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The journal Public Administration and Society is a peer-reviewed scientific journal of the Faculty of Public Administration UPJŠ in Košice, which publishes original scientific works, contributions to discussions and reviews content-oriented on the theory and practice of public administration. The mission of the journal is to publish significant results of scientific research in the field of public policy and public administration, social sciences, public disciplines and economics and public administration management.

Only the original contributions are accepted which have not been so far published or accepted for publishing by other journals, respectively by any other publications. The author is responsible for the technical accuracy, grammatical correctness and compliance with the instructions of the text.

Based on the review, made by two reviewers, and considering the scientific contribution, quality and significance of an article, the Editorial Board will decide about acceptance/non-acceptance of the article.

A4 paper size, MS Word editing in .doc format
Margins top, bottom, left and right margin 2.5 cm
Font Arial 11b.
Line spacing 1,5
The scope of the paper is scientific contributions 10 – 20 pages
contributions to the discussion 8 – 13 pages
2 reviews – pages

Citations and bibliographical references according to the ISO 690:2012 standard, use of the date and date method.
Footnotes can be used for a more detailed specification of the term used. Do not include formulas, mathematical expressions and references to used literature in a note!



  • the title of the paper in Slovak is given first, then the title of the paper in English
  • font size Arial 15 pt., bold

Name and Surname of the Author

  • the name and surname of each author who participated in the preparation of the paper shall be given
  • the scientific and pedagogical ranks of the authors are not mentioned
  • font size Arial 14 pt., bold


  • concise and clear information about the content of the paper
  • in English
  • range max. 10 lines
  • Arial font size 11 b.


  • they are given in English
  • max. 5 keywords
  • with a lowercase letter

The Main Part of the Paper

Tables, graphs and figures

  • clear marking in the manner specified in the contribution template
  • various graphic displays, images, diagrams, maps, etc. can be used, but they must be supplied in the original file (eg * .xls, * .jpg)


  • the author is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data on the used literature
  • list of used literature according to ISO 690:2012
  • alphabetical order
  • the list of used literature is not numbered

Contact address

  • the name and surname of the first author are given, including titles (academic and pedagogical rank), ID ORCID, name of the workplace, correspondence address, e-mail contact


  • Slovak, Czech, English (British)
  • in the case of publication in English, it is necessary to follow the rules of British English

The articles shall be written in accordance with the Style Sheet. Any failure to comply with the instructions provided in the Style Sheet may result in rejecting the article.

Papers must be processed in accordance with the ethical conditions of publication and in accordance with published guidelines for authors. Along with the contribution, the authors will also deliver a signed Declaration of Authorship and Transfer of Copyright to the email address:

The editors will confirm the delivery to the authors and will inform the authors about its conclusions after the review procedure.


ISSN: 2453-9236 (online)
ISSN: 1335-7182 (printed edition)
Periodicity: twice a year
Price: free of charge

University of P. J. Safarik in Kosice,
Faculty of Public Administration

Popradská 66, 040 11 Košice, SR
IČO: 00397768
© 2021, All rights reserved

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