On 5 December 2019 the Department of British and American Studies FF UPJŠ in Košice in cooperation with the European House, a civil organization in Budapest, organized a seminar for its students of English Language for the European Institutions and Economy under the title EU 4 My Region. This seminar was the last event in a series of activities involving three other partner universities from Timisoara, Osijek, and Olomouc and was aimed at improving knowledge about European citizenship and civil engagement of youngsters interested in the EU studies. During the seminar, a series of current topics was elaborated and discussed under the supervision of the representative of the European House concerning employment, regional development, environmental protection and better utilization of EU Cohesion Funds.
Our students were active participants in discussions, and we hope that this event is the first step in a long and prosperous cooperation with the European House and its partner universities.
Mgr. Július Rozenfeld, PhD.
Deputy-Head of BAS FF UPJŠ