The Editorial Board of the scientific journal Public Administration and Society is committed to ensuring ethics in the publication and quality of articles. Authors, reviewers, and members of the editorial board must act in accordance with standards of ethical conduct.
Publishing ethics of authors
- The manuscript of a scientific article sent to the editors of the journal Public Administration and Society must be an original work of the author (s), may not be in a review procedure in another domestic or foreign journal, or published in other professional periodicals.
- The author (s) are responsible for the originality of the manuscript of the article, for the chosen research methodology and for the interpretation of published conclusions.
- The author (s) are responsible for the correct and accurate citation of the literature and sources used in the manuscript of the scientific article. Plagiarism and the use of unreliable sources are considered a serious violation of publishing ethics.
- The authors guarantee that their contribution is without prejudice to the rights of others, in particular human rights and intellectual property rights.
- If the manuscript of an article has more than one author, the authors shall agree on the order in which their names appear.
- At the end of the manuscript of the scientific article, the author is obliged to publish all public sources from which his research or publication of the results contained in the manuscript of the scientific article was financed, as well as other forms of support.
- Authors are obliged to actively cooperate with the editors of the journal during the review process, to remove or correct errors, which will be reported to them by reviewers and members of the editorial board, and to immediately notify the editors of any serious errors and inaccuracies in articles even if they subsequently find out.
- If the author of the scientific article does not agree with the comments and recommendations of the reviewers, he has the right to inform the editorial board through the scientific editor of the journal. In such cases, the Editorial Board shall follow special rules. The final opinion of the editorial board is binding for the authors of the manuscripts of the articles.
- The editors are obliged to respect the decision of the authors who decide to withdraw the manuscripts of scientific articles, as they did not agree with the opinion of the reviewers or the editorial board.
Publication ethics of reviewers
- Reviewers of manuscripts of scientific articles are recommended by members of the editorial board.
- When appointing reviewers, the scientific editor shall take into account that none of the reviewers is from the same workplace as the author of the submitted manuscript of the article.
- Reviewers shall immediately notify the editors whether or not they can prepare peer-reviewed opinions on the submitted manuscripts of scientific articles within the deadlines set by the editors. In the event of a conflict of interest, the reviewer is obliged to immediately notify the editor of this fact, and he is obliged to replace him with another person.
- The reviewer will prepare a review report in the form of a predefined form, which will be provided to him electronically and send it to the editors by the set deadline.
- Reviewers are required to maintain the confidentiality of the review process. Any manuscripts accepted for the review procedure are considered confidential. All information obtained through the review process is also confidential.
- Reviewers evaluate the content and formal aspects of the submitted manuscripts of scientific articles. They are obliged to point out possible professional mistakes of the authors, as well as other shortcomings of the manuscripts of scientific articles. Reviewers will also notify the editors if they find that similar scientific articles have already been published in other journals or proceedings, resp. that the authors did not use relevant sources in the manuscripts of the scientific articles to support their claims.
- Review reports must be objective and confidential. The editors provide them anonymously (without the names of the reviewers) exclusively to the authors of the manuscripts of the scientific articles and to the members of the editorial board as a basis for deciding whether the manuscript of the scientific article can be published in the journal.
Reporting and investigating unethical behavior
- Anyone can draw the attention of the magazine’s editorial board to unethical behavior. When reporting such conduct, the notifier must provide the Editorial Board with sufficient information and evidence necessary to investigate the suspicion. The Editorial Board will treat any such report responsibly.
- If the editorial board obtains sufficient evidence of unethical conduct, it will ask the author for the necessary explanation.
- If there is a serious violation of ethical standards, the editors will immediately return to the author a paper that violated the ethics of publication.
Review procedure
The Executive Editor will first examine each submission in advance. Papers that do not meet the required formalities and are clearly unrelated to the scientific focus of the journal, or that violate the ethics of publication, are immediately rejected by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board informs the author of the rejection. Papers that meet the formal and content criteria then go through a review process.
The editorial board after checking for originality submits a paper for anonymous assessment to at least two reviewers. The review procedure is mutually anonymous t. j. the anonymity of both the author and the reviewers is guaranteed (Blind peer review). If reviewers have reservations about the content and form of the text, the author must correct it. The editors do not charge any fees for accepting the paper and the review procedure.
Copyright, access and archiving
The scientific journal Public Administration and Society is an open access journal. All issues of the magazine are available free of charge online in the archive on the magazine’s website. In the event that the publication of the journal is terminated by the publisher, the publisher undertakes to keep a complete archive of individual issues on its official website.
Copyright and copyright transfer statement
If the author’s contribution has been accepted for publication in the review procedure, the author is obliged to confirm the Declaration of Authorship and the Transfer of Copyright by signing it before publishing it. In the statement, the author transfers all copyrights relating to the published article to the publisher, thus enabling the editors of the journal to reproduce, store in a search engine or distribute the published article in any form and by any means (electronic, mechanical, copying, recording, scanning, etc.) without further written consent of the author.