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Games in English Lessons at the BAS FF UPJŠ

  A webinar by Eva Mozešová, a representative of the Oxford University Press Slovakia, will take place on 27th April 2021 from 12:00-13:00 via MS Teams (see the link below).  Link:  Mgr. Július Rozenfeld, PhD. Asssitant lecturer at BAS FF UPJŠ  
26. April 2021

30th Olympics in French – Regionals

  After having been cancelled in the school year 2019/2020, we were happy to hear that the 30th Regional round of the Olympics in the French Language was rescheduled to the 29th of March 2021, thanks to the possibilities of the distance learning and communication platform. Despite the difficult conditions of the organization under the … Continued
30. March 2021

urbanHIST – Dissertation Thesis Defense within Double-Degree Scheme

urbanHIST consortium is very proud to announce the result of the dissertation thesis defense within urbanHIST project – on 16 December 2020, the doctoral candidate Ms. Azmah Arzmi successfully defended her dissertation thesis “Reinterpreting Marzahn, Berlin & Petržalka, Bratislava: From Process Of State Socialist Utopia To Utopia Of State Capitalist Process”. Within the project, this … Continued
18. December 2020

CIUTI membership admission procedure completed

In October 2020, the Faculty of Arts of UPJŠ completed the last stage of the procedure for becoming a full member of the Conférence internationale permanente d’instituts universitaires de traducteurs et interprètes (CIUTI). This international association is an organisation associating universities and higher-education institutes offering prestigious translation and interpreting study programmes from all over the … Continued
11. November 2020

New volume Derivational Networks Across Languages

       In early June 2020, one of the most prestigious publishing houses – Mouton de Gruyter – published the volume Derivational Networks Across Languages which is a result of the long-term cooperation among the linguists from the Department of British and American Studies of the Faculty of Arts of UPJŠ in Košice and … Continued
7. July 2020

Human Resources Strategy for Researchers at UPJŠ (HRS4R)

  The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers supports research institutions in implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers in their policies and procedures. Once the implementation process of the Charter and Code of Conduct principles is successfully completed, the European Commission grants “HR Excellence in Research … Continued
29. June 2020

News: The Interaction of Borrowing and Word Formation

       The Interaction of Borrowing and Word Formation is an edited volume published by the prestigious publishing house Edinburgh University Press and comes as a result of international cooperation of top team of the Faculty of Arts of UPJŠ in Košice Onomasiology – word-formation – typology (OST).      Doc. Mgr. Renáta Panocová, … Continued
25. June 2020

The research team at the Faculty of Arts UPJŠ in Košice has joined the COVID-19 Multi-Country Student Well-being Study

A consortium of universities from 25 countries including the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, represented by the Department of Educational Psychology and Psychology of Health at the Faculty of Arts, is currently carrying out data collection among university students as part the COVID-19 Multi-Country Student Well-being Study. The coordinating institution of this study … Continued
28. May 2020

Study at UPJŠ