Scientific research of the members of the Department of British and American Studies FF UPJŠ has already crossed the borders of UPJŠ, Košice, Slovakia and Europe some time ago. This time it is even more appreciated because the results of research published in the prestigious publishing house of the Cambridge University Press in the book with the title ‘Creativity in Word Formation and Word Interpretation’, written by the collective of authors – prof. PhDr. Pavel Stekauer, DrSc., prof. PaedDr. Lívia Kortvélyessy, PhD. and Mgr. Pavol Kačmár, PhD. (Department of Psychology FF UPJŠ) and published in 2022, have been appreciated by the Linguistic Society of America and the book has been nominated in 2023 for the Leonard Bloomfield Book Award.
Wide interest in the very unique Onomasiological Theory in Word-Formation that has been developed at many levels of contemporary English and general linguistics by prof. PhDr. Pavel Stekauer, DrSc. and his Team of Excellence is lasting and this theory caught attention of linguists in Korea. Internationally recognized publisher John Benjamins Publishing Company has published the original book written by Professor Stekauer in 1998 under the title ‘An Onomasiological Theory of English Word-Formation’ in the Korean language in 2023. This theory is now available to all linguists in Korea who cannot access it in English.
Our CONGRATULATIONS go to all three authors whose research results have been globally recognized.
Dr. h. c. Prof. Dr. Slávka Tomaščíková
Head of the BAS Department FF UPJŠ