{"id":54537,"date":"2025-03-21T08:59:11","date_gmt":"2025-03-21T07:59:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.upjs.sk\/filozoficka-fakulta\/?post_type=cpt_aktuality&p=54537"},"modified":"2025-03-21T09:55:09","modified_gmt":"2025-03-21T08:55:09","slug":"velvyslanecfr-18032025","status":"publish","type":"cpt_aktuality","link":"https:\/\/www.upjs.sk\/filozoficka-fakulta\/en\/actuality\/velvyslanecfr-18032025\/","title":{"rendered":"Lecture by the French Ambassador on “Economic Diplomacy”"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

On Tuesday, 18 March 2025, the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Dr. h. c. Prof. Mgr. Sl\u00e1vka Toma\u0161\u010d\u00edkov\u00e1, PhD. and the Dean of the Faculty of Arts Prof. Mgr. Ren\u00e1ta Panocov\u00e1, PhD. welcomed the Ambassador of the French Republic to Slovakia, H.E. Nicolas Suran, at the Rectorate of Pavol Jozef \u0160af\u00e1rik University in Ko\u0161ice. The Ambassador accepted the university’s invitation on the occasion of his lecture at the Faculty of Arts of UPJ\u0160 on the topic Economic Diplomacy: Challenges and Current Developments in the European Union. Examples of French-Slovak Relations.<\/em><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Students of the English Language for European Institutions and Economy<\/em> program (French Language module) at the Department of British and American Studies at the Faculty of Arts of UPJ\u0160 provided simultaneous interpretation from French into Slovak. Additionally, whispered interpreting (chuchotage) was arranged for Ukrainian students, which was also carried out by translation and interpreting students from the same department.<\/p>\n\n\n