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By sending the manuscript to the publisher, the Author grants the publisher the license to use the work (the “License”) in any manner known at the moment of submission to the editorial office (in particular Section 19 (4) of Act No. 185/2015, as amended, the Copyright Act), without subject-matter or geographic limitation of the license during the period of existence of the author’s copyrights (Section 32 of the Copyright Act).

The Author grants the publisher the license as free and non-exclusive. The publisher has the right to grant the use of the manuscript to a third party within the scope of the granted license (the “Sublicense”).

All journal content can be used by authors/users under the Creative Commons license: Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

ISSN: 2453-9236 (online)
ISSN: 1335-7182 (printed edition)
Periodicity: twice a year
Price: free of charge

University of P. J. Safarik in Kosice,
Faculty of Public Administration

Popradská 66, 040 11 Košice, SR
IČO: 00397768
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