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Succesful course of difficult situations management

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With the ever-present pressure to achieve performance goals and the diversity of their workload, the risk of stress, exhaustion, and burnout is a looming threat for academic staff. Researchers at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ) are aware of these risks and have gained tools to manage them during a recent training. The success of the training on “Managing Difficult (Academic) Situations and Self-Care” is a testament to the university’s commitment to the well-being of its staff.

The training, which took place on June 13, 2024, in the Sokrates building of the Faculty of Arts, gained interest of participants from all UPJŠ faculties, as well as from the Rectorate departments. In their feedback, participants particularly appreciated the opportunity to develop soft skills. They expressed a strong interest in participation in additional trainings that would build on and expand their already acquired skills.

Assoc. prof. Monika Hricová, Head of the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ, noted that the experience of trying to provide information to their colleagues in an understandable and practical way was valuable for the department itself.