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Students of the BAS Department FF UPJŠ participated in the event of the European Parliament in Košice

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Students of the translation study programme English Language for European Institutions and Economy at the BAS FF UPJŠ participated on 5 May 2022 in the discussion with Mr Stephen Clark, Director for the European Parliament Liaison Offices at European Parliament, and Ms Zuzana Hozlárová, Civic delegate at the Conference on the Future of Europe. The event took place in the Martinus bookshop downtown Košice and according to the words of Mr Clark, the discussions were at a very high professional level and showed preparedness of our undergraduate students in issues tackling the contemporary European topics.
The participating students asked the guests about the European political project and expressed their interest in closer cooperation and deeper participation in the communication about EU issues. We used their initiative and took the opportunity and invited the representatives of European institutions to our BAS Department to continue cooperation and deepen our professional relationships. Our students also greatly appreciated the possibility to learn about potential internships and participation in projects for enhancing the general knowledge about the EU issues in Košice, the 2013 Cultural Capital of the European Union.
We look forward to our further cooperation and hope that we will be able to welcome representatives of the European Union to our department soon.

Mgr. Július Rozenfeld, PhD.
Deputy Head of BAS FF UPJŠ

Study at UPJŠ