An important milestone has been achieved on our journey towards integrating education and market needs. Three of our graduates – Lenka Kotuličová, M.A., Katalin Zagijeva, M.A., and Štefan Poľák, M.A. have successfully defended their Master theses which were developed under co-supervision with IBM Slovakia, our long-term partner within the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia and its BSCF. The tree graduates of the Department of British and American Studies FF UPJŠ researched cultural and social policies in the corporate world, looked into the question of how ideologies can be measured at business entities, and investigated the question of corporate social responsibility. The successful defenses have proven that humanities and arts do have a potential in the business sphere.
Dr. Peter Rusiňák, Deputy Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia, who was invited as a guest during the defense process, also sees the initiative as a field of cooperation with potential and has expressed his support for this new approach. We are sure that by closer interconnecting businesses and humanities and arts, we will be able to contribute to the economic development of our broader region.
We would like to express our gratitude to the consultants in the IBM Slovakia for their invaluable insights, time and help, and also to Dr. Peter Rusiňák and Dr. Viktória Moros of the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia, who facilitated and supported this new effort.
Dr. Július Rozenfeld
Deputy-Head of BAS FF UPJŠ