During the years 2021 and 2022, the process of harmonizing study programs is underway in accordance with the UPJŠ Accreditation Rules and SAAVŠ standards. The creation of study programs at UPJŠ is carried out on the basis of the adopted rules of the Internal Quality System of Higher Education (HEQ). The support and development of HEQ, the quality of research, development, artistic or other creative activities and the quality of the university’s support activities are coordinated by the Board for Internal Quality Verification at UPJŠ in Košice. The quality of study programs (SP) at the bachelor’s (I. degree), master’s (II. degree) and joined bachelor’s, and master’s (joined I. and II. degree) degree studies in individual fields of study (FS) is ensured and verified by the Board of Study Program (BSP). The quality of study programs at III. degree of study (PhD studies) is provided by the BSP in cooperation with the Study Program Commission (SPC) of individual study programs.
Board of study programs
I., II., and joined I. and II. degree of study

III. degree of study (person responsible for SP)
Study Program Commission for PhD study programs – chairmen