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Department of Public Policy and Theory of Public Administration

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The Department is involved in the education and training of professionals in the study programmes Public Administration, European Public Administration and Information Systems in Public Administration. The structure and content of the courses offered by the Department provide graduates with the ability to orient themselves in the field of public policy nad public administration. The main focus of the department’s activities is on educational and scientific research activities related to public administration theory, public policy theory, political science, social policy, international politics and economics, ethics, philosophy and the history of public administration.

Head of the Department:
Office No.: 316, 3rd floor
tel.: +421 55 234 5152
Administrative Assistant of Departments:
Office No. 420, 4th floor
tel.: +421 55 234 5102

NameOffice No.Telephone No. (VOIP)Consultations
(Summer Semester 2024/2025)
doc. Ing. Silvia Ručinská, PhD., university professor318, 3rd floor+421 55 234 5152Mon 10:00 – 11:30
(online via MS Teams)
doc. PhDr. Richard Geffert, Ph.D.309, 3rd floor+421 55 234 5147Tue 10:15 – 11:40
doc. Ing. PhDr. Stanislav Konečný, PhD.,MPA312, 3rd floor+421 55 234 5148Fri 13:15 – 14:20
Fri 15:55 – 16:10
doc. PhDr. Drahomíra Ondrová, CSc.314, 3rd floor+421 55 234 5149Wed 14:00 – 15:30 
Mgr. Jozef Andrejčák, PhD.315, 3rd floor+421 55 234 5145Wed 8:30 – 11:00
Mgr. Veronika Džatková, PhD.313, 3rd floor+421 55 234 5151Wed 13:30 – 15:00
PhDr. Miroslav Fečko, PhD.320, 3rd floor+421 55 234 5154Wed 10:00 – 11:30
Ing. Kristína Guzyová, PhD.313, 3rd floor+421 55 234 5151Wed 11:45 – 13:15
Mgr. Katarína Miňová, PhD. 424, 4th floor+421 55 234 5161Tue 15:15 – 16:45
PhDr. Ondrej Mitaľ, PhD.311, 3rd floor+421 55 234 5133Wed 08:00 – 09:30
Internal PhD students:
Ing. Michaela Lukačínová307, 3rd floor+421 55 234 5113Wed 11:00 – 12:30
Mgr. Lenka Jakubócová307, 3rd floor+421 55 234 5113Thu 10:15 – 11:45
Mgr. Michaela Krajčírová308, 3rd floor+421 55 234 5151Thu 10:45 – 12:15
Ing. Michaela Mláka Kakašová

Study at UPJŠ