Bachelor level study programme:
General Information:
The standard length of the full-time form of study: 6 semesters (3 years)
Study Plan
Important Deadlines:
Application Deadline: 30th April 2024
Date of Publication of the Results: 15th June 2024
Opportunities for Graduates in Practice:
The graduates are prepared to work as professionals in all branches of public administration and the public sector in the Slovak Republic, in the institutions of the European Union, as well as in international organizations. In the course of their studies, they will acquire theoretical knowledge in the field of public administration and related disciplines – political science, sociology, law and economics, with an emphasis on the functioning of the European Union. The graduate’s knowledge include the interconnectivity of and familiarity with the political science and sociology principles of public administration in a democratic state, especially in the Slovak Republic and the European Union, the constitutional and legal foundations of public administration with focus on state administration and local self-government, as well as economic principles and contexts, including organizational and management issues and their practical application in the actual practice of public administration. The graduates of this study program will obtain the fundamental knowledge for the performance of working activities in public administration where the intellectual work prevails. Consequently, they will be able to undertake activities, solve problems and adopt decisions in fundamental issues at all levels of public administration. They will acquire the skills:
- To implement theoretical knowledge in improving and making public administration more efficient
- To use the policies and principles of communication skills both within the organisation and in the public administration – citizen relationship
- To plan and organize the processes and activities in public administration,
- To apply the norms of primary and secondary law of the European Union related to the problems of public administration into the practice,
- To issue simple individual legal acts and to prepare documents for the adoption of normative legal acts in the field of public administration.
- → Duly and fully completed application form, which is to be submitted online via the online application form at https://e-prihlaska.upjs.sk
→ Required attachments to the application form (see details in Conditions of Admission – Full Wording)
Curriculum vitae
Copy of valid ID or passport
Proof of payment of the admission fee
Officially certified:
- End-of-year certificates from secondary school for the two years preceding the final year of study and if the applicant is still a secondary school student – a half-year certificate for the final year of study at secondary school, or a certificate of academic achievement issued by the secondary school
- Photocopies of evidence of having passed a state examination in English language or other examination demonstrating a level of the English language proficiency of at least B2
- Photocopies of evidence of having passed a state examination in a foreign language (other than English language) demonstrating a level of the foreign language proficiency (other than English language) of at least B2
- Photocopies of diplomas (certificates) of participation in competitions and olympiads at regional, national or international level (if the applicant has participated in competitions and/or olympiads)
Applicants from abroad and Slovak citizens who have completed their secondary education abroad (except for documents obtained in the Czech Republic) must submit to the study office of the faculty the original decision or a certified copy of the document on the equivalence of secondary education (nostrification of the school leaving certificate) no later than on the day of enrolment (Act No.422/2015 Coll. on the Recognition of Education Documents and on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended). Nostrification of documents is carried out at the applicant’s request by the Košice District Office, Department of Education, Zádielska 1, 041 26 Košice, tel. +421 55 724 5442
International students provide their own email address on the application form, not the email address of an authorised representative.
If the application form is not properly completed or does not contain any of the required attachments, the faculty will invite the applicant to remedy the deficiencies within a specified time limit. If the applicant fails to remedy the deficiencies within the specified period, the application shall be deemed invalid.
- → Complete secondary education or a complete secondary vocational education
→ Successful completion of the state examination in English language or of other examination demonstrating a level of the English language proficiency of at least B2
→ Results from secondary school (see details in Conditions of Admission – Full Wording)
Admission Fee:
Submission of e-application: 30 €
The admission fee is to be paid by bank transfer to the account of Štátna pokladnica not later than on April 30th, 2024
Account No. (IBAN): SK5881800000007000086002
SWIFT code (for payments made from the Slovak Republic and the EU countries): SPSRSKBA
SWIFT code (for payments from countries outside the EU): SUBASKBX
Variable Symbol: 4971
Constant Symbol: 0308
Specific Symbol: Birth registration number (eg. 1234567890)Message for beneficiary – first name and surname of the applicant.
The fee for the material support of the admission procedure is not refundable to the applicant.
Study Fee:
5,000 EUR per academic year
Scheduled Number of Applicants to be Admitted in 2024/2025:
Full-time form of study: 30 students
Support for students with special needs |
Study Guide |
Student Parliament of the Faculty of Public Administration |
Student Hostel and Canteen |
Exchange possibilities |
Cooperation with Institutions |
Contacts |