
  • via university e-mail as an attachment to the message delivered to the secretariat of the Academic Senate: and with the indication of the message subject „Proposal for candidate as a member of the AS UPJŠ FM“.

Candidate proposals can be submitted by any member of the Student Part of Academic Community of UPJŠ FM. Candidate can also propose himself/herself. Candidate proposal must include:
a) name, surname, degree, postgraduate degree, functional and work position of candidate and an evidence year of study (if candidate is a student)
b) written declaration of candidate that he/she agrees with candidature
c) name and signature of proponent/s
d) consent of the proposed candidate to the processing and publication of personal data to the extent and for the purpose specified in Art. 5 par. 5 and Art. 6 of Elections Rules to the Academic Senate of UPJŠ FM.

Only proposals that meet all the requirements in accordance with the Elections Rules to the Academic Senate of UPJŠ FM will be accepted. The Election Rules are published on UPJŠ FM website:

Deadline for nominations: 25 September 2024, 15.00.

doc. Ing. Jaroslav Majerník, PhD.
Chairman of Academic Senate UPJŠ FM

Sample proposal of a candidate for a member of the senate

Study at UPJŠ