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Experts – interpreters of BAS FF UPJŠ delivered lectures at the Masaryk University in Brno

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On the 1st of October 2020, two experts of the Department of British and American Studies FF UPJŠPhDr. Mária Paľová, PhD. and Mgr. Roman Gajdoš – were invited to give two online lectures to the students of translation and interpretation programme of the Masaryk University in Brno. Not only students of translation and interpretation but also their teachers were among the attendees in the MS Teams setting.
The lecture by PhDr. Mária Paľová, PhD. and Mgr. Roman Gajdoš under the title “Prosody and anticipation of the probability of development of an utterance” introduced the results of a several years lasting research within APVV project. Students and teachers could monitor the extent to which the further development of a foreign language utterance can be predicted when certain anticipatory nuclei are recorded. This approach is very helpful for practicing interpretation. Mgr. Roman Gajdoš also gave a lecture about his working as an interpreter in the EU institutions, which has stirred the interest of the students.

Mgr. Karin Miklossiová
PhD student of the BAS FF UPJŠ

Study at UPJŠ