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European Public Administration – Bachelor’s Study Programme (full-time)

The graduates are ready to work as experts in all component parts of public administration and public sector in the Slovak Republic, in the institutions of the European Union, as well as in the international organizations. During their study, they obtain theoretical knowledge from the public administration sphere and related scientific fields – political sciences, sociology, law and economics with emphasis on the functioning of the European Union.  The knowledge overview of a graduate includes the mutual interconnection of and familiarity with principles of political sciences and sociology in the functioning of public administration in a democratic country, particularly in the Slovak Republic and the European Union, the constitutional foundations of public administration with focus on government and local self-government, as well as economic principles and connections, including organizational issues and management and their practical application in practice in the real practice of public administration.  A graduate of this study program will obtain the fundamental knowledge for the performance of working activities in public administration where the intellectual work prevails.  Subsequently, the graduate will be able to undertake activities, solve problems and adopt decisions in fundamental issues at all levels of public administration. The graduate will obtain the skill:

  • To implement the theoretical knowledge in order to improve and make the functioning of public administration more efficient.
  • To utilize the principles of communication skills within the organization, also in a public administration worker – citizen relation.
  • To schedule and organize the processes and activities in public administration.
  • To apply the standards of primary and secondary law of the European Union related to the problems of public administration into the practice.
  • To issue simple individual legal acts and prepare data for adoption of normative legal acts from the sphere of public administration.

Full Wording of the Terms and Conditions of Admission Procedure for Academic Year 2022/2023

Fees and charges in the academic year 2021/2022 at UPJŠ in Košice


Study plan

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Application Deadline: August 15th, 2022
Release of Results of the Admission Procedure: August 2022
Starting Date: September 2022
Study Period: 3 years (6 Semesters)
Tuition Fee: EUR 2,000/year

Academic Contact Person: Ing. Zuzana Hrabovská, PhD., Vice Dean for Education, +421 552345142

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