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Conferences and Events of the Department of History

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The Department of History organizes various scientific and popularizing activities. A number of several scientific conferences and workshops are held by the Department annually as a result of its research projects and cooperation with other institutions. Besides them the published pieces of our work are often presented to public. Moreover, organization of the Meeting of Young Historians, at which doctoral students from both Slovakia and neighbouring countries introduce their work in a discussion with other historians, has become an annual tradition in Košice. During semester the students have the opportunity to attend guest lectures of experts from Slovakia and from abroad. The most active students present their papers at the Students Scientific Conference.

Many events, nevertheless, are intended for broad general public interested in history. In the years 2013 – 2016, thus, in cooperation with National Memory Institute, the Department realized numerous Discussion Evenings focused on diversified political and social themes of history of Slovakia in the 20th century. Currently our staff together with our active students organizes additional events for the students and public, such as workshops, expositions and excursions. These events help in disserminating and communicating our research results, as well as in showing historical connotations of the contemporary social issues. For more actualities of our Department see Facebook.

  • 27/02/2025: The collapse of the Ottoman Empire, nation-building and state-building processes in the Balkans, guest lecture by PhDr. Ondřej Žíla, Ph.D. from the Institute of International Studies, Charles University, Prague (poster)
  • 13/02/2025: Higher education once and today, discussion with our prof. PaedDr. Štefan Šutaj, DrSc. and doctoral student Mgr. Monika Tresová, with a subsequent Historical Cup, events of our Department organised in cooperation with the student association Universitas, Košice (poster)
  • 10-14/02/2025: Memento hominis, an exhibition in the campus of UPJŠ, Faculty of Arts on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Košice, Košice (poster)
  • 07/02/2025: Open Doors Day, an event at the UPJŠ for potential students, Košice (more information)
  • 12/12/2024: Ruthenians and Czechoslovakia (1919 – 1939), presentation of the book “Regional Border between Slovakia and Carpathian Rus´ (1919 – 1939)” by its author prof. PhDr. Petr Švorc, CSc., Košice (poster)
  • 05/12/2024: St Nicholaus Punch with Christmas Quiz, event for our students organized by “Universitas” student association, Košice (poster)
  • 02/12/2024: Student Scientific Conference, Košice (programme)
  • 29/11/2024: Galicia and Hungary between the First and Third Partition of Poland (1772 – 1795). Legitimization of annexation, internal establishment and transfer, guest lecture by professor Miloš Řezník from Technische Universität Chemnitz, Košice (poster)
  • 27/11/2024: Presentation of the activities of the Czech-German and Slovak-German Intergovernmental Commission of Historians, Košice (poster)
  • 05/11/2024: Political Prisoners and Convicts (The Period of Harsh Persecutions 1948 – 1968), workshop connected with an excursion to the Museum of the Victims of Communism, event organized in cooperation with the “Universitas” student association, Košice (poster)
  • 15-16/10/2024: Meeting of Young Historians XIV: Thinking and Society in the Course of History, conference, Košice (CfP, programme)
  • 17-19/09/2024: History Week, a series of events organized by the “Universitas” student association in cooperation with our department (programme)
  • 30/06-03/07/2024: Summer School of Jewish-Christian Relations in Košice, 3rd year of the Jewish-Christian Studies Project, Košice (poster)
  • 11-12/06/2024: The Unforgotten. Exploring the Holocaust From the Individual Perspective, conference with international participation, Košice (programme)
  • 29/04/2024: Research on the History of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Modern Conditions + Strategies for Planning Publication Outputs, guest lectures by PhDr. Ondřej Žíla, Ph.D. from the Institute of International Studies, Charles University, Prague
  • 24/04/2024: Historical Cup, meeting of students and teachers organised by the student association “Universitas” (poster)
  • 19/04/2024: Regional Round of the History Olympics, Košice (poster)
  • 17-18/04/2024: Geologicko-paleontologicko-archeologická diskusia 2024, conference on the earliest period of human evolution, Košice (CfP)
  • 17/04/2024: The Concept of Elites and the Czech-Slovak Context, conference within the regular meetings of Czech-Slovak Commission of Historians, organized also with the support of the International Visegrad Fund, Košice (programme)
  • 14/03-12/04/2024: A World in the Cracks. Being a Woman in the Time of the Holocaust, exhibition at the Faculty of Arts UPJŠ, Plató Building, Košice (poster)
  • 21/03/2024: HERSTORY: Women – Educators – Scientists, discussion organized by our department and the student association Universitas, followed by a book swap, Košice (poster)
  • 06/12/2023: Vojnové cintoríny z prvej svetovej vojny na území severovýchodného Slovenska. Základné princípy zriaďovania a výstavby počas vojny a konečnej úpravy v medzivojnovom období, guest lecture by PaedDr. ThLic. Anton Liška, PhD., Košice (poster)
  • 05/12/2023: Arcivojvoda Karol či Napoleon II.? Hľadanie kandidáta na poľský trón počas novembrového povstania 1830 – 1831, guest lecture by Mgr. Oliver Zajac, PhD. from HÚ SAV, Košice (poster)
  • 30/11/2023: Študentská vedecká konferencia (programme)
  • 28/11/2023: Queens, Magic, and Voodoo Gods?, guest lecture by prof. Jeffrey E. Anderson from College of Arts, University of Louisiana Monroe, Košice (poster)
  • 13/11/2023: Deň študentstva, a public information meeting organised by our department and the student association Universitas to commemorate the events of 17 November 1989, Košice (poster)
  • 10/11/2023 – 15/12/2023: Výstava Frontové a lazaretné vojnové cintoríny z prvej svetovej vojny na území severovýchodného Slovenska – pamiatky histórie, Opening on 10 November, 13:30, Košice (poster)
  • 24/10/2023: Stretnutie mladých historikov XIII.: Moc v dejinách ľudskej spoločnosti, Košice (CfP, programme)
  • 12/10/2023: Politische Korruption und Überlebensstrategien der Eliten bei den Regimewechseln in Deutschland und Ostmitteleuropa von dem 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert, a conference in the framework of the joint meeting of the Slovak-German and Czech-German Commission of Historians, Košice (program)
  • 11-13/10/2023: Spoločné zasadnutie Slovensko-nemeckej a Česko-nemeckej komisie historikov, Košice
  • 04/10/2023: European Medieval and Early Modern Towns, online participation in an international workshop, Barcelona (programme)
  • 19-21/09/2023: Historický týždeň, a series of discussions and lectures with the teachers of our Department, organized by the student association Universitas, Košice (poster)
  • 11-15/09/2023: Summer School of Historical Sources for Family Research and Gender History, participation in the International Visegrad Fund project titled Little (Big) Women, Opava, Česká republika (project website)
  • 12-15/06/2023: Excursion with our students, Praha (information)
  • 11/05/2023: Historik, archivár a univerzitný profesor Ferdinand Uličný ´90, conference on the occasion of the jubilee of a foremost Slovak medievalist, Košice (programme)
  • 02/05/2023: Smrt ve středověké imaginaci, guest lecture by doc. Martin Šandera, Ph.D. from Historický ústav FF Univerzity Hradec Králové, Košice (poster)
  • 15/03/2023: Po stopách profesorov a študentov alebo (ne)známe dejiny Univerzity Istropolitany, guest lecture by PhDr. Miriam Hlavačková, PhD. from Historický ústav SAV, Košice (poster)
  • 02-04/03/2023: Workshop Little (Big) Women, articipation in an International Visegrad Fund project, Opava, Česká republika (project website)
  • 23/11/2022: Sapientia aedificavit sibi domum. Trnavská univerzita v dejinách vysokoškolského vzdelávania v Uhorsku (1635 – 1777), guest lecture by PhDr. Henrieta Žažová, PhD. from Ústav dejín Trnavskej univerzity, Košice (poster)
  • 08/11/2022: Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust in Human Memory, a moderated discussion for students and the public, Košice (poster)
  • 18/10/2022: Medieval university as an educational innovation, guest lecture by PhDr. Mgr. Gabriel P. Hunčaga, OP, PhD., Košice (poster)
  • 12-13/10/2022: Meeting of Young Historians XII: Historical Source in the Present – Archives, Innovations, Sharing, 12 October 2022, Košice (CfP, Application Form, Programme)
  • 13/04/2022: How to teach about the Holocaust today, Košice, a methodical day for teachers and students of history (Programme)
  • 11/02/2022: Open Door Day of UPJŠ, this time online (more information)
  • 19-20/10/2021: Meeting of Young Historians XI: Knowledge, Society, History, Košice (CfP, Application Form, Programme)
  • 19/10/2021: Letters to Joseph Tiso and the “Jewish Question”, workshop, Košice (Programme)
  • 27/09 – 01/10/2021: 20th Annual Conference of the Conflict Studies Working Group, Košice (Programme)
  • 27/04/2021: Opening of the online exhibition on the 100th anniversary of the birthday of the deceased prof. PhDr. Ladislav Tajták, Csc. (exhibition)
  • 16/07/2021: University Without Borders, an annual event in the university campus for the 5th and 6th grade primary school students, our Department with the theme “City in the Change of Time and Space” (more information, Programme)
  • 04/2021: Opening of the educational-historical website First Touch with Freedom dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution. E-textbook avalaible (website)
  • 21/04/2021: History in the Digital Age, online workhop organized by Czech-Slovak Commission of Historians, Department of History (UPJŠ) and State Archives in Košice (Programme)
  • 17/12/2020: Tendencies of development of ethnic relations in Slovakia, interview about research results, 12:00 – 14:00, online (poster)
  • 25/11/2020: Student Scientific Conference IX. (Programme)
  • 18-19/11/2020: Meeting of Young Historians X: Borders in Space and Time, international conference of PhD. students, 18 – 19 November 2020, Košice (CfPApplication Form, Programme)
  • 31/07/2020: University without Borders, Košice (more information)
  • 19-21/05/2020: 20th Annual Conference of the Conflict Studies Working Group, Košice (due to current epidemic COVID-19 restrictions postponed to September/October 2021).
  • 22/04/2020: History in Digital Era, 52nd Meeting of the Czech-Slovaks Commission of Historians, Košice (due to current epidemic COVID-19 restrictions postponed to April 2021).
  • 03-04/03/2020: Continuity and Rupture in Central European Art: Adventures with the European Research Council and Myths of Modernism: Vienna before and after 1918, UPJŠ Local Trainig – Open Lectures by prof. Matthew Rampley (ERC Advanced Grant Principal Investigator and Senior Researcher at Masaryk University, Brno), Košice (poster)
  • 07/02/2020: Open Door Day of Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ, Košice, from 9:00 (info)
  • 16/12/2019: Act on Nationalities and Council of the Government of the Slovak Socialist Republic for Nationalities (Ideas and Reality), workshop within the departmental project APVV-15-0475 “Trends in the Development of Ethnic Relations in Slovakia”, Košice (poster
  • 11-12/12/2019: Architects under Party Dictatorship and Architects in the Neo-Liberal Order, urbanHIST project open lectures by Petr Roubal, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Košice (poster)
  • 27/11/2019: Student Scientific Conference VIII (Programme)
  • 26/11/2019: Life after PhD – Postdoc Research and Funding Opportunities, webinare lecture by PhDr. Slávka Otčenášová, MA., PhD. within project urbanHIST, Košice (poster)
  • 21/11/2019: Trends in the Development of the Ethnic Relations in Slovakia Slovensku (Comparative Research of the Ethnic Issues in 2004-2020), workshop with presentation of the project research results, Košice (poster)
  • 19/11/2019: Saint Elizabeth of Hungary: The Power of Good Deeds, interactive exhibition for public, Veritas Cultural Center, Košice, 18:30 (poster)
  • 14/11-20/12/2019: The First Touch With Freedom, public exhibition on the anniversary of November´89, Public Library of Johannes Bocatius, Hlavná 48 (poster, Virtual Tour)
  • 13/11/2019: Debt to November, public discussion on the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, Košice, Thália Theater, 18:50 – 20:30 (more information)
  • 29-30/10/2019: Building democracy by history teaching, international colloquium and workshop, Košice (Programme)
  • 16-17/10/2019: Meeting of Young Historians IX: How to write history?, international conference for PhD. students, Košice (CfPApplication Form, Programme)
  • 16/10/2019: How to write history of fanzines?, public lecture of Mgr. Miroslav Michela, PhD. from Institute of Czech History, Charles University (Prague), 17:00 Košice (poster)
  • 19-20/09/2019: Border changes and population movement in Europe after 2WW, scientific conference, Košice (CfP, PosterProgramme)
  • 14/09/2019: City in the Wind of Change, our Department on International Festival of Art Trans / Missions, public discussion about profits and disappointments 30 years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, 15:00, East Slovak Gallery, Košice (Posterdetails)
  • 13/09/2019: Dr. Frankenstein Clinic, public exhibition and guided tour of Plato University Building as a former maternity hospital and gynecological clinic… was once Frankenstein in Košice? (Poster)
  • 3-6/06/2019: Historical excursion for students (details)
  • 21/05/2019: Fighting for Slovakia in 1919 and the French Military Mission, lectures and vernissage, Košice (Programme)
  • 13/05/2019: Public presentation of the latest scientific publications of our Department on the history of Košice, two monographs of prof. Štefan Šutaj and dr. Alžbeta Bojková, as well as one collective volume of editors dr. Peter Fedorčák and Patrícia Fogelová, Košice, 16:00 (Poster)
  • 1-4/04/2019: Network-Wide Workshop Week V, organized within the international project urbanHIST, Košice (Programme)
  • 01/04/2019: ERC Grants for Frontier Research, presentation by PhDr. Slávka Otčenášová, MA., PhD., Košice, online registration required (posterinstructions)
  • 21/03/2019: The Regional Round of the “Historic Olympic Games”, Košice UPJŠ, 09:00 – 13:00
  • 07/03/2019: Out of memory, public debate on issues of the anniversary of emergence of the Slovak state (14 March 1939), Košice – Halmi Place (poster)
  • 21/02/2019: The Ball of Historians, Precise Kantine, an annual ball for our students and graduates, for more information see Facebook
  • 13/02/2019: Husák: Tops and Falls 1945 – 1951, public presentation of a new book (biography), Košice (poster)
  • 08/02/2019: Open Door Day of Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ, presentation of our Department at 9:00 and 10:00 (more information)
  • 07/02/2019:Testimonies from Sereď, screening of films about Holocaust, Rectorate UPJŠ (poster)
  • Media Outputs Evaluation of Faculty of Arts UPJŠ for the year 2018 and the share of our Department (link)
  • Tuka versus Republic. Court Trial from 1929, public presentation of the new monograph of our colleague Mgr. Peter Fedorčák, PhD., 19 December 2018, Košice (poster)
  • Seals of rulers and magnates from  Archives of the City of Košice, guest lecture of Mgr. Ádám Novák for students, 12 December 2018, Košice (poster)
  • Napoleon´s campaigne in 1805 and The care for monumentals and cultural heritage as part of Napoleon Bonaparte´s cultural policy in France, guest lectures of PhDr. Marián Hochel, Ph.D. for students, 4 – 5 December 2018, Košice (poster)
  • Current Challenges of Teaching History, seminar for teachers, 4 – 5 December 2018, Košice (PosterProgramme)
  • A Path to Mutual Understanding (80 Years of Vienna Arbitration), public discussion, 22 November 2018, Košice (poster)
  • Les Chemins de Compostelle. Un renouvellement millénaire, guest lecture of Dr. Adeline Rucquoi(director of Centre de Recherches Historiques, Paris) for students, 21 November 2018, 09:00, building Plato, Košice
  • Student Scientific Conference, 20 November 2018 (Programme)
  • Central European Context of National Development at the Beginning of the 21st Century, conference, 15 November 2018, Košice (CfP, Programme)
  • Ethnic Minorities Policy in central Europe after the Cold War – Historical Context and Present,  guest lecture of JUDr. Ján Gábor(Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic), 14 November 2018, 13:30 – 15:00, FF UPJŠ, Platón building, room AP1P1 (poster)
  • Freedom Festival in Košice, movies, exposition and discussion, 12 November 2018, Tabačka Kulturfabrik (poster)
  • European Holocaust Research Infrastructure, public lecture, 7 November 2018, 16:15 – 17:45
  • Open Door Day: You Make the History!, interactive exhibition for public in the campus of Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ in Košice, 5 October 2018, 9:00 – 16:00 (Open Door DayInteractive Exhibition)
  • Network-wide Workshop Week and Young Urban(h)ist Conference (The 8th Meeting of Young Historians in Košice) within the international project urbanHIST, 1 – 5 October 2018, Košice (CfP, Application Form, Programme)
  • European Research Nights 2018, public presentations in Atrium Optima, 28 September 2018, 09:00 – 19:00, Košice (website)
  • Inauguration of doc. PaedDr. Martin Pekár, PhD. for professor by the president of the Slovak republic, Andrej Kiska, 19 September 2018, Bratislava
  • Innovative Teaching of Ancient History at Universities, workshop and international colloquium for university teachers, 10 – 11 September 2018, Košice (PosterProgramme)
  • Occupation, “Normalization”, and Present Slovakia, public discussion, 20 August 2018, 19:00, Košice (Poster)
  • University Without Borders, activities for students from elementary schools, 13 July 2018, Košice (Information)
  • urbanHIST ESRs colloquium III: Discussion of the current state of the research within IRPs, 2 July 2018, Košice (Poster)
  • Discussion Evening of the Nation´s Memory Institute: Restoration of the Greek-Catholic Church in 1968, moderated by a member of our department, doc. ThDr. Peter Borza, PhD., 11 June 2018, Prešov (Poster)
  • Excursion Tour for students around selected historical sights of Slovakia, 5 – 8 June 2018 (Preliminary Programme)
  • The Experience of State Socialism Reimagined, international workshop, 31 May – 1 June 2018 (Report)
  • The Story of Juraj Szánto. Interview About Rescuers and a Victim, presentation of the new monograph of the head of our department Doc. PaedDr. Martin Pekár, PhD., 23 May 2018, 16:00, Pribinova 1, Košice (Poster)
  • Ethnicity in the Context of “Big Breaks”: Ethnic Politics, Relations and Their Transformations in Slovakia after 1918, 1938, 1948, a lecture cycle and workshop for students of history and political sciences, 4 May 2018, Košice (Poster)
  • Private Motorism in Slovakia in the Years 1918 – 1938, public presentation of the new monograph written by our colleague Mgr. Mikuláš Jančura, PhD., 25 April 2018, 16:30, Košice (Poster)
  • The Czech and Hungarian States in the Middle Ages – Rivals and Partners,guest lecture of doc. PhDr. Martin Šandera, Ph.D., 19 April 2018, Košice (Invitation)
  • Democratization Processes and Crisis of Democracy: Slovakia 1918 – 2018, public discussion, 28 March 2018, 17:00 – 19:30, Tabačka Kulturfabrik (Poster)
  • The Regional Round of the “Historic Olympic Games”, Košice, 22 March 2018, 09:00 – 12:00 (Poster)
  • Guest lecture by Mgr. Denisa Nečasová, Ph.D.: Comunism and Women´s Emancipation, Czechoslovakia in 1948 – 1968, 21 March 2018, Košice
  • The Other Half of Europe II, urbanHIST project colloquium, Košice, 14 March 2018 (Poster)
  • Guest lecture by prof. UG dr hab Mariusz Czepczyński, Košice, 14 March (Poster)
  • Guest lectures by doc. PhDr. Lukáš Novotný, Ph.D., 13 March 2018, 09:50 – 11:20, Košice (Poster)
  • The Age of Enlightenment in Slovakia, discussion with historian PhDr. Michal Bada, PhD. and presentation of his new book “Slovak History II. (1526 – 1780)”, Košice, 7 March 2018, 10:45 – 12:15 (Poster)
  • February 1948, the first of a series of discussions organized by our Department on the memorable “eighth” years of the 20th century, this time in cooperation with the Institute od Nation´s Memory. Guests: Štefan Šutaj from our Department and Ondrej Podolec from INM, Košice, Tabačka – Kulturfabrik, 1 March 2018, 17:30 – 19:00 (Poster
  • Guest lectures by Mgr. Ádám Novak, 21 February 2018, 10:45 – 12:15, Košice (Poster)
  • Exposition “Slovakia and United Nations Organisation”, Košice, Building Plato in the campus of Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ, opening by author PhDr. Slavomír Michálek, DrSc (head of Institute of History, Slovak Academy of Sciences), 20 February 2018, 14:00 – 16:00 (Poster)
  • Erasmus+, informative meeting about posssibilities of the exchange study abroad, 19 February 2018, Košice (Poster)
  • L´architecture engagée: How the Engaged Architecture Changed the European City, webinar within the project “urbanHIST”, prof. Dr. Ing. arch. Henrieta Moravčíková, 8 February 2018, Košice (Poster)
  • Eastern Europe after the First World War, international conference held at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Berlin (Germany), Hildenbrandstrasse 25, 31 January – 2 February 2018 (CfP, Conference Programme)
  • Samospráva mesta Košice v stredoveku [The Self-Governance of the Town of Košice in the Middle Ages], presentation of the new book written by our colleague Mgr. Drahoslav Magdoško, PhD., 13 December 2017, Košice (Invitation)
  • The Other Half of Europe I, “urbanHIST” project´s colloquium, 11 December 2017, Košice (Poster)
  • The 4th Ball of Historians, for the Department´s staff and students, 7 December 2017, Košice (Poster)
  • GIS as a Tool, a Technology and Science, open lecture of urbanHIST project by RNDr. Ján Kaňuk, PhD., Košice, 4 December 2018, 13:30 – 15:00
  • Morphological Changes in Post-Socialistic Cities: Using 3D Models, Case of Košice. Lecture by our researcher Mgr. Adam Górka at Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science, UPJŠ, Košice, 29 November, 10:30 – 11:30
  • Etnicita a médiá [Ethnicity and the Media], workshop, 20 November 2017, Košice (Programme)
  • Obraz nepriateľa v propagande počas II. svetovej vojny na Slovensku [The Image of Enemy in Slovak Propaganda during the WWII], public exposition – guest lecture – presentation of the book by prof. PhDr. Eduard Nižňanský, CSc., 8 November 2017 (public exposition until 8 December), 13:30 – 15:00, Košice (Poster)
  • Stretnutie mladých historikov VII.: Prehodnotené dejiny. Historická pamäť – jej miesto a význam pre spoločnosť [Meeting of Young Historians VII: Revised History. Historical Memory – Its Place and Importance to Society], conference of doctoral students, 25 October 2017, Košice (CfP, Application Form, Programme)
  • Memory in Urban Space: Possibilities and Limits of Comparative Research, workshop with our colleagues from Norway, 24 October 2017, Košice (Programme)
  • Deň otvorených dverí [University Open Day], public exposition, 6 October 2017, Košice (Invitation)
  • Juhoslavizmus versus čechoslovakizmus: konfliktné dejiny ideológií [Juhoslavism versus Czechoslovakism: The Conflict History of Ideologies], international conference, 4 October 2017, Košice (CfP, Programme)
  • Noc výskumníkov [The Night of Science], public exposition and presentation, 29 September 2017, Košice, OC Optima, 9:00 – 21:00
  • Osobnosti z dejín školstva a vedy v Košiciach [Individualities of Education and Science in the History of Košice], conference, 20 September 2017, Košice (CfP, Programme)
  • Zmatení jazyků: Historik v lingvistickém pekle [Confusion of Languages: Historian in Linguistic Hell], guest lecture for students by prof. Mgr. Jaroslav Miller, M.A., Ph.D.
  • Kto bude ďalší? [Who will be the next?], interactive public exposition, 31 May 2017, 10:00 – 18:00, Košice – Zvonárska Street (Invitation
  • A Scientific Den: Stories From an Old Garret, interactive lesson for children by our colleague PhDr. Alžbeta Bojková, PhD., 27 May 2017, 14:00 – 16:00, Košice (more information)
  • Starostlivosť o priemyselné dedičstvo v Českej republike v premenách času [The Care of Industrial Heritage in the Czech Republic in Changing Times], guest lecture for students by Mgr. Květa Jordánová, PhD., 4 May 2017, 11:40, Košice (Invitation)
  • Etnické vzťahy a vizualita na Slovensku [Ethnic Relations and Visuality in Slovakia], workshop for students, 3 May 2017, Košice (Programme)
  • Political Elites in Slovakia during the “normalization period” 1969 – 1989, guest lecture for students by PhDr. Richarda Pavloviča, PhD. 15 December 2016, 12:35, Košice (Invitation)
  • The 3rd Ball of Historians, 9 December 2016, Košice (Poster, Invitation)
  • The Papal Diplomacy in the Context of the Cold War, guest lecture for students by prof. Emília Hrabovec, 8 December 2016, 10:00 – 11:30, room: AP2P4
  • Presentation of the book “Slovensko a svätá stolica v kontexte vatikánskej východnej politiky (1962 – 1989)” by prof. Emília Hrabovec (“Slovakia and the Holy See in the Context of Vatican´s Eastern Policy 1962 – 1989”), 7 December 2016, 16:00 – 17:30, Košice,  Pribinova 1, Košice (Invitation)
  • Student Scientific Conference, 5 December 2016, Košice (Programme)
  • Cena víťazstva (The Price of the Victory), international conference, Košice, 24 November 2016 (Programme)
  • Knowledge is the Light, commemoration of events of 17 November 1989 (fall of communism), organized by students of our department, 16 November 2016, Košice (Poster, Poster)
  • Actual Research Issue of National Policy and Ethnic Relations in the 20th and 21th Centuries, conference, 14 – 15 November 2016, Košice (Programme)
  • Opening of the new campus of our department and presentation of the volume “Ľudia a dejiny” (The People and History) issued in honour of prof. PhDr. Ladislav Tajták, CSc., 3 November 2016, 16:00, Moyzesova 9, Košice
  • Facts, Interpretation, Memory, workshop for students, co-organisators: Nation´s Memory Institute and KAS Bratislava, 18 October 2016, 9:00 – 15:00, Košice
  • Stretnutie mladých historikov VI. (Meeting of Young Historians): Migrations in European History. Crisis or the Dawn of Civilization?, 12 October 2016, Košice (CfP, Programme)
  • The Profile of Graduates of History IV: Phd. studies in Slovakia and their actual problems, meeting of heads of departments of history in Slovakia, Section for university education and didactics of SHS, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 11 October 2016, Košice
  • Discussion Evenings of Nation´s Memory Institute and Department of History: projection of the documentary film “Voľne žijúca mládež”, discusants: Peter Kalmus and Mgr. Peter Jašek (Nation´s Memory Institute), 22 June 2016, Košice
  • Discussion Evenings of Nation´s Memory Institute and Department of History: Arbitráž (The Arbitrage), 18 May 2016, Košice (Invitation)
  • Who will be the next?, interactive exposition, 5 May 2016, Košice (Invitation, Photogallery)
  • Historical Workshop: Traces of Memory in Košice, discussion for teachers of history and university students of teaching, 16 April 2016, Košice (Invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of Nation´s Memory Institute and Department of History: The Candle Demonstration or Good Friday of Bratislava, 23 March 2016, Košice (Invitation)
  • A Misused History – Small Notes to Big Problem, lecture of doc. PaedDr. Martin Pekár, PhD., 22 March 2016, Košice (Invitation)
  • Actual Poblems of the Education System, Public Election, Perception of History, lecture of prof. PaedDr. Štefan Šutaj, DrSc, 15 March 2016, Košice (Invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of Nation´s Memory Institute and Department of History: Naprávanie narušenej pamäti. Muzealizácia kultúrneho dedičstva Nemcov v Českej republike (Correcting of the Disrupted Memory. Musealisation of the Cultural Heritage of Germans in Czech Republic), 24 February 2016, Košice (Invitation)
  • Czechoslovak currency in Central European Context 1918 – 1939 + Czechoslovak anticommunist exile after 1948, guest lectures by prof. PhDr. Zdeněk Jirásek, CSc, Košice (Invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of Nation´s Memory Institute and Department of History: Jozef a jeho bratia (Josef and His Brothers), 20 January 2016, Košice (Invitation)
  • Presentation of the new monography of prof. PaedDr. Štefan Šutaj, DrSc. “Parížska konferencia 1946 a mierová zmluva s Maďarskom (The Paris Conference 1946 and Pieace Treaty with Hungary)”, 16 December 2015, Košice (Invitation)
  • Boj o klasické jazyky na středních školách v druhé polovině 19. století (The Struggle for Classic Languages at the Secondary Schools in the 2nd Half of the 19th Century), a hosting lecture of PhDr. Karla Vymětalová, 8 December 2015, Košice (Invitation)
  • Advent a Mikulášske tradície na Valašsku (Advent and St. Nicolaus Traditions in Czech Wallachia), a hosting lecture of Mgr. Miroslav Maňas, 1 December 2015, Košice (Invitation)
  • Student Scientic Conference, 23 November 2015, Košice (Programme)
  • Presentation of proceedings  “Poznávanie dejín Slovenska (Recognizing the History of Slovakia)” published in honour of prof. PhDr. Ferdinand Uličný, DrSc, 11 November 2015, Košice (Invitation)
  • Stretnutie mladých historikov V. (Meeting of Young Historians): Military Conflicts in the History of Europe, conference, 7 October 2015, Košice (Programme)
  • Konferenz “Die Stadt und Krieg (1914-1989): Multiethnische Städte in den Kriegen des 20. Jahrhunderts” (as a part of annual meeting of the Czech-German and Slovak-German Commissions of historians, 25 September 2015 (Programme)
  • Národnosť v sčítaniach ľudu 1880 – 1930 + Vzostup a pád inteligencie na príklade Ostravy 1848 – 1948 (Nationality in Census 1880 – 1930 + The Rise and Fall of Intelligence: Example of Ostrava in 1848 – 1948), hosting lectures of Doc. PhDr. Andrea Pokludová, Ph.D., 24 September 2015, Košice (Invitation)
  • Ľudia a dejiny – historická biografia a jej miesto v historiografii (People and History – Historical Biography and its Role in the Historiography), conference, 11 September, Rectorate of UPJŠ, Košice (InvitationProgramme)
  • Univerzita bez hraníc (A University without Borders), presentation of the UPJŠ for students of elementary schools, 10 July 2015 (Programme)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Department of History and the Nation´s Memory Institute: 22. júna 1944 – Slováci a Maďari v nemeckom ťažení proti ZSSR (On the 22 June 1944 – Slovaks and Hungarians in the German Campaigne against the USSR, 24 June 2015 (Invitation)
  • Spolky v Košiciach v 19. storočí – úloha spolkov v živote mesta (Associations in Košice in the 19th Century – The Role of Associations in the Life of the City), lecture of Mgr. Nikoleta Dzurikaninová (PhD student of our Department), 16 June 2015 (Invitation)
  • Udržateľný rozvoj miest a nový územný plán pre Košice / Sustainable urban development and a new city plan of Košice, international conference with partnership of Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ, Košice, 29 May 2015 (Programme)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ and the Nation´s Memory Institute: 1945  Between War and Peace, 27 May 2015 (Invitation)
  • Modernizačné procesy v multietnických štátoch z hľadiska mentality, sociálnych a kultúrnych dejín / Modernizációs folyamatok a multietnikus nemzetállamokban, Mentális-, társadalom- és művelődéstörténeti megközelétések címmel (Modernization Processes in Multi-Ethnic States in Terms of Mentality, Social and Cultural History), 19 – 20 May 2015, international conference, Košice (SVK Call for PapersHUN Call for Papers, Programme)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ and the Nation´s Memory Institute: Michal Lefčík – zabudnutý prípad “košického Palacha” (Michal Lefčík – A Forgotten Case of “Palach from Košice”), 29 April 2015 (Invitation)
  • The Bosnian Issue in the 19th and 20th Centuries + T. G. Masaryk and the South Slavs, new findings from research, hosting lectures of Doc. PhDr. Ladislav Hladký, Ph.D., 23 April 2015 (Invitation)
  • International Student Conference of the V4 and Romania: 25 Years since the Fall of Communism, 26 – 27 March 2015 Bucharest, Romania (Call for Papers). More information accessible on the website of the project (here)
  • Building of National Identity in the Land of Rough Hillmen: Albanians in the 19th Century, hosting lecture of Mgr. Přemysl Vinš, 26 March 2015 (invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ and the Nation´s Memory Institute: Retribúcia na slovenský spôsob (Retribution in a Slovak manner), 18 March 2015 (Invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ and the Nation´s Memory Institute: Čo nájdeme v archívoch? (What we find in the archives?), 24 February 2015 (16:30, Verejná knižnica Jána Bocatia, Hlavná 48, Košice)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ and the Nation´s Memory Institute: Zimomriavky (The Chills) – premier of a documentary movie with discussion, 27 January 2015 (Invitation)
  • Theorizing Post-Socialist Change in East-Central Europe, hosting lecture of Dr. habil. Eszter Bartha, PhD., 17 December 2014, Petzvalova 4, 10:00, classroom AT0P8
  • Discussion Evenings of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ and the Nation´s Memory Institute: Pilgrimage from Oppression, 25 November 2014 (Invitation)
  • Das nördliche Karpatenbecken in der Hallstattzeit, 10 – 12 December 2014, Conference, Košice (Call for Papers)
  • Student Scientific Conference, 10 December 2014 (Programme)
  • The First Ball of Historians, social event for students and employees of Department, 5 December 2014 (Invitation)
  • Medieval charters as objects of Diplomatics and Historical Sources, hosting lecture of Prof. PhDr. Ferdinand Uličný, DrSc., 4 December 2014 (Invitation)
  • Festival of Freedom, 27 November 2014, Events for the public organized by Nation´s Memory Institute in cooperation with our Department for the case of Košice (webside)
  • Industry-manufactural associations of Czech and Slovaks laborers and peasants in USSR, hosting lecture of doc. Dušan Janák, PhD., 26 November 2014, Petzvalova 4, 8:00, classroom AT0S11
  • Czechoslovakia and the Soviet-Yugoslavian Split 1948 – Montenegro and Eastern Question – Petar II. Petrović-Njegoš and his place in history of Montenegro, hosting lectures of PhDr. Ondřej Vojtechovský, PhD., 25 – 26 November 2014 (Invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ and the Nation´s Memory Institute: Difficult Fifties…, 25 November 2014 (Invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ and the Nation´s Memory Institute: Historics and Witnesses. Importance of Oral History in Historical Research, 21 October 2014 (Invitation)
  • Meeting of Young Historians IV. Central European City as a Political, Economical and Cultural Center, 15 – 16 October 2014, Košice, doctoral student´s conference (Invitation, Application Form, Programme)
  • Women in intelectual professions in the first half of the 20th century – Women in Parliament and Senate in Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 – Introduction to Gender Studies, hosting lectures of Doc. PhDr. Dana Musilová, CSc., 14 – 15 October 2014 (Programme)
  • Open Door Day of UPJŠ, 10 December 2014 (Invitation)
  • Night of Researchers, event of UPJŠ for public, 26 September 2014 (Invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ and the Nation´s Memory Institute: Uprising and Occupation, 23 September 2014 (Invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ and the Nation´s Memory Institute: The Tradition of Authonomy of Carpathian Ruthenia, 24 June 2014 (Invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ and the Nation´s Memory Institute: Costly paid Freedom. Passing of the Front through the Territory of Slovakia 1944-1945, 22 May 2014 (Invitation)
  • Witnesses of Oppression, presentation of the activities of NMI and its department of Oral History, 15 May 2014 (Invitation)
  • Presentation of the recently published book “Remembering the city. A guide through the past of Košice”, 12 May 2014, Szlovák Intézet Budapest – Slovak Institute in Budapest (book cover)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ and the Nation´s Memory Institute: Our Presidents. G. Husák and V. Havel in the Memory of Rudolf Schuster, postponed to May 2014 (Invitation)
  • Urban Societies and Economical Networks in Central Europe in the Early Modern, hosting lecture of PhDr. Attila Tózsa-Rigó, 29 April 2014 (Invitation)
  • Napoleon Bonaparte, world of arts and artists – Formation of the modern museology, collecting and preservation of the cultural heritage in France during the French revolution and the First empire, hosting lectures of PhDr. Marian Hochel, Ph.D., 8 and 10 April 2014 (Invitation)
  • America Reacts to the Holocaust, hosting lecture of Dr. Sziszkoszné Halász Dorottya, 3 April 2014 (Invitation)
  • Hungarian regionalism in Šariš, hosting lecture of Veronika Gayer, 28 March 2014 (Invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ and the Nation´s Memory Institute: 14 March 1939 and its place in the history of Slovakia, 20 February 2014 (Invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ and the Nation´s Memory Institute: Sport and politics, 20 February 2014 (Invitation)
  • Open Door Day at Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ, 7 February 2014 (Invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Nation´s Memory Institute: Writers in Politics, 23 January 2014, (Invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Nation´s Memory Institute. Carpathian Germans in the 20th Century, 10 December 2013 (Invitation)
  • Had the peace a chance in Jugoslavia? Christianity and Islam in the Balkans at the time of the Ottoman Empire, hosting lecture of Doc. PhDr. Václav Štěpánek, Ph.D., 28 November 2013 (Invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Nation´s Memory Institute. 17 November 1989 – Gains and Failures, 26 November 2013 (Invitation)
  • Slovaks and Czechs – Lessons from History, hosting lecture of JUDr. Ján Čarnogurský, 26 November 2013 (Invitation)
  • Mystra on the Peloponnesse – The Last Fortress of the Byzantines, hosting lecture of Mgr. Martin Konečný, PhD., 25 November 2013 (Invitation)
  • Screening of Movies on the Period of Communist Oppresion, 18 November 2013, Košice (Programme)
  • Student Scientific Conference, 18 November 2013 (Programme)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Nation´s Memory Institute. Slovak Catholic Bishops in the Grip of Two Totalities, 31 October 2013 (Invitation)
  • 39th Council of the Czech-Slovak Commision of Historians, 21 – 23 October 2013, Košice. The program includes a research seminar addressed for public as well named Center and Periphery in Czechoslovakia (Region and its Delimitation), 21 – 22 October 2013, Košice (Programme
  • From Prison to the Pinnacle of Power: Gustáv Husák 1960-1971, hosting lecture of PhDr. Zdeněk Doskočil, Ph.D., 21 October 2013 (Invitation)
  • Conventus of Young Historians III. Man, Society, Era, 16 – 17 October 2013, Košice, the 3th year of the conference for PhD. students and young historians (Call for Papers, Programme)
  • Hungarian Iredentism and Czechoslovakia in 1918-1938, hosting lecture of Mgr. Miroslav Michela, PhD., 15 October 2013 (Invitation)
  • The Transformation of Memory after 1945: European Perspectives on the City, Migration and Remembrance, 14 October 2013, Košice, international workshop (Call for Papers, Programme)
  • Remembering the City – A Guide Through the Past of Košice, 14 October 2013, Košice, presentation of the guide book (Invitation)
  • Historical Milestones of the Košice´s Development, 10 – 11 October 2013, Košice, conference (Invitation, Programme 1, Programme 2)
  • Everyday Life in Slovakia in the Period of the Building of Socialism, hosting lecture of Mgr. Matej Medvecký, PhD., 7 October 2013 (Invitation)
  • Discussion Evenings of the Nation´s Memory Institute. Munich Agreement and its Shadows, 30 September 2013, Košice (Invitation)
  • Recognition of the History of Slovakia. Sources, Methods and Findings, 25 – 26 September 2013, Prešov, conference to the anniversary of prof. PhDr. Ferdinand Uličný, DrSc. (Programme)
  • Relations between Czech and Hungarian Kingdom in the Middle Ages, 24 September 2013, Košice, lecture of doc. PhDr. Martin Šandera, Ph.D. from University of Hradec Králové (Czech Republic),  (Programme)
  • Ethnic Politics in Czechoslovakia in the 60´s of the 20th Century, 10 – 11 September 2013, Košice, conventus of the Czech-Slovak Commission of Historians (Programme)
  • Transformation of Central European Cities in Historical Development II – Košice, Opava, Miskolc, Kraków (19th – 20th Centuries), 20 – 21 June 2013, Kraków, international conference (website of the project)
  • Military Cemeteries of the World War I, 20 – 22 March 2013, Košice, international conference
  • Meeting of Young Historians II. Intersections of the V4 Coutries´ Common History, 29. – 30. October 2012, Košice, 2th. year of the PhD. students´conference 
  • The Alternative Guide to the History of Košice 2013, 26. October 2012, Košice, presentation of the international project
  • Košice – The Institutional Basis of Culture, Education and Science, 24. October 2012, Košice, conference to the 140th Anniversary of the East Slovakian Museum
  • Transformation of Central European Cities in Historical Development I (Middle Ages and Early Modern Period), 28. – 29. June 2012, Košice, international conference
  • Slovakia in the Years of Oppression II. Personalities known and unknown, 22. – 23. May 2012, conference of the young historians, Banská Bystrica
  • Battle of Rozhanovce in the Context of Slovak and Hungarian Kingdom´s History, 22. – 23. March 2012, Košice, conference to the 700th Anniversary of the well-known battle
  • Researches on Urban History, 26. January 2012, international conference of the historians from UPJŠ a Univerzity of Miskolc
  • Finding of the Common Language about the Common Past. Dialogue of the Young Genaration of Slovak and Hungarian Historians, 25. November 2011, Bratislava, conference (information)
  • Architectural and Historical Development of Košice in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, 11. October 2011, Košice, 2nd scientific conferences on history of Košice
  • Meeting of Young Historians I. Society, Culture and Everydayness in the history of Slovakia, 27. – 28. September 2011, Košice, conference of PhD. students and young historians
  • History and Culture – Model of Multicultural and Cross-Border Cooperation in the Region of Eastern Hungary and Eastern Slovakia, 14. April 2011, Košice, conference and workshop
  • In the Footsteps of Freedom – Comunism and the 50´s of the 20th Century in Slovakia, 30. November 2010, Košice, seminar held by cooperation with Nation´s Memory Institute
  • Košice and History – History of Košice, 16. – 17. September 2010, Košice, conference on the state of research and its prospects

Study at UPJŠ