In the academic year 2001/2002, a study credit system was introduced at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ), Faculty of Medicine, which is in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Credits ECTS allow, on the basis of defined educational outcomes and the related burden, mutual comparison of the realized study, which provides students with greater flexibility in choosing study programs. The ECTS is a tool of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) to increase the transparency of higher education, which allows credits obtained in one higher education institution to be included in a program studied at another higher education institution.

The ECTS system assists in the planning, implementation and evaluation of higher education programs. It is a central tool of the Bologna Process, which aims to achieve better international comparability of national higher education systems. It helps students with mobility between countries, recognition of academic degrees and periods of study abroad.
ECTS has been introduced in most countries of the European Higher Education Area as a national credit system and its use is constantly expanding. UPJŠ in Košice has a defined method of allocating credits at all three levels of higher education as part of the study regulations:
- Study Rules of Procedure at UPJŠ in Košice for the I., II., and joined I. and II. degree of study in Annex No. 1 informs about recommended method of allocating credits to subjects in the creation of study programs at UPJŠ at the 1st, 2nd and joined 1st and 2nd level of study.
- Study regulations for doctoral studies in Annex No. 1 inform about the recommended method of allocating credits to subjects in the creation of doctoral study programmes at UPJŠ in Košice.