doc. Ing. Silvia Ručinská, PhD., univer. prof.
University Professor
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Public Administration
Popradská 66, 040 11 Košice, Slovakia
In her teaching and scientific research activities she focuses on economic policy, economic processes and phenomena at a local, regional, national and multinational levels, on the factors and determinants of territorial development, on the identification and description of the task of particular participants from the point of view of the territory development, the application of modern methods of the self-government management with utilization of ICT and within the framework of E-government, on output oriented management of municipalities and on the national and multinational experiences and practical applications of smart city.
Silvia Ručinská has had a longer-standing commitment to the topic of smart cities, city regions, use of ICT in municipality management, what was also reflected in the projects Capacity building for an output oriented management in small and medium sized municipalities and Functional city region as an innovative approach for an integrated territorial development in the Slovak Republic conditions, where she took the lead within the university team. Also she worked on several expertise and consultancies for concrete cities in the Slovak Republic, as for example City region Hlohovec, City region Lučenec, City region Trenčín, City region Trnava.
Research Projects
KA220 Cooperation Partnerships: 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000023505. Project name: Digital government for green municipalities and cities (DiGreen). Coordinator: Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Public Administration. Activities: DiGreen aims to provide professionals working in the municipality/city self-government public bodies and young citizens (students) with a framework to exchange knowledge and digital and green good practices. Duration: 2021-2024. Position: project leader, project member.
EIT HEI INITIATIVE Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education. Project name: InnoChange: Driving Change and Capacity Building Towards Innovative, Entrepreneurial Universities. Coordinator: Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary. Activities: InnoChange aims to increase the entrepreneurial and innovation capacity and attitude of higher education institutions (HEIs). Duration: 2021. Position: project member.
Erasmus+ Strategic partnership: 2018-1-SK01-KA203-046330. Project name: Paquality – Public Administration Education Quality Enhancement. Coordinator: NISPAcee. Duration: 2018-2021. Position: project member
Erasmus+ Strategic partnership: 2015-1-DE01-KS203-002156. Project name: „Kompetenzaufbau fur eine wikungsorientierte Steuerung in kleinen und mittleren Kommunen“ (KoWiSt). Coordinator: Hochschule Harz – Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Germany. Duration: 2015-2018. Position: project leader, project member.
Scientific project “Functional city region as an innovative approach for integrated development of the territory in the Slovak Republic conditions”. Nationally funded research project. Duration: 2015-2017. Position: project leader, project member.
Research project “Cooperation of municipalities in the city region”. Coordinator: Komunálne výskumné a poradenské centrum. Duration: 2014-2015. Position: project member.
International research project „Die Umsetzung der EU- Dienstleistungsrichtlinie in Europa“ („The Implementation of the Services Directive in the EU Member States“). Coordinator: Deutsches Forschungsinstitut für öffentliche Verwaltung Universität Speyer, Germany. Duration: 2009-2010. Position: project member.
Research project “Model of Communal reform in Slovakia”. Duration: 2009-2010. Position: project member.
Research project “Development of human resources in small and medium sized enterprises as a factor for territorial development”. Duration: 2009-2010. Position: project member.
Scientific project “The role and position of universities with regards to creating regional networks as a precondition for regional development”. Nationally funded research project. Duration: 2007 – 2009, Position: project leader, project member.
Scientific project “Economic system of self-government in after EU accession period”. Nationally funded research project. Duration: 2005-2007, Position: project member.
Scientific project “Global aspects of electronic trade”. Internal University grant – 29/2004. Duration: 2004-2005, Position: project member.
Scientific project “Economical and legal aspects of public administration in regional conditions”. Nationally funded research project. Duration: 2002-2004, Position: project member.
Professional Projects
Project manager of the project “Internationalization, interdisciplinarity and innovation of higher education at UPJŠ” supported by the Ministry of education, science, research and sport in the Slovak Republic. Duration: 2017-2019
Project manager of the project “Creation of new AK EŠIF within the study program Law and Public Administration”, partnership with the Office of the deputy prime minister of the Slovak Republic for investments and informatization. Duration: 2017-2018
Project manager of the project “Modern Public Administration – Development and Innovation of study programs at the Faculty of Public Administration UPJŠ”. Number: 26110230038. Duration: 2010-2014
Project member of the project “Livelong education of the workers in self-government at the Košice self-governing territorial unit”. Number: 2004/3.2/01/061. Duration: 2005-2006
Project manager of the project “Through Exchange Programme to Citizen Friendly Public Administration”. EPPA number SK/04/A/F/EX-401489. Duration: 2004-2005
Lecturer in the project “Summer School for Public Administration” of the Bayreuth University in Germany and Faculty of Public Administration UPJŠ in Slovakia. Duration: 2000-2002:
Lectures in the topic Integration processes in Europe
Lectures in the topic Economic integration
Full list of publication and citations (úplný zoznam publikačnej činnosti a ohlasov)
Publication of more than 80 papers and articles with 177 citations. Selection of publications:
Ručinská, S., 2010. Slowakische Wirtschaft – Wunder dank Reformen? Erfolge und Misserfolge des Transformationsprozesses. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2010. 214 p. ISBN 9783830044963.
Ručinská, et. al. 2009. Regional development and universities. Universities and their position in the regional development. Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2009. 306 p. ISBN 978807097-790-3.
Ručinská, S. and M. Fečko, 2019. Strategische Steuerung in der Stadt Hlohovec und der Gemeinde Ratkovce (Slowakei). In: Strategisches Management und wirkungsorientierte Steuerung in Kommunen. – Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2019. ISBN 9783658273583. pp. 149-164
Ručinská, S., M. Fečko and I. Jeleňová, 2017. Empirical Research of the Character of Cooperation of Municipalities in the Functional City Region Košice Conditions (Original title: Empirický výskum charakteru spolupráce obcí v podmienkach funkčného mestského regiónu Košice). Nationally funded research project. In: Funkčný mestský región ako prístup rozvoja a spravovania územia. Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2017. ISBN 978-80-8152-578-0. pp. 61-96.
Ručinská, S., 2017. Cities and functional city regions (Original title: Mestá a funkčné mestské regióny). Nationally funded research project. In: Funkčný mestský región ako prístup rozvoja a spravovania územia. Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2017. ISBN 978-80-8152-578-0. pp. 11-26.
Ručinská, S. and M. Fečko, 2016. The Past and Future of the European Union Internal Market – Visegrad Group Perspective. In: Central European Papers. ISSN 2336-3312. Vol. 4, no. 1 (2016), pp. 82-94.
Ručinská, S. and M. Fečko, 2019. Services in cities and municipalities – Slovak Republic experiences. In: Ekonomika i upravlenie: problemy, resheniya. ISSN 2308-927X. Vol. 4, Number 10 (2019), pp. 74-78.
Ručinská, S. and M. Fečko, 2018. Use of innovations in smart cities (Original title: Využitie inovácií pre smart cities). In: Transfer inovácií: internetový časopis o inováciách v priemysle. ISSN 1337-7094. Number 38 (2018), pp. 81-84.
Ručinská, S. and M. Fečko, 2019. European Union Internal Market and its Barriers: Mission Accomplished or Never Ending Story? In: On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe. ISSN 2247-0514. Volume 10, Number 29 (2019), pp. 25-52.
Ručinská, S. and M. Fečko, 2012. The Implementation of the Services Directive in Slovakia. In: The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. Hague: Springer, 2012. ISBN 9789067048392. Scopus database. pp. 545-555.
Ručinská, S. and V. Šafárová, 2016. Functional city regions and their importance (Original title: Funkční městské regiony a jejich význam). In: Podpora lokální ekonomiky – využití skrytých potenciálů v regionech. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2016. ISBN 9788075523907. pp. 56-62.
Ručinská, S. and M. Fečko, 2017. Evaluation of research results and proposals for development and better administration of the region (Original title: Zhodnotenie výsledkov výskumu a návrhy pre rozvoj a lepšie spravovanie regiónu). Nationally funded research project. In: Funkčný mestský región ako prístup rozvoja a spravovania územia. Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2017. ISBN 978-80-8152-578-0. pp. 145-160.
Ručinská, S. and E. Výrostová, 2016. Identification of functional urban regions – methods and application on Košice urban region (Original title: Vymedzovanie funkčných mestských regiónov – metódy a aplikácia na podmienky mestského regiónu Košice). Web of Science. Accession Number: WOS:000391253500075. Nationally funded research project. In: 19. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách = 19th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences Location : sborník příspěvků. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016. ISBN 9788021082731. pp. 580-588.
Ručinská, S. and M. Fečko, 2021. eGovernment and digitalization in the Slovak Republic – current development and political strategies. In: CEE e. Dem and e. Gov Days 2021. Wien: Facultas Verlags, 2021. ISBN: 978-3-7089-2121-1. pp. 251-262.
Ručinská, S. and M. Fečko, 2020. eServices as a challenge for small municipalities – Slovak Republic experiences. In: CEE e. Dem and e. Gov Days 2020. Wien: Facultas Verlags, 2020. ISBN 9783903035270. pp. 383-392.
Ručinská, S. and M. Fečko, 2019. Electronic services or smart cities – Current experiences and perspectives in the Slovak Republic. In: CEE e. Dem and e. Gov Days 2019 : Cyber Security and eGovernment. Wien : Facultas Verlags, 2019. ISBN 9783708918983. pp. 471-480.
Ručinská, S. and M. Fečko, 2017. European Union Digital Single Market – Get Connected or Still a Vision from the Slovak Republic Perspective? In: Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2017: Digital Divide in the Danube Region: Is it still significant in explaining ICT adoption in eDemocracy and eGovernment?. Wien: Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, 2017. ISBN 978-3-903035-14-0. pp. 19-27.
Nižňanský, V. and S. Ručinská, 2016. City region Hlohovec. Cooperation, common public policies, common provision of services. Communal research and consultancy centre. p. 58.
Nižňanský, V. and S. Ručinská, 2015. City region Lučenec. Cooperation, common public policies, common provision of services. Communal research and consultancy centre. p. 45.
Nižňanský, V. and S. Ručinská, 2015. City region Trenčín. Cooperation, common public policies, common provision of services. Communal research and consultancy centre. p. 57. [direct use for the Program of Economic and Social Development of the City Trenčín]
Nižňanský, V. and S. Ručinská, 2015. City region Trnava. Cooperation, common public policies, common provision of services. Communal research and consultancy centre. pp. 47.
Nižňanský, V. and S. Ručinská, 2015. Cooperation of municipalities in the city region. Project Summary Report. Union of Cities of Slovakia. p. 72. ISBN 978-80-972006-2-6.
Nižňanský, V. a S. Ručinská, 2015. City region Gelnica. Cooperation, common public policies, common provision of services. Communal research and consultancy centre. pp. 40.