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Visiting Professor Jeffrey E. Anderson from the USA

  Vice-Dean for International Relations of the Faculty of Arts of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, doc. Mgr. Renáta Panocová, PhD., received on Tuesday,  8 February 2022, Professor Jeffrey E. Anderson from the Department of History at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, USA. Professor Anderson has been awarded a Fulbright Visiting Scholar grant … Continued
16. February 2022

Unique publication from the BAS Department FF UPJŠ

The monograph with the title Creativity in Word Formation and Word Interpretation by two authors from the BAS Department FF UPJŠ – Professor Dr. Lívia Körtvélyessy and Professor Dr. Pavel Štekauer, DrSc. – and one author from the Department of Psychology FF UPJŠ – Dr. Pavol Kačmár – has been recently published by the prestigious … Continued

Study at UPJŠ