{"id":59850,"date":"2022-04-06T13:59:59","date_gmt":"2022-04-06T13:59:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.upjs.sk\/information\/science-and-research\/scientific-and-research-activities-phd-studies\/research-projects\/veda-repozitar\/"},"modified":"2023-05-25T20:47:54","modified_gmt":"2023-05-25T19:47:54","slug":"science-and-repository","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/www.upjs.sk\/en\/information\/science-and-research\/scientific-and-research-activities-phd-studies\/doctoral-studies\/science-and-repository\/","title":{"rendered":"Open Science and Repository of UPJ\u0160"},"content":{"rendered":"

Institutional Policy for Open Science at Pavol Jozef \u0160af\u00e1rik University in Ko\u0161ice<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n

\"\"The mission of Pavol Jozef \u0160af\u00e1rik University in Ko\u0161ice (UPJ\u0160) according to its statute is the dissemination of education and the protection of knowledge, the cultivation of free thinking, independent scientific research and the all-round support of the creative spirit of human society, which it fulfils through strategic documents, in particular by “updating the long-term plan of the Pavol Jozef \u0160af\u00e1rik University in Ko\u0161ice for the years 2020 to 2025”. It strives to fulfil its motto \u201cin order to be a modern and internationally established institution, UPJ\u0160 must constantly seek ways to develop its personal and scientific potential\u201d<\/strong> by making the outputs of its scientific activities accessible to the broad scientific community and the general public.<\/p>\n

Pavol Jozef \u0160af\u00e1rik University in Ko\u0161ice is committed to promoting free and unrestricted access to research outputs through Open Access (OA)<\/strong> and adopts this institutional policy.<\/p>\n

The institutional policy for Open Science at UPJ\u0160<\/strong> is based on the National Strategy for Open Science in accordance with the legislation and recommendations of the European Union concerning open science and open access to its outputs. This is primarily the Horizon Europe<\/strong> programme, which defines the condition of publishing the outputs generated within this programme under a public licence, as well as strengthening the openness of science and research (open data sharing). The UPJS strategy is based mainly on the awareness of the social and economic function of open access to the outputs of publicly funded scientific research and the key role of the university in the implementation of this idea. UPJS is convinced of the long-term benefits of open access both for the society that provides the resources for research and for the university itself by increasing the visibility and impact of this research.<\/p>\n

The following activities have been or will be implemented by the University of Pavol Jozef \u0160af\u00e1rik in Ko\u0161ice to promote open access:<\/p>\n