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Graduation ceremonies

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The graduation ceremonies of the Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ took place on 29-30 June 2023. They were traditionally held in a joyful atmosphere and positive energy was radiating not only in the young people in graduation gowns but also from the persons present in the hall, among whom were the relatives of the graduating students. They rewarded the graduates with huge applause, which was followed by a speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ, prof. Peter Jarčuška, M.D., PhD.

„A little while ago you received the Doctor of Medicine degree, which was appreciated by a loud applause from the Auditorium. You deserve it. You have successfully graduated from the most humane field of university study – medicine. It was not an easy study, it required years of hard work. But today you stand here proud of what you have accomplished.
Medicine can be compared to the sky, which is dotted with stars. Some of them shine brighter, some less brightly. But they all shine and show the way. The way, how to treat the patients. I wish you to be successful in your mission as a physician.
Medicine is not just a profession, it’s a mission, it’s an art. Its aim is to save as many human lives as possible. For those we cannot ensure, we want to improve the quality of life. For terminally ill patients, the physician is there to alleviate suffering. If you fulfill these goals of medical art, you will be excellent physicians. Please, follow an old Latin proverb in your medical life: morbus docet quam valuable sanitas est. Illness teaches us how valuable health is.
Thanks also to your parents, grandparents, siblings, relatives, friends, and all loved persons. You might not be standing here today without their help. These people have rejoiced with you after each successfully passed exam and helped you whenever something went wrong. Remember your classmates too, because thanks to them, many of you lived the best years of your lives during your university studies. Keep your alma mater and the city of Košice in your heart, because it has become your second home for many year

Our graduates also gave impressive speeches – these are small snippets of the thoughts and words of our former international students:

Till Sebastian Wollweber (Germany): When we first arrived in Kosice, we were filled with dreams of succeeding in med school, but also a sense of uncertainty. The challenges we faced, from weekly tests to oral and written exams in a foreign language, seemed almost impossible to overcome. However, here we are today, standing tall and celebrating the end of our studies… We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to our families, friends, and fellow students who provided us with unlimited support and strength. Together, we conquered the seemingly impossible obstacles that stood in our way.

Nokuthula Sindiso Ndlovu (Zimbabwe): Firstly, I would like to thank you all for being here, to our families and friends who have travelled from both near and far, and those joining our celebration via live-streaming. Everyone seated here today has played a crucial role in the success of everyone standing before you today. And, for that on behalf of the UPJS Medical Faculty Class of 2023, I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude for your unwavering support and all the sacrifices made along the way. As the class of 2023, we have had to overcome many obstacles together. A pandemic, a war emerging a few hundred kilometers away from us. This is all before we consider the rigours of medical school in general…

Uta Frederike Hüning (Germany): Today we celebrate the incredible journey we have shared. We have grown, not only academically, but also personally. We have forged lasting friendships, discovered our passions, and overcome obstacles that seemed impossible at times. To my fellow graduates, we have accomplished something truly remarkable. We have faced numerous challenges, pulled all-nighters, and juggled multiple responsibilities. But through it all, we have succeeded. Now we embark on our individual journeys, let us carry the lessons we have learned, the friendships we have formed, and the memories we have created…

Doron Ben Ari Adiv (Israel): It is with heavy hearts that we must say goodbye today to our lives as students, to our friends, to this beautiful city of Kosice, which gave us a home far away from home. There is a quote, which I think fits well. “A stranger moving to a foreign country always cries twice: when he arrives and when he leaves.”. We will leave Kosice with both a laughing and a crying eye. Laughing, because we finally made it, we finally became doctors. Crying, because we know that this time was uniquely wonderful and now our path will part.

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