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Webinar on using the anti-plagiarism system

On 7.2.2023 at 13:30, a webinar will be held to familiarize with the UPJŠ policies on plagiarism prevention and the use of the Turnitin Antiplagiarism System in combination with MS Teams and LMS Moodle environments. The webinar is intended for teachers and PhD students of UPJŠ. In order to get the link to the webinar … Continued
27. January 2023

Get to know your future faculty at UPJŠ!

Dear high school students,   In February, you will have a unique opportunity to get to know our university even better. We already presented basic information about the university and what we offer to our students at the end of October last year at the University Open Day.   This time you will be able to see … Continued
25. January 2023

Career Day

University Counselling Centre invites you to the seventh annual Career Day, which will take place on Wednesday, April 19, 2023! NOTIFICATION OF INTERRUPTION OF TEACHING. More information coming soon here.
20. January 2023

How to write your CV (webinar)

Start your career with a great CV! Sign up for a short webinar which will take place on Friday, 31 March at 11 am via MS Teams. We will present you the key tips for writing a good CV, tell you something about its content and answer your questions. You can then use the CV … Continued

Learning to learn (webinar)

Have you ever learned to learn? If your answer is NO, this webinar is for you. You will learn something about yourself and your preferred learning style. You will find out what is effective in learning and what is not. And last but not least, you’ll get a lot of practical tips on how to … Continued

Meet your inner critic

Do you remember the last time you were critical to yourself by asking: “How could I have done such a thing?” or you said to yourself: “Everyone else is doing much better, only I fail at every step”. “I’m a weird person”. Maybe it was this week, maybe yesterday, and maybe right before you clicked … Continued

Study at UPJŠ