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Language, Information, and Communication Laboratory
Department of Slavic Studies, Slavic Philology, and Communication
Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
I. Purpose of the laboratory
1.0. Language, Information, and Communication Laboratory is integrated within the Department of Slavic Studies, Slavic Philology, and Communication, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
1.1. Emergence of the laboratory as an experimental research, communication, and phonetic unit was necessitated by the fact that the experimental research of one of the basic levels of language – the sound level – is the starting point for any further linguistic research. The Laboratory was established in the year 1969 and has built on over 40-year long tradition of experimental phonetics at the UPJŠ Faculty of Arts in Prešov (1970-2011).
2.0. Language, Information, and Communication Laboratory shall serve both the scientific research that is carried out on a high international professional level and the teaching of Phonetics and Phonology – the disciplines that open up the linguistic knowledge.
II. Current research projects addressed
Project No.: APVV-15-0492
Project name: Speech Audiometry in the Romani Language
Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Július Zimmermann, CSc.
Duration of the project: 07/2016-12/2019
Project No: APVV-15-0307
Project name: Anticipation Phonetic Strategies for Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpreting
Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Rudolph Sock, PhD.
Duration of the project: 07/2016-06/2020
Project No: VEGA 1/0273/16
Project name: A Comparative Research of the Distinctive Features of Phonemes in Slovak, English and German
Principal investigator: Doc. Mgr. Renáta Gregová, PhD.
Duration of the project: 01/2016-12/2018
III. Responsibilities of the research unit
1.0. Research in the Language, Information, and Communication Laboratory is based on the following original theoretical concepts: the Synthetic Phonological Theory by Ján Sabol, the application of wavelet transformation by the methods developed by Július Zimmermann, the use of the general language and semiotic defining of binary oppositions in the language structure based on the relationship between symmetry and asymmetry on the one hand and form and content on the other of language semiotic units, and the methodological impulses of an interdisciplinary research domain (Linguistics, Semiotics, Information Theory, Theory of Communication, Signal Processing, Discrete Mathematical Methods, Speech Therapy, some of the related fields of medical sciences, and others.).
2.0. The Language, Information, and Communication Laboratory shall be used for scientific research into the sound structure of the Slovak language in its entire breadth, but also of that into other languages, especially those that are offered at the Faculty or are being examined in the context of research projects (French, English, German, Latin, comparative research of Slovak and Romani, Ruthenian, and Hungarian). The outcomes of the experimental phonetic research shall serve also the related disciplines: Literary Studies (especially the study of verse), Psychology and Speech Therapy (particularly the area of speech disorders and perception of acoustic signals). Thus, there is a possibility for preparing team specialized theses Linguistics, Literary Scholarship, Psychology, Speech Therapy, and others.), whose respective levels shall be increased by the application of modern mathematical methods and the Information Theory.
3.0. Breakdown of the job description in the Laboratory:
3.0.1. Comparative research into the sound structure of Slovak and other languages in the domain of segments and supra-segments and also on the differentiated levels of the relationship between the individual and the general in phonic units.
3.0.2. Basic statistical-phonological research into literary Slovak.
3.0.3. Research into the basic prosodic unit – the syllable – and its properties. The issues of the functioning of supra-segmental phenomena as regards their phonological distinctive, phonological delimitative, phonological-distributive, and phonological-differentiating functions. The issues of qualitative modulation of the articulation stream (colour of the voice, timbre) and its operation in differentiated fields of the communication practice.
3.0.4. Versatile research into the phonic structure of Slovak and into selected foreign languages, such as English, German, and French at differentiated levels of abstraction and its projection into both orthophonic and orthoepic practices.
3.0.5. Morphonological research into literary Slovak.
3.0.6. Experimental phonetic research into Eastern Slovak dialects.
3.0.7. Verse intonation and its impact on readers.
3.0.8. Research into predictability of rhythm. Slovak rhythmic models, their possibilities and limits.
3.0.9. Structural research into literary Slovak and other languages using the methods of Mathematical Logic and Algebraic Linguistics.
3.0.10. Phonetic-phonological research into baby talk.
3.0.11. Issues of disturbed communication via audio speech alongside with the definition of investigation fields of Pathophonetics. Cooperation among Phonetics, Pathophonetics, and Otolaryngology. Issues and assembly of speech audiometric tests in English and Romani.
3.0.12. Issues of phonic interferences.
3.0.13. Issues of anticipation phonetic strategies for simultaneous and consecutive interpreting.
IV. Concluding stipulations
1.0. The Language, Information, and Communication Laboratory shall cooperate mainly with the following institutions:
a) Institute of Phonetics, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague;
b) Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava;
c) Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava;
d) Lilpa – Linguistique, langes, parole, Université de Strasbourg;
e) Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Inselspital, University of Bern, Switzerland
f) Jagelonian University in Krakow;
g) Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technical University in Košice;
h) International Commission for Phonetics and Phonology of Slavic languages at the International Committee of Slavists.
2.0. Outcomes of research are published in scientific and professional monographs, in papers published in professional linguistic journals and in volumes of papers.
3.0. The Laboratory shall track the projects of high research level, respond to calls for project proposals, and offer new research topics and directions.