Trieda SNP 1, 040 11 Košice | ||
Department of Dermatovenereology provides in the educational area:
– pre gradual teaching dermatovenerology in Slovak and English language to medical students in the programme of General and Dental Medicine, and students in bachelor’s and master’s study fields,
– post gradual teaching to doctors before preparation for attestation from the dermatovenerology and residents before the special examination in General Medicine and Pediatrics.
Department provides comprehensive care (prevention, diagnosis, treatment, dispensarization) of patients with skin and venereal diseases. Center for the Biological Treatment in Dermatology, especially treatment of moderate and severe psoriasis, chronic spontaneous urticaria and other immune-mediated skin diseases is included. Within the entire East Slovakian region, department deals with complicated dermatoses and venereal diseases in the form of consulting activities, immunopathological conditions and autoimmune dermatoses using immunohistological skin examination. Allergodermatoses, drug and food allergies are diagnosed, and occupational skin diseases are examined and assessed.
Consulting for severe, undifferentiated dermatoses in pediatric patients, their diagnosis and treatment is provided. Patients with sexually transmitted diseases and infections of the skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes caused by fibrous fungi and yeasts are also examined and treated. Department also focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of venous and lymphostatic disorders of the limbs, especially leg ulcers.
Diagnosis and surgical treatment of benign skin lesions and tumors, malignant skin tumors and pigmented nevi is performed. Examination using a digital dermatoscope enables the analysis and archiving of images of pigmented nevi. The Regional Melanoma Commission (OMEK), which provides diagnosis and monitoring of patients with malignant melanoma is included. The Center for Photodynamic Treatment of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer deals with modern possibilities of non-surgical treatment of selected types of skin malignancies and precancerous lesions. Thanks to modern equipment, department provides the most modern treatments in the field of phototherapy with UV radiation and visible light in the entire spectrum of skin diseases.