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Building Curriculum Infrastructure in Medical Education

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Názov projektu: Building Curriculum Infrastructure in Medical Education

Skratka projektu: BCIME

Koordinátor projektu: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Lekárska fakulta, doc. Ing. Jaroslav Majerník, PhD. (Slovak Republic)

Projektoví partneri:

  • Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
  • Universitaet Augsburg (Germany)
  • Uniwersytet Jagiellonski (Poland)
  • Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Grigore T. Popa Iasi (Romania)

Trvanie projektu: 2018–2021


Annotation: BCIME deliver methodologies and unified ICT platform for optimisation of curricula at medical faculties in five European countries. Based on local needs and requirements of all involved institutions, one common preclinical study discipline and five different medical disciplines are completely mapped and optimised to prove modernizing effects as well as practical application of BCIME outputs. Because of the opened and modular approach of the platform’s framework, the interdisciplinary study programmes can be easily designed and managed, the duplicities in curricula can be detected and minimized wherever needed and the missing components and teaching units can be identified too. Furthermore, the open structure and the methodology itself allow to use mechanisms not only in medical study disciplines, but also in any other study branches and disciplines offered across higher education in all participating countries. Thus, this project’s concept is interdisciplinary and can be applied without any methodological restriction also at other education institutions in partner regions.


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