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Workshop “Audit of Internationalisation at UPJŠ”

Workshop “Audit of Internationalisation at UPJŠ”

On Wednesday, 5 March 2025, a workshop was held in a hybrid format within the Internationalisation Audit project to present the results of the audit and the approved Action Plan to all stakeholders. The workshop was held with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic … Continued
6. March 2025

Fostering Inclusive and Diverse Environment

Another successful workshop from the Aurora Alliance is behind us. On 24.9.2024, the workshop Diversity and Inclusion: opportunities for using inclusive practices and policies within Aurora Alliance universities was held in cooperation with Palacký University (UP) and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Speakers during the workshop were: The workshop was divided into student and staff sections. … Continued
4. October 2024

Erasmus+ Information Meeting

On Thusday, April 18, 2024, the International Relations Office of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice organised an Information Meeting for selected participants in the Erasmus+ mobility programme. Approximately 70 students attended the event. During the meeting, our Erasmus+ coordinators informed the students about the following administrative steps related to the planning of their mobilities … Continued
23. April 2024

Intercultural Communication Course Fosters Global Understanding

In the summer semester of 2023/2024, the International Relations Office organized its renowned Intercultural Communication course, led by Dr. Ingrid Madárová of the Language Training Centre, Faculty of Arts. Bringing together students from Uzbekistan, France, and Turkey, the course served as a dynamic forum for exploring the intricacies of cross-cultural interaction. Through engaging discussions and … Continued
26. March 2024

Introductory Erasmus+ Meeting

During an introductory meeting organised by the UPJS International Relations Office, we welcomed a group of students from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Türkiye, Czechia and Lithuania, that will join us in the summer semester of 2023/2024. The purpose of the introductory meeting was to present the students with information on services offered by our university and … Continued
12. February 2024

Erasmus+ at Open House event

Apart from acquiring top-education, students at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice are able to grasp an opportunity at travelling abroad via the Erasmus+ mobility programme. During the Open House event for secondary school students held on October 20, 2023, the Erasmus+ coordinators of the International Relations Office raised awareness about the possibilities that the … Continued
20. October 2023

Intercultural Communication Meeting

Discussion on intercultural communication represent a trip into a diverse world of ample forms of culturally conditioned behaviour and customs. In order to foster connections across cultures and embracy the beauty of global understanding, a group of incoming students from France, Germany, Spain and Uzbekistan attended a meeting on the topic of intercultural communication. The students were guided … Continued
18. October 2023

AI + Community Masterclass

On September 20, 2023, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice was visited by a distinguished guest from the USA, an expert on Metaverse/Web3, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Internet of Things and Smart Cities, Dr. Jeannice Fairrer Samani. At the beginning of the event, the guest was introduced by the Vice-Rector for Internationalization, Silvia Rucinska.  … Continued
20. September 2023

Introductory meeting for Incoming Erasmus+ Students

On the morning of September 18, 2023, a group of students arrived at the Historical Hall of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. They hailed from Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Romania, Turkey, Poland, and Bulgaria, all eager to kickstart their Erasmus+ mobility program. The students were greeted by the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Dr. h. … Continued
18. September 2023

Microcredentials Webinar

On June 23, 2023, in cooperation with the Aurora Alliance, an academic webinar focused on the development of pedagogical skills for teachers was conducted for academic staff of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ). The webinar was led by Vice-Dean for Bachelor’s and Master’s Study Programs at the Faculty of Law of Palacký University … Continued
8. July 2023

Another Semester of Intercultural Communication

The globalized world, which we live in, creates ample opportunities and difficulties for communication among people of various cultural backgrounds. These issues were once again discussed by students from abroad who have participated in mobilities to Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. This semester, the Intercultural Communication course was attended by students from Turkey, Ethiopia, … Continued
4. May 2023

Erasmus Contact Day at UPJŠ

The International Relations Office at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice organized a Erasmus Contact Day event for outgoing Erasmus+ students. The event was held on Monday, April 24, 2023, in the Minerva building of the Faculty of Arts campus. The attendance reached approximately 70 students. During the meeting, the attendees received important information related to … Continued
26. April 2023

Study at UPJŠ