Legislation and internal regulations
- Statute of UPJŠ FM
- Rules of organisation of UPJŠ FM
- Principles of Admission Procedure – Rector’s Decision No. 14/2021
- Scholarship Regulations at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Scholarship Regulations – internal regulation at UPJS FM
- Rector’s Decision no. 6/2024 on the determination of tuition fees, fees associated with studies and on the reimbursement of costs associated with raising qualifications in the academic year 2024/2025 at UPJŠ in Košice
- Regulations concerning work health and safety and fire protection
- Disciplinary Rules of Procedure for the Students at UPJŠ FM
- Rules of Procedure of the Disciplinary Commission at UPJŠ FM
- Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Student Code of Ethics
- Code of Ethics for Academic Staff of UPJŠ FM
- Statute of the Ethics Committee of UPJŠ FM
- Ammendment No. 2 to the Statute of the Ethics Committee of the UPJŠ FM in Košice for Work with Laboratory Animals
Study rules
- Legislative and Organizational Framework at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Study Rules of Procedure at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Study Rules of Procedure of the UPJŠ FM (effective as of 1.9.2023)
- Dean’s Directive No. 3/2023, supplementing and specifying the provisions of the Study Regulations of UPJŠ FM (effective as of 20.11.2023)
- Dean’s Directive No. 4/2023, on the recognition of courses at UPJŠ FM (effective as of 11.12.2023)
- Study Rules of Procedure of the UPJŠ FM (effective as of 1.9.2020)
Directive No. 1/2022 (effective as of 1.9.2022) - PhD Study Regulations at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (effective as effective as of 1.9.2023)
- PhD Study Regulations at UPJŠ in Košice (effective as of 1.9.2019)
- Rector’s Decree No. 11/2017 on the implementation of introductory training and informing the UPJŠ students of the regulations on occupational safety and health protection, fire protection, and civil protection
- Guidance for the use of protective clothing and footwear during practical class at UPJŠ LF
- Guidance on personal data protection at UPJŠ FM