\tOnly a\u00a0limited number of research institutions in the world concentrate on the research of indole phytoalexins, which stand for\u00a0unique and structurally unusual natural substances. One of these institutions is the Department of Pharmacology of the Faculty of Medicine at the Pavol Jozef \u0160af\u00e1rik University in Ko\u0161ice, the employees of which concentrate on the research of possible antitumor effects of some natural substances, or of their synthetic derivatives \u2013 e,g, different polyphenol compounds as flavonoids and chalcones. The head of the Department of Pharmacology prof. MVDr. J\u00e1n Moj\u017ei\u0161, DrSc. claims that the research of the last years indicate that indole phytoalexines may have beneficial effects on human health. They are able to repress the growth of the tumor cells or indicate apoptosis, i.e. programmed cell death. That is the reason why they have become the object of research.<\/p>\n