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Long-term Strategy of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice for the period 2004 – 2010

29minút, 42sekúnd
1.)   Introduction
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice belongs to significant and respected educational and scientific institutions not only in the Slovak Republic, but also in advanced Europe. History of the University stretches back to 17th century, when the bishop of Jáger diocese Benedict Kishdy founded an Academy in Košice. In 1660 the emperor Leopold I. issued the Golden Bull and herewith he dignified the Academy in Košice to University. Theological Faculty, Philosophical Faculty and Faculty of Law can be found during the existence of Universitas Cassoviensis. Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice was founded in 1959, as a successor of the academic traditions related to the higher education at University in Košice. University’s academic and historical continuity was definitely accepted also by Act No. 361/1996 of the Law Code and on it¢s basis the University has been divided into Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and the University of Prešov.
In case that tactics of survival of the University (proven as stagnation of the University in several fields, including its organisation chart) was the priority of the strategy in the period from year 1997 (period after splitting the former UPJŠ), the present period must be understood by the University as a phase of development of its organisation structure. In this meaning, it is necessary to prepare more ambitious development programmes, which should create in the near future basic pillars of dynamic strategy of organisational-institutional units of the University.
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice is in present time composed of Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Public Administration, which educate doctors, specialists in natural science, mathematics and informatics, teachers, lawyers and specialists in the field of public administration. Graduates of this second oldest classical Slovak University have good reputation in the Slovak Republic and also abroad. The main mission of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice  (hereinafter the “University” or “UPJŠ”)  is to provide the three-level higher education on the basis of latest scientific knowledge in wider international context, according to European trends in this field, according to Bologna Declaration and other documents. The University accomplishes this mission by development of harmonic personality, its sciential bloom, rise of wisdom and personal creativity. The University leads the students to tolerance, ability of critical and independent thinking, right self-esteem and national pride.
The University provides public service by knowledge dissemination through research and development, support of regional and national activities and providing of the further education of citizens. The University contributes to development of culture and scholarship of the nation.
The University understands its mission in particular sphere as a public good. In this spirit the University aims to act as a guarantor of freedom, democracy, humanism, morality, and ethics not only in its own academic environment, but also to propagate them in society. The University will continue to defend the academic rights and its academic autonomy.
2.)   University basic data
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice has four Faculties:
  • Faculty of Medicine (founded in 1948)
  • Faculty of Science (founded in 1963)
  • Faculty of Law (founded in 1973)
  • Faculty of Public Administration (founded in 1998)
Following University units are also parts of the University:
  • Research and educational units with whole-university activities (Department of Languages, Institute of Physical Education, Botanical Garden, Christian Academy).
  • Information facilities: (University Library, Centre of Information and Communication Technologies)
  • University facilities (Student Hostel and Canteen, Publishing House, Study Literature Shop)
  • Education and training facilities (Zemplínska Šírava, Opátka, Danišovce).
On 31st December 2003, the University employed 1.256 employees, 509 of them were teachers and 95 researchers. Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice has 52 professors and 130 associate professors. Academia comprises of approximately 5.780 students, 4.760 of them are full-time students. With regard to this numbers, today the University does not belong to the group of big universities.
All three levels of higher education – bachelor¢s study, master¢s study eventually doctor¢s study and PhD study are provided at the University. Bachelor¢s study and master¢s study are organised as a full-time study. Establishment of distance and combined form of study is in progress (at the Faculty of Science).
Bachelor¢s study at the Faculties of the University takes three years, it is either professional or as the first phase of the master¢s study. It ends with the state exam. In specific cases of bachelor’s study programmes the graduate may continue to study in the consequential master¢s study programme. The University expects co-operation with other institutions concerning the provision of bachelor¢s study programmes.
3.)    Strategic development goals of UPJŠ
Basic strategic development goals of UPJŠ concern following areas:
  • higher education,
  • science and research,
  • strengthening of international dimension of activities,
  • public services,
  • information and communication technologies,
  • organisation and management,
  • investment plans,
  • multi-source financing.
    Higher education must be in focus of the University. University will organise higher education with aim to educate experts in health care, education, science and research, law, public administration and other society practice spheres. Providing higher education will be realised on the basis of the latest scientific knowledge with emphasis on international co-operation. The goal of this effort is development of complex harmonious personality through symbiosis of expert knowledge, language skills and ability to use the modern information and communication technologies. The University will take care of further education of graduates focused on actualisation and extension of their knowledge according to their interests, preference and opportunities of their social assert on the labour market. The University will also exercise its influence upon the labour market through wider range of study programmes.
    The University will create conditions to ease the access to higher education with aim to enable more students to study at the University. Regarding this the University will offer attractive study programmes, which will be innovated according to requirements of social practice and will be adapted to the newly set European labour marker conditions. For this purpose the University will create conditions for appropriate qualifying structure of the employees, working in the field of education and science. The University will provide students with higher education in all three levels of study on the qualitatively comparable level as provided by prominent European and world Universities.
    The University has preconditions to almost double the number of students (approximately 10.000) comparing to present number in all forms of study till 2010. This considerable increase of number of students will reflect the growing number of students in the existing study programmes and opening of study in the new accredited study programmes, on the basis of which the new Faculties will be found. Besides this, accreditation and realisation of the new study programme is in progress in the field of dental surgery, according to EU-TAIEX expert committee criteria, as put under the contract by Ministry of Education of SR and Ministry of Health Care of SR. Besides the full-time study, it is expected to offer the new study programmes also in form of distance study. This presumption of growth of the number of students in all levels of study requires the effective use of current and creation of new necessary material, area, personnel and financial conditions.
    Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice seeks to improve the study not only by introducing the new teaching technologies, but also by drawing up the new modern study programmes. The interdisciplinary character of the study, represented by wider co-operation between particular study programmes, has significant support. The basic precondition to fulfil this goal is gradual increase of teacher¢s and university research employee¢s competence level and together with simultaneous reduction of their age structure in all categories. The creation of unsound age structure of teachers at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University started in the beginning of University’s foundation in the 60´s of the last century. It is therefore necessary to ensure in the present times both the regular representation of all generations working at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and to reduce the age limit for conferment and professorship.
    The University will systematically take care of integration of the credit system study to the higher education at the University. The University will continue with implementation of the conclusions of Bologna Declaration into the higher education with respect to the speciality of some study programmes, for example “law” and doctoral study programme of general medicine and dental surgery, which will be in the near future realised as the bachelor¢s, master¢s eventually doctor’s study as joint form except for the bachelor study programmes oriented to the needs of practice.
     Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice puts special emphasis on the PhD. study programmes. Realisation of these study programmes will be therefore continuously supported in the future with the effort of qualitative and quantitative development, improvement of interdisciplinary co-operation contacts and financial support of joined research. It is necessary to view these programmes not only in national, but also in wider international context. Special accent shall be put on development of PhD. study programmes joint with other universities and scientific institutions, mainly with the institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
    One of the University¢s priorities is the creation of conditions for more effective and wider mobility of the students. The University will support student’s mobility not only within the Faculties of the University, but also within Slovak universities, in particular in the European higher education area. Strategy of the University is to reach the state, where at least half of the students of master¢s and doctor’s study studied during at least on semester at the foreign university. Student¢s and Teacher¢s Mobility Fund, founded as support and motivation tool should be helpful in extending the international relations of the University in the field of study programmes implemented at the University and scientific, research or other creative activities within the approved projects and programmes at University. The source of the Student¢s and Teacher¢s Mobility Fund will be annually detached finance from the University budget, eventually finance from other sources (finance gained as a gift from the domestic and foreign physical and legal persons and part of the finance gained from commercial activities).
    The University will pay appropriate attention to provide the students with the access to intranet and internet. During the years 2004 – 2005 the University will provide the access to Internet to all its students accommodated in the University residence halls.
    The University will endeavour to improve social conditions of its students. The University perceives the quality improvement of student¢s social conditions mainly as an improvement of student’s accommodation opportunities, including aesthetics of the accommodation premises, canteen conditions and also enlargement of opportunities for sport activities. The University will continuously support existing club activities and will create conditions for leisure activities, etc. in the future.
    The University will create conditions to establish the registration information system with students database (students register), which will become an important source of information about the structure of students at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice on the university level, useable also for UPJŠ management, data retrieval concerning information about the employment of graduates and information for keeping up the contact with University graduates.
    The University took measures in order to guarantee each student the possession of identification card since the academic year 2004/2005. This identification card will authorise the student to enter the University premises, but will be used also as an accommodation, canteen and library card and also as a confirmation for possible use of discounts in public, bus or railway transport.
    The University sees the future, in compliance with European Union¢s programmes, in development of combined types of study and in lifelong learning programmes. Within them, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University provides various types of complementary, extension, specialised studies and the wide offer of professionally or interest oriented courses. It will be necessary to use newly introduced modern educational technologies particularly in these new activities.     
             The universities are the most important educational institutions, which provide education on the basis of creative scientific research. The main objective in the field of science and research is to adapt the University to the requirements of national and international environment. The University has 7 accredited study programmes of bachelor’s study (Faculty of Law and Faculty of Public Administration have no bachelor study for now), 11 study programmes of master’s study and 2 study programmes of doctor’s study at the Faculty of Medicine. Besides this, the University has 25 accredited PhD. study programmes, guaranteed by professors, eventually doctors of science (9 at Faculty of Medicine, 14 at Faculty of Science and 2 at Faculty of Law). Accreditation of further PhD. study programmes in the future should be the guarantee that our University is able to compete in the field of science and research with other higher education and academic institutions. University¢s intent is to accredit progressively new interdisciplinary PhD. study programmes, which will respond to the requirement of social practice.
    By the complex accreditation of it¢s activities, the University will devote all its efforts to be categorised to research universities according to paragraph 2 article 16 of Act number 131/2002 of the Law Code.
    In the field of science and research the University acknowledges the scientific research freedom. Despite this fact, nothing prevents the University from setting direction of scientific research at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The concrete directions of scientific research were consulted and approved by the Scientific Boards at particular Faculties of the University.
    The University will concentrate its effort in the field of science and research on:
  • Quality and efficiency increase,
  • Support of Inter-disciplinarity and integration at the University,
  • Emphasis on international scientific projects acquirement,
  • Support creation of University¢ centres of excellence,
  • Young research employees support,
  • Creation of conditions for the founding of new PhD. study programmes,
  • Motivation of the grant projects solvers,
  • Strengthening participation and responsibility of the Club of Professors for tendency of science at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University.  Club of Professors was founded on 18th November 2003 within the autumn part of Academic Days of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice at the 1st professor¢s seminar, organised by the University management. Apart from participation in the scientific tendency of the University, the Club of Professors will organise professorial lectures within the professorial seminars at the University.
  • Progressive unification of inaugural process criteria and criteria of assigning the professors functional positions.
  • Establishment of auto-evaluation system of all University’s units as a precondition for evaluation on national and international level.
The third strategic strategy of the University is the strengthening of international dimension of University’s activities. This strategy becomes especially topical particularly concerning the accession of the Slovak Republic to European Union and integration into the European higher education area. Breaking the barriers among the universities, in the past represented by the borders, must necessarily appear also in the improvement of the co-operation in the field of joint scientific projects realisation, joint higher education projects, international students, teachers and researchers mobility, joint diploma issue and creation of conditions for foreign students study, etc. In this context, the University wants to co-ordinate the study with EU Member States through participation in EU Programmes, such as Socrates/Erasmus, CEEPUS, Leonardo, etc.
The University intents to enlarge own network of partnerships with other Universities also abroad. It is the basic prerequisite of gaining current information and experience from pedagogical and scientific area. International dimension is viewed by the University also as a significant stimulus for acquainting and comparing the national cultures, customs and traditions in direction of more natural understanding of the respective national identity. With deepening and development of international dimension there is closely connected the exchange, potentially mobility of students, teachers and research employees.
The aim of the University is to enable the Master, Doctor and PhD. students to spend part of their study at one of actively co-operating foreign Universities and vice versa. Besides mobility in the framework of these programmes, participation of our University is expected in other European activities aimed at evaluation of the quality of education, mutual comparison of the study programmes, etc.
International dimension of activities of our University reaches not only European states, but also overseas, potentially some Asian states. These links within the international relations must be completed in the following conception:
  • Natural basis of UPJŠ´s international relations will remain the institutional character partnerships with Universities and research centres in Europe. Besides broad co-operation with German Universities and Universities in Poland, it is necessary to profile comparable co-operation particularly with Universities and scientific institutions in Czech Republic, Spain, France, Finland, Austria, Italy and United Kingdom. Broader co-operation should be developed in the framework of and Carpathian Euroregion;
  • Extra-European partnerships have to be established on selection requirements, coming out from disciplinary priorities and financial possibilities of the University. The most attractive are North and South America (USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina and Brasilia), Asian Near East (Israel), Far East (China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea);
  • Bilateral relationships with foreign Universities have to be found on  long-term framework agreement and short-term co-operation programmes, emerging from the needs and interests of particular Faculties;
  • Mutual benefit has to be implemented in relationships with foreign partner Universities.
In 2004 the University became a full individual member of European Universities Association (EUA). This initiative has enabled possibilities for equal participation of the University in creation and implementation of European higher education policy. Full membership in EUA creates conditions for mutual comparison of the level of education and international evaluation.
One of the strategic intentions of University’s development is also strengthening of its position among the cultural and educational institutions of the Slovak republic and by the general public. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to provide the public services. To reach this, the University aims to:
–   create and develop partnerships with the state, public and business entities focused on updating the education contents, promoting joint development of basic and applied research followed by transfer of knowledge and technologies;
–   develop partnerships and co-operation with public and state universities in East Slovakia focused on updating the evaluation contents, solving the research projects and co-ordination of joint action by enforcing the legitimate requirements of the universities;
–   develop partnerships and co-operation with the Slovak classical universities, particularly towards further strengthening of their position in the structure of universities of the Slovak Republic;
–   diversify the offer of further education programmes for high-school and university graduates, experts from the practice and other interested persons and to set conditions for their lifelong learning;
–   ensure that providing further public services (social, cultural, health, sport, etc.) will become an integral part of the mission of our University;
–   ensure active participation of the University in EU programmes in the field of education, vocational training, science and research, for example Leonardo da Vinci II, 6th Science and Research Framework Programme etc.;
–   in the framework of further education, the strategy of the University is to provide specialisation study in the field of medicine, realise the doctor’s study (‘examina rigorosa’), qualification exams, extension and complementary studies and other training and courses;
–   create the University Lifelong Learning Centre at the university level;
–   create appropriate opportunities for development of University sport and culture;
–   establish an own publishing house providing editorial, publishing and printing activities according to requirements of the University, but also the wider public and foreign academic public on the basis of existing Editing Centre of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice;
The use of the modern information and communication technologies is one of the strategic intentions of the University, which will strongly influence the level of fulfilling the above mentioned intentions. This area is very money-consuming; therefore we can expect significant contradiction between the needs and expectations on one hand and real possibilities of the University and society on the other hand.
The University focuses its attention from the quantity of tasks in the field of information and communication technologies particularly on:
–   improving the quality of activities of the Information and Communication Technologies Centre of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice to be able to satisfy requirements of Faculties and units of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice at the level of the newest knowledge in the field of information and communication technologies, e.g. to guarantee complex building, operation and development of the computer network, guarantee implementation, operation and administration of University’s information system and to  develop full-valuable co-operation with domestic and foreign work positions and to obtain means for this purpose;
–   implementation and provision of Academic Information System (AIS) operation at the University. University shall participate in joint projects of Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic aimed at development of AIS subsystems applicable in whole Slovakia.
–   Support of the SAUNET II project aimed at building the Slovak-wide academic communication infrastructure enabling the full-valuable integration of the national network to international communication system;
–   Implementation of new information-communication technologies, for example e-learning, web-university, videoconference technologies, IP telephony;
–   data safety and protection.
The strategic aim of the University in the field of organisation and management is to integrate step by step in harmony with the law several academic, economic-administration and labour-law activities of the University. The University will evaluate recent organisation structure and propose its modification. Creation of whole-university units is being assumed with the aim to create optimal conditions to implement University’s activities in all fields.
The precondition to this integration is the implementation of the single Academic Information system to all spheres of University’s activities.
University management will carry out personal audit and will announce selection procedure to all executives at the Rectorate of the University and university work positions and shall recommend the same procedure also to the Faculties management. The strategy in this area is to implement consistent professionalization and efficient work of the University management.
Investment plans create significant part of the strategic University’s aims; the University consists of the complex of buildings with various dates of construction. Several building are older, more than 100 years old, this is why they have to be renovated.
Nowadays the complex reconstruction project of part of Rectorate and Faculty of Medicine premises at Šrobárova Street 2 is being prepared. At the same premises there takes place the reconstruction of Faculty of Science premises, reconstruction of cellarage premises in the buildings of Faculty of Law and investment plan on reconstruction of part of Detached Unit of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Rožňava is semifinished.
Some of University Units reside in buildings, owned by different owner. Additionally, to fulfil development aims, the University necessary needs further premises. 
University will set priorities in this area, which will be followed by further reconstruction and renovation of its buildings and premises and gaining new premises.
Progressive reconstruction of Halls of residence at Medická Street 4, 6 is being assumed (reconstruction of distribution networks, exchange of windows, modernisation of indoor equipment, etc.) and gaining further premises for this purpose.
It is counted on with progressive concentration of premises for part of Faculty of Science at Angelinum – Jesenná Street, which shall demand complex reconstruction of historical building Angelina with aim to use also its cellar and loft premises.
In case of continuing problems connected with renting the premises for Faculty of Medicine, it will be necessary to look for solution to relocate part of Faculty of Medicine to different premises.
Concerning Faculty of Law, it will be necessary to create appropriate space conditions for the newly-established European Law Institute and conditions for using the loft premises as a lecture hall for approximately 350 students in the building at Kováčska Street 30. 
The University will go the extra mile to gain new premises for new Faculties, which it aims to establish.
Concerning the emergency conditions of the roof at Mánesova Street, its expected to rebuild it to gable roof type and to create there loft premises.
Concerning the objectionable premises of Academic Library at Garbiarska Street, the University will consider its relocation to more appropriate premises. It is also expected to relocate Department of languages in connection with establishing the new Faculties. The University will consider reconstruction of present premises of Department, which could be used as housing facility for PhD. students, young assistant lecturers and research employees.
One of the measures concerning the University property maintenance is the elaboration of property pasportisation, which will show not only the current state of University’s property, but also further indicators, such as debt and liabilities overview, supply overview, energy expenses overview, etc.
Act No. 131/2002 Coll. besides the change of organisation-legal form of the University to “Public University” introduced the multi-source financing of public universities. The basic financial source to finance University’s needs became the state budget subsidy provided on the basis of Agreement between Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and our University. Its purpose is to finance the implementation of accredited study programmes, research and development activities, development of the University and social welfare support of the students. Considering that amount of subsidy depends on number of students, number of graduates, economic costingness of realised study programmes and on integration of the University, the University shall pay permanent attention to trends and criteria for state subsidy distribution.
The implementation of multi-source financing system means, that state subsidy does not cover all University’s activities, which has to gain certain part of means for its activities from extra-budgetary sources. The University will use particularly possibilities, provided by various domestic and international grant agencies. Another significant source of financing will become increasing number of foreign self-payer students. Another source of financial means should become in higher extent enterprise activities efficiently using the expert and space potential of the University. On the basis of property state analysis, optimising of its structure and efficient use also for enterprise activities will be proposed. More effective use of possibilities, provided by foundations, sponsor activities and donations, but also effective co-operation with bank institutions is being expected.
Essential prerequisite for more effective use of multi-source financing of University’s needs is the elaboration of University enterprise rules and criteria for distribution of  budgetary and other financial means to Faculties and other University units.
4. Development of the University and its organisation structure
University management will from now on develop the existing Faculties:

Faculty of Medicine

Transformation of teaching hospitals to University hospital is development priority of Faculty of Medicine. It will be a process, which result will be integration of these subject to University. It will be a time-consuming process with continuing present state of double-portfolio. Double-portfolio per se is the source of majority of the problems at the Faculty of Medicine and it increased by “health-care” reform, implemented in Košice. More complicated situation emerged. The University will intensively join decision-making of this problem and will take the initiative to improve present state and preparation and realisation of transformation.
The University will create conditions to provide specialisation study in the field of medicine following the Act No. 528/2003 Coll. , which amended the Act on Higher Education.
Faculty of Medicine in co-operation with Faculty of Science will participate actively in preparation of enlargement and further use of Detached Unit in Rožňava in Bachelor’s study of higher education in Nursing study programme.
Faculty of Medicine’s priority is the foundation of morphological unit at Šrobárova street 2, to create conditions to organise demonstration and dissection courses of surgical disciplines. These courses should be in the future a source of extra-budgetary incomes.

Faculty of Science

Completing the spectrum of natural-science disciplines by accrediting geography one-discipline study and accrediting new study programmes emphasising the interdisciplinary and PhD. Study is the main priority of Faculty of Science.
Faculty of Science will actively participate in co-operation with Faculty of Medicine on building up the Detached Unit of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Rožňava. The offer of attractive study programmes will create characteristics of Detached Unit, so it may become the basis for new Faculty of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University.
One of Faculty of Science’s priorities is to solve the premises problem. It requires the reconstruction of loft and cellar premises at Park Angelinum and loft premises of the building at Mánesova Street 23 and continuing space concentration of the Institutes.
It is also expected to complete the infrastructure in the field of instrumental and material equipment for educational and research purpose.
Faculty of Science will participate in EU projects focused on improving the labour force qualification and environmental protection in the region.
Faculty of Science’s priority is to set up in e-learning trends determination by preparation and providing the accredited education programmes and courses for teachers, employees of state administration, self-government and business entities. It will promote using modern information technologies within education and by transfer of information, for example by videoconference transmissions. 

Faculty of Law 

Faculty of Law shall more significantly co-operate with other Faculties of Law, but also with Faculties of our University, particularly in introducing the new study programmes, which should represent some interdisciplinary character of education, for instance the Medical Law, Pharmaceutical Law, Veterinary Law, Information Technologies Law, Public Administration Law, etc.
One of the priorities of the Faculty of Law will be the closer connection of the theory and the practice in the legal profession, particularly by way of founding the clinics of Civil Law, International Law, Commercial Law, etc. The law must be viewed in broader practical use, than it is viewed now.
Faculty of Law intends to develop more significantly also the third level of higher education. Besides the Constitutional Law and Administration Law, already accredited as PhD. fields of study, practical conditions for accreditation of further study programmes have been created in the field of Civil Law, Criminal Law, Theory of State and Law, Commercial Law, Financial Law and Tax Law.
By Slovak Republic’s accession to the European Union, the new task for the Faculty of Law emerges in the field of EU Law and approximation of the Slovak Law with the EU Law. With this purpose it seems topical to establish a European Law Institute.

Faculty of Public Administration

Faculty of Public Administration considers its main aim to complete the infrastructure from the view of ensuring the study in the field of Public Administration and its further development. The priority is the transition to credit study system and accrediting all three levels of study in the field of Public Administration. From the long-term point of view it is necessary to ensure, that Public Administration study will meet conditions of the European Association for Public Administration Accreditation. The Faculty will be ready for obtaining the EAPAA accreditation in 5 years.
The question of widening the scale of the Faculty has a strategic character. The objective is to gradually obtain the accreditation of new study programmes in the fields related to Public Administration and its branches, potentially comprising the interdisciplinary basis of Public Administration. The Faculty can actively participate this way in development of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in the field of social sciences.  
Concerning international relations, the Faculty will aspire to get involved in the “Europisation” of Public Administration Academic Programmes project, activities of organisations associating the schools of Public Administration in the European Union (EPAN, NISPAcee) and participation in EU projects.
The University constantly considers the Faculties segmented to smaller, professionally compact and flexible educational and research units (institutes, departments, laboratories), promisingly with university-wide field of activity in the way compatible with the EU Universities structure, as the basis of its internal structure.
From perspective of the higher education structure in the city and region, the University will preferably aim at strengthening its position by orientation to the high-quality, efficiency, competitiveness and universality. Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice does not consider efficient the projects of uniting the institutions of higher education to heterogeneous wholes.
For future period the University has to elaborate more ambitious development plans, which will become the basis for dynamic development of organisation-institutional units of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.
The basic way to stabilise the structure and level of the University is to found the new Faculties particularly with humanistic subject field, to provide the university, broad-spectrum, expert, as well as humane education. 
The University must stabilise its structure by building the new Faculties. The new accredited study programmes will become the basis for their foundation. The vision of the University is to found new Faculties focusing on education of pedagogues and experts in the field of humane and economic sciences before 2010.
Besides development of the existing Faculties and foundation of the new Faculties, the University has to pay much more attention to University work positions, such as University Library, Botanical Garden, Publishing house, etc. One of the basic priorities of the University is the progressive transformation of the University Library to modern academic library with emphasis on the access to electronic databases and improving the premises conditions.
The University will carry out transformation of Botanical Garden, Publishing House and garage to university work positions yielding a financial profit for the University. In this context, particularly the Botanical Garden and the Publishing House have to elaborate and implement projects of their transformation to self-supporting internal university units, which will moreover produce appropriate financial sources for the University.
The following legal acts and other documents were the basis for elaboration of “Long-term strategy of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice for period 2004-2010 (hereinafter the “Long-term Strategy of UPJŠ”):
1.)    Act No. 131/2002 of the Law Code on Higher Education and on Changes and Supplements to Some Acts with later Amendments
2.)    Act No. 132/2001 of the Law Code on Science and Technology,
3.)    Act. No. 203/2001 of the Law Code on Science and Technology Support Agency with later Amendments,
4.)    Acts related to employment and entrepreneurship in the framework of public service subjects/entities,
5.)    International Agreements concluded by the Government of the Slovak republic,
6.)    The Bologna Declaration from June 1999, which started the “Bologna Process” and the following documents,
7.)    Materials on common European Research Area – ERA (e.g. 6 FP EU) and on common European Area for Higher Education.
The Long-term Strategy of UPJŠ comes out from the basic programme document “Programme Declaration of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Management for period 2003-2010”, discussed and approved by the Scientific Board of the University on 31st October 2003.
Other programme documents, in which the Long-term Strategy of UPJŠ found its expression, were:
a)   Long-term Strategies of the Faculties of UPJŠ
b)   Higher Education Development Strategy for 21st Century approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic in August 2000.
Long-term Strategy of UPJŠ is an open document setting development strategy of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice in the following areas: higher education, science and research, strengthening international dimension, public service, information and communication technologies, organisation and management, investment strategies and multi-source financing. It comes out from actual needs and actual expectations of UPJŠ´s development before 2010.
Because the University works in the environment influenced by various external factors, in harmony with Act No. 131/2002 of Law Code, the Long-term Strategy of UPJŠ will be updated annually.
Long-term Strategy of UPJŠ has been discussed by Rector’s Board on 13th January and 26th January 2004 and at the session of Board of Trustees on 15th March 2004.
Long-term Strategy of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice for period 2004-2010 has been approved by the Academic Senate of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice on 29th April 2004.
In Košice on 10th May 2004

prof. JUDr. Vladimír Babčák, CSc.

Study at UPJŠ