Multiplier event 6 – International dissemination conference (04.10.2024)
Transnational project meeting – Final meeting (02.10.2024 – 04.10.2024)
Transnational project meeting – Pre-final meeting (08.04.2024 – 09.04.2024)
Multiplier event 5 – National educational workshop in Slovakia (20.03.2024)
Multiplier event 4 – National educational workshop in Austria (16. 03. 2024)
Multiplier event 3 – International workshop for partner cities and municipalities (10.05.2023)
Multiplier event 2 – National workshop for partner cities and municipalities in Italy (08.10.2022)
Multiplier event 1 – National workshop for partner cities and municipalities in Romania (28.11.2022)
Transnational project meeting – Kick off meeting (07.02.2022 – 08.02.2022)
DiGreen Virtual Project Meeting (17.12.2021)
DiGreen Virtual Project Meeting (26.11.2021)
Multiplier event 6 – International dissemination conference (04.10.2024)
The multiplier event 6 was organised as the final dissemination conference at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. The aim was to present and disseminate the project and the project results. The event was organised to allow valuable exchange between the project partners, representatives of municipalities and cities, and higher education students.
The event was organised in hybrid format, allowing a wide international interaction between project consortium partners and representatives of municipalities and cities, and students. The target group of the event were representatives of municipalities and cities (elected representatives and employees at different levels of management) and higher education students (full time and part time students at the Bachelor and PhD. study level). Overall 47 HE students and 10 communal practice representatives attended the event (54 in-person and 3 online).
The event fulfilled its goals by not only disseminating project activities across an international audience, but also by allowing encouraging discussions focusing on implementing digital and green projects, activities and approaches at the communal level. The event fulfilled its goals also in terms of improving higher education contents, approaches and curricula, especially targeted at study programmes of public policy, public administration and public management.
Transnational project meeting – Final meeting (02.10.2024 – 04.10.2024)
The Final Transnational project meeting was organised as an in-person meeting at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. The plan was to organize the TPM prior to the Multiplier event 6, to be held in Linz at the 4th of October 2024, starting at 13:00.
The aim of the TPM was to discuss all project activities at the final stage of project duration. Project management and implementation topics, with a strong focus on the preparation of the Final project report were discussed. Furthermore, the preparation of the Multiplier event 6 (International dissemination conference) was part of the TPM, focusing on the program, division of roles and tasks during the multiplier event.
The project partners attended also experts meetings as a networking and project sustainability activities, especially at the Office of the State Government of Upper Austria and Innovationshauptplatz Linz.
Transnational project meeting – Pre-final meeting (08.04.2024 – 09.04.2024)
The pre-final Transnational project meeting was organised as an in-person meeting at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The project coordinator hosted the event and welcomed the project team in Košice, Slovakia.
The aim of the TPM was to reflect on the results of the Multiplier event 4 and Multiplier event 5, that have been organised as national events collecting feedback for the Project Result 3 and Project Result 4. Furthermore, work progress within the Project Result 3 and Project Result 4 were discussed. The TPM focused also on discussing current project management and implementation questions, and planning final project activities.
Multiplier event 5 – National educational workshop in Slovakia – 20.03.2024
The Multiplier event 5 was organised at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice as a national educational workshop in Slovakia.
The aim was to present the project, the project activities and provide an update of the project’s status. The event was organised to get valuable feedback from the students, mainly focusing on the educational concept and curriculum, to incorporate the feedback in the final period of Project Result 3 and Project Result 4.
The focus of the event was not only to present the current stage of Project Result 3 and Project Result 4, but mainly to discuss the educational concept and the proposed curriculum with the students resulting into a feedback that can be materialized in the final period or the project results. The discussion and exchange with the students were focused on what to teach and how to teach, in order to cover digital and green topics especially relevant for the communal level.
Part of the program was on online questionnaire, that the students participated in using their smart phones. The questions were formulated in a way that allowed to identify which digital and green topics the students already had as part of their study, which digital and green topics they think should be integrated in their study, which teaching methods they perceive as most effective to be used in lectures and seminars. The results of the questionnaire were evaluated during the event and discussed with the students.
The event fulfilled its aim, not only by promoting the DiGreen project and digital and green topics relevant for the communal level, but also by collecting feedback directly from students regarding the content and methods of educational process. Collected feedback was shared with project consortium partners and incorporated in the final versions of the educational concept (Project Result 3) and curriculum (Project Result 4).
Multiplier event 4 – National educational workshop in Austria – 16.03.2024
The Multiplier event 4 was organised by the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria on the 16th of March 2024 at the University Campus in Linz (Austria). The DiGreen Multiplier event 4 was a one-day event aimed at presenting the project and gather valuable feedback from students about Project Result 3 and Project Result 4. There was a focus on a selection of topics like Urban IoT, Resilience in the Public Sector, Food Waste Management, Circular Economy. Climate Neutrality and Security & Safety.
The event was intended to gather feedback from students regarding the theoretical knowledge base including the elaborated good practice examples, who should assess the usability, accuracy, style and contents of the texts provided. Therefore, 22 public management students – most of them are already working in the public sector – were invited to take part in this Multiplier Event. This way, feedback on the theoretical knowledge base could be gathered from an important target group. After a short welcome, the project consortium as well as the partner municipalities and cities were introduced by the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. There also was a focus on informing the students about the Erasmus+ project and its various programs and opportunities. The project goals as well as methodologies were outlined, covering both the existing Handbooks of DIGITAL and GREEN good practice (Project Result 1 and Project Result 2) and the Project Results 3 and 4, which are still in work. The above mentioned topics were discussed in depth.
The students confirmed that the topics raised their interest. They believe that the texts provided can be helpful for teachers and students. At the same time, they pointed out some shortcomings that need to be considered before the materials can be made available to the public. For example, many texts were found to lack depth and some students pointed out that the English language is sometimes too difficult to understand. In summary, the fourth multiplier event has been a success, providing valuable feedback from students. The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria has shared this feedback with the project consortium.
Multiplier event 3 – International workshop for partner cities and municipalities – 10.05.2023
The Multiplier event 3 was organised at the Eurac Research (Italy).The aim was to present the project, the project activities and the final handbooks produced as part of the Project Result 1 and Project Result 2. The event was organised to allow valuable international exchange between the project partners and partner municipalities and cities.
The event was organised in hybrid format, allowing the interaction between project consortium partners and representatives of municipalities and cities from all four project countries. At least two representatives from each project consortium partners were present in-person. Representatives of Italian and Austrian municipalities and cities were present in-person. Representatives of Slovakian and Romanian municipalities and cities were present online.
The target group of the event were representatives of partner municipalities and cities (elected representatives and employees at different levels of management of the partner cities and municipalities and also of the municipalities and cities outside the project consortium activities).
The event was focused not only on presenting the Handbooks produced as part of the Project result 1 and Projects result 2, but also to allow an international exchange of digital and good practice examples between the municipalities and cities. Fundamental added value was to create an opportunity for the DiGreen network to interact, exchange viewpoints and experiences in proposing, developing and implementing digital and green projects at the communal level.
The international workshop reached the expectations that were manifested in mutual interest of the communal practitioners in digital and green good practice examples from other countries. In order to potentially be able to implement similar solutions, the participants asked specific questions to those whose good examples were presented.
Multiplier event 1 – National workshop for partner cities and municipalities in Romania – 28.11.2022
On the 28th of November 2022, The Institute of World Economy organised Multiplier event 1 – National workshop for partner cities and municipalities in Romania. The event took place at the Institute of World Economy and was organised in a hybrid format.
The program covered the welcome words, introduction of the project consortium, introduction of the partner municipalities and cities, introduction of project activities, an in-depth introduction of the DiGreen Handbooks, a discussion about the handbook focus, discussion about the examples of good practice already processed, a summary of the feedback, summary of the following project activities and possibilities of the involvement of the participants.
The Multiplier event 1 was attended by the representatives of the Municipality of Bacău, Municipality of Berbești, Municipality of Giurgiu, Municipality of Gura Humorului, Municipality of Mărăcineni, Municipality of Bucharest.
The participants were highly interested in the presented good examples, underlining what they might consider implementing some of them. They expressed their interest in finding out more details on-site by visiting their partner municipalities and exchanging experiences on the good practices. The participants were happy to exchange ideas on adapting the newly found good practices in new projects.
The excellent feedback from the participants led to the idea that the project fulfils its mission to create tools to improve the digital and green approach at the level of municipalities.
Multiplier event 2 – National workshop for partner cities and municipalities in Italy – 8. 10. 2022
Multiplier event 2 was organised by the Eurac Research on the 8th of October 2022 in Bolzano (Italy). The Multiplier event 2 was a one-day event aimed at presenting the project and gather valuable feedback from municipalities and cities particularly regarding the Handbooks of DIGITAL and GREEN good practice (Project Result 1 and Project Result 2).
The event was intended to gather feedback regarding the elaborated good practice examples from the analysed municipalities themselves, but also from municipalities and cities outside the project consortium activities.
Therefore, representatives of the municipalities of Naturno and Lana – they each contributed a good practice example for both Handbooks – where invited to meet at Eurac Research in Bolzano. This way, feedback on the good practice examples could be gathered from practitioners already familiar with the project’s goals and methods. Furthermore, representatives from the Municipality of Airolo (Switzerland) where included, to gather feedback from practitioners outside the project consortium activities.
After a short welcome, the project consortium as well as the partner municipalities and cities were introduced by Eurac Research. The project goals as well as methodologies were outlined, focusing on the Handbooks of DIGITAL and GREEN good practice (Project Result 1 and Project Result 2). The good practice examples provided by Naturno (Digital line management of the Municipality of Naturno and Naturno’s 6 steps to more energy diversification) and Lana (Tracking the municipality’s energy consumption with the “Energy Report Online” and “KlimaGemeinde” Lana: A European Energy Award municipality) were discussed in depth.
Lana and Naturno confirmed that the good practice examples had been well summarized and presented clearly and concisely by Eurac Research. The representatives of the Municipality of Airolo gave valuable feedback as well, confirming that the project and especially the planned Handbooks with good practice examples the likes of Naturno and Lana will be helpful to practitioners.
In summary, the second multiplier event have been a success, providing valuable feedback from practitioners and generally confirming the validity of the upcoming Project Results 1 and 2. Eurac Research has shared this feedback with the project consortium and the good practice examples of Naturno and Lana will serve as guidelines for the selection and preparation of the remaining examples.

Transnational project meeting – Kick off meeting – 07.02.2022 – 08.02.2022
The first Transnational project meeting was organised as an online meeting using the MS Teams platform. Each project partner attended with at least two representatives.
The aim of the Kick off was to launch the activities of the Project Result 1 and Project Result 2 in a coordinated and targeted manner. Mutual discussion and exchange of viewpoints was a necessary stimulus to set up the work within the consortium, but also in relation to the cooperating municipalities and cities and their active involvement in the process of co-creation of the project outputs. The TPM also focused on project administration and setting up communication and regular sending of supporting documents from the partners to the coordinator.

DiGreen Virtual Project Meeting – 17.12.2021
As a continuation of the first DiGreen Virtual Project Meeting, The Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice hosted on the 17th of December 2021 the second DiGreen Virtual Project Meeting. Regular contact and discussions within the entire project team are seen by the project consortium as a key element of not only successful project management and implementation, but also as a necessary approach to get deep into discussions and coordinating activities regarding different aspects of project results production.

DiGreen Virtual Project Meeting – 26.11.2021
The Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, as the coordinator of the project Digital government for green municipalities and cities hosted on the 26th of November 2021 the first online DiGreen Virtual Project Meeting. Silvia Ručinská and Miroslav Fečko from the coordinating institution welcomed all the participants and moderated the discussion. Representatives from each of the project member institutions attended the virtual event. The members of the project consortium discussed number of managerial, administrative and organisational topics, which are crucial to be dealt with in the beginning of the three yearlong project.