„The wisdom of the past – knowledge of the present – education of the future.”
In accordance with its mission, UPJŠ considers education in connection with the latest scientific knowledge to be its priority.
The basic credo of UPJŠ is reflected in the Statute of UPJŠ, the Code of Ethics and the Code of Ethics of UPJŠ students. These are closely linked to the Principles of Good Practice in Scientific Publishing and the Rules for the Assessment of Plagiarism and the Principles of Good Research Practice at UPJŠ.
Compliance with orders and regulations issued by UPJŠ is controlled by the Disciplinary Commission of the University, which is governed by the Disciplinary Rules of UPJŠ, the Act on Higher Education Institutions (131/2001 §2), the Study Rules of UPJŠ for I., II. and combined I. and II. degree of study and the Study Regulations of Doctoral Studies.
The number and structure of study programs is regularly monitored on the basis of selected quality indicators, the evaluation of which is part of evaluation reports on the quality of higher education and creative activity, together with the evaluation of ongoing fulfillment of strategic objectives in other key areas of the approved UPJŠ Long-term Development Plan of UPJŠ.
- Statute of UPJŠ
- Long-term plan of UPJŠ
- Code of Ethics
- Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Student Code of Ethics
- Disciplinary rules of UPJŠ
- Rector’s decision no. 5/2021, issuing the principles of good practice in scientific publication at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its parts
- Rector’s Decision no. 2/2022, determining the principles of good research practice at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its parts
- UPJŠ Study Regulations for the I., II. and combined I. and II. degree of study
Annex no. 1: Recommended method of allocating credits to subjects in the creation of study programs at UPJŠ at the 1st, 2nd and combined 1st and 2nd level of study - Study regulations for doctoral studies
Annex no. 1: to the Study Regulations for Doctoral Studies at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Act on Higher Education Institutions 131/2001 Coll.
- Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education 269/2018 Coll.
Demonstration of compliance of study programmes at UPJŠ with the Standards for the study programme SAAVŠ
- Proposal of a new study programme and proposal of a modification of the study programme
- Approval of the study programme
- Student-oriented learning, teaching and assessment
- Admission procedure, course of study, recognition of education and award of academic degrees
- Teachers of the study programme
- Creative activity of the university
- Resources for ensuring the study programme and student support
- Collection and processing of information about the study programme
- Publication of information about the study programme
- Continuous monitoring, periodic evaluation and periodic approval of the study programme
Proposal of a new study programme and proposal of modification of the study programme
During the years 2021 and 2022, the process of harmonizing study programs is underway in accordance with the Accreditation Rules of UPJŠ and SAAVŠ standards. The creation and provision of study programs at UPJŠ is carried out on the basis of adopted rules of the Internal Quality System of Higher Education (VSK) and on the basis of declared mission and strategic goals in the Long-term development plan of UPJŠ. and the quality of the university’s support activities is coordinated by the Internal Quality Verification Board. The quality of study programs at I., II. and joined I. and II. levels are provided and verified by the Study Programme Board. The quality of study programs at the 3rd, doctoral, level level is ensured by the Trade Unions of study fields. (S 2.1, S 2.2) Students, graduates, other relevant persons and employers are an inseparable part of the process of ensuring and verifying the quality of study programmes. (S 2.3, W 2.4.)
The structure of the offer and the content of individual study programmes, which are always assigned to the field of study and level of education, are created in relation to the profile of graduates and in accordance with the Internal Quality Assurance and Verification System at UPJŠ. The aim is to clarify and simplify the creation of the process of original and attractive study programmes that reflect social needs as well as current trends in science, research and art. The internationalization and opening of the university to the outside world is transformed into the creation of study programs in foreign languages, or study programs completed with a double or joint diploma. (S 2.5)
In accordance with the graduate profile, verifiable educational outcomes are defined and communicated through indicators for quality assessment at UPJŠ. The outputs correspond to the mission, the relevant level of the qualification framework and the area of knowledge according to the relevant field of study. The study program is assigned to the field of study and level of education, while the degree of its content with the relevant fields of study and the level of qualification corresponding to the relevant level of education according to the National Qualifications Framework of the Slovak Republic with a link to the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning is always justified. (S 2.6,2.7, S 2.8)
The study programme indicates professions for the performance of which the acquired qualification is required, while emphasis is placed on the applicability of graduates in the given field of study. UPJŠ applies the statistical classification of occupations SK ISCO-08 to indicate the professions for which the student is prepared after completing the study programme, according to Z.z. no. 384/2015. (S 2.8.) The Council of the study programme is also composed of experts from practice, which also takes into account the requirement of employers for graduates of our university (S 2.9, S 2.11).
All study programmes provided by the university have the declared content, structure and sequence of subjects and educational activities, standard length of study and conditions for successful completion of the study in the Description of the study programme, Recommended study plan and Course information sheets. Study programmes have a clearly defined level and nature of creative activities required for successful completion of studies, especially in relation to the final work. Accredited study programmes guarantee access to up-to-date knowledge, skills and competences, including transferable competences, which influence students’ personal development and can be used in their future careers and in life as active citizens in democratic societies. (S 2.9). Workload of students I., II., Combined I. and II. degree of study and also III. degree of study, for individual study subjects, is expressed in ECTS credits. (S 2.9, S 2.10, S 2.12)
UPJŠ publishes and updates the register of study programmes, which offers those interested in studying, as well as its students and employees, a detailed overview of the teaching provided at the university.
- Rector’s decision no. 7/2021 issuing the Accreditation Rules of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- SAAVŠ Standards
- Rector’s decision no. 8/2021 issuing the Rules of the Internal Quality Assurance and Verification System of education, scientific, research, development, artistic or other creative and supportive activities at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Long-term plan of UPJŠ
- Statute of the Board for Internal Quality Verification at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Rules of Procedure of the Board for Internal Quality Verification at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Study regulations of UPJŠ for I., II. and combined I. and II. degree of study
Annex no. 1: Recommended method of allocating credits to subjects in the creation of study programs at UPJŠ at the 1st, 2nd and combined 1st and 2nd level of study - Study regulations of doctoral studies
Annex no. 1: to the Study Regulations for Doctoral Studies at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
Approval of the study programme
The study programme is approved in accordance with the formalized processes of the Internal Quality System at UPJŠ, the Accreditation Rules of UPJŠ and SAAVŠ standards, while independent, impartial, objective, professionally based, transparent and fair assessment of the study programme and approval of the study programme is guaranteed. The process of approving the study programme is in the direct competence of the Council for Internal Quality Verification at UPJŠ, which also consists of students, employers and other stakeholders. This also ensures that the persons assessing and approving the study programme are different from the persons preparing the draft study programme. (S 3.1)
- Rector’s decision no. 8/2021 issuing the Rules of the Internal Quality Assurance and Verification System of education, scientific, research, development, artistic or other creative and supportive activities at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Rector’s decision no. 7/2021 issuing the Accreditation Rules of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Statute of the Board for Internal Quality Verification at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
Student-oriented learning, teaching and assessment
Study at UPJŠ has a university character and within the rules defined by the Study Regulations for I., II., Combined I. and II. degree of study and the Study Regulations for III. degree of study, students have the right to complete individual parts of the study programme at any part of UPJŠ. Individual accredited study programmes are carried out and to a specified extent administratively managed at individual faculties of the University or university-wide workplaces in accordance with the Rector’s Decision on Ensuring the Internal Quality System of Education at UPJŠ, the Accreditation Rules of UPJŠ and the Principles for Verifying the Quality of Higher Education at UPJŠ.
These adopted rules, forms and methods of teaching, learning and evaluation of learning outcomes in the study programme enable the achievement of learning outcomes, flexibility of learning trajectories and at the same time respect the diversity of students and their needs in achieving learning goals and outcomes. The forms and methods used for teaching, learning and evaluation of learning outcomes stimulate students to take an active role in the learning process, the creative activity of the university and the development of academic careers. (S 4.1, S 4.2, S 4.3)
The study programme enables appropriate education outside the university in national and international institutions. The results of this education are recognized by the university. International mobility of students and staff is an essential area of the university’s international activities. The most used forms of mobility include:
- study
- internship
- combination of teaching and training
In order to implement international mobilities, UPJŠ employees and students used:
The use of a foreign language in teaching, the internationalization of education through the systematic support of academic mobility and the support of employment of foreign academic staff is one of the long-term goals of UPJŠ. ( S 4.2, S 8.8)
Students at UPJŠ are constantly provided with support for independence and self-evaluation. They are motivated to improve and adhere to all principles of academic and professional ethics. The support of the university is also reflected in the financial support of students, which is declared in the Scholarship Regulations of UPJŠ.
University provides to its students:
- social scholarship
- motivational scholarship
- department scholarship
- merit scholarship
- annual rector‘s award
- special scholarship
- scholarship for III. degree students
- pregnancy scholarship
Scholarships from university resources are awarded in particular:
- for excellent fulfillment of study obligations
- for achieving an excellent result in the field of research and development;
- for exceptionally successful representation of UPJŠ in the field of science, art, culture or sports at the minimum national level
- for active contribution to the development of UPJŠ or the faculty, if the study takes place at the faculty;
- to support professional internships, participation in international competitions and other activities related to the activities of UPJŠ or the faculty
- to support research and pedagogical activities of students of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral study programmes
- for talented high school graduates after their enrollment at UPJŠ in order to support their decision to study at UPJŠ
- as one-off or regular social support in life situations worthy of special consideration
Support and recognition for exceptional students and staff are also reflected in:
- Rector’s Award of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice for significant contribution in the field of science and research
- UPJŠ Rector’s Award in Košice for a significant media event
- System support of top scientific teams of UPJŠ in Košice
- Statute of the UPJŠ Internal Scientific Grant System in Košice
Dean’s award are awarded at UPJŠ in Košice for extraordinary results as well as for contribution to the development of the faculty to faculty staff and doctoral students in the full-time form of study:
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Public Administration
- Faculty of Arts
Students of the Faculty of Science who want to actively combine their free time with education, scientific or technical work or the promotion of the study programme have the opportunity to use financial support in the programme:
- Student assistants:
- scientific forces
- pedagogical forces
- technical forces
- Student ambassador
Student scientific and professional activity (ŠVOČ) has become an integral part of the support of scientific and professional activities of students at UPJŠ. The main goal of ŠVOČ is to create preconditions for students’ scientific and professional work and individual development of students’ creative abilities and talents. Students of all forms of study participate in ŠVOČ. (S 4.4, S 4.5)
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Public Administration
- Faculty of Arts
The UPJŠ Study Regulations, Study Programmes of Study Programmes and Course Information Sheets set out the rules, criteria and methods for the evaluation of study results. The criteria for obtaining the mid-term and final assessment are published by the teachers through the Academic Information System AiS2, alternatively through another support system for distance education.
The time frame for awarding the evaluation is determined by the Schedule of the academic year at UPJŠ. The awarding of ratings, the archiving of ratings and ensuring the integrity of the ratings awarded are implemented through AiS2. (S 4.6, S 4.7)
“UPJŠ strongly pays attention to the objectivity, consistency and transparency of the verification of the acquired knowledge, skills and competences and the awarding of assessments to students.”
The principles for verifying the quality of higher education at UPJŠ declare that:
- examiners know the methods of testing and examination and are supported in the development of these competencies and skills
- the criteria and method of student evaluation, as well as the criteria for determining grades are published at the beginning of the semester
- the assessment provides students with information on the extent to which they have achieved the planned learning outcomes
- requirements of students with special needs are taken into account in the process of continuous and final evaluation
- evaluation is consistent, fairly applied to all students and performed in accordance with the established procedure, taking into account the ratio of continuous work and exam performance
- compliance with the evaluation procedures set out in the UPJŠ Study Regulations and the Study regulations of doctoral studies at UPJŠ
- compliance of general principles and rules of ethical behavior – Code of Ethics at UPJŠ and Student Code of Ethics at UPJŠ (S 4.6, S 4.7, W 4.8)
Students have the opportunity to ask the guarantor of the study programme, the rector or the dean, to review the awarded evaluation. In accordance with the UPJŠ Study regulations, the student may also request a commission examination. The issue of awarding evaluations is part of questionnaire surveys of students’ satisfaction with the quality of the educational process. (S 4.8, S 4.10)
If the objectivity of the assessment is supported by the presence of another examiner, the assessment is performed by more than one examiner. (S 4.9)
Once a year, UPJŠ analyzes the profile of the awards awarded in the academic year in the Annual Report on the Quality of Higher Education at UPJŠ in Košice in I., II. and joined I. and II. level and the Annual Report on the Quality of Higher Education at the 3rd level of education at UPJŠ.
- UPJŠ Study regulations for I., II. and combined I. and II. degree of study
Annex no. 1: Recommended method of allocating credits to subjects in the creation of study programs at UPJŠ at the 1st, 2nd and combined 1st and 2nd level of study - Study regulations of doctoral studies
Annex no. 1: to the Study Regulations for Doctoral Studies at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice - SAAVŠ Standards
- Rector’s decision no. 8/2021 issuing the Rules of the Internal Quality Assurance and Verification System of education, scientific, research, development, artistic or other creative and supportive activities at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Principles for verifying the quality of higher education at UPJŠ
- Code of Ethics
- Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Student Code of Ethics
- Statute of the Board for Internal Quality Verification at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Procedure of Erasmus + program administration at UPJŠ
Admission procedure, course of study, recognition of education and award of academic degrees
One of the long-term strategic goals of the university is to offer attractive study programmes for all those interested in studying from Slovakia and abroad, regardless of their potential health, social or other disadvantages. The Principles of the admission procedure at UPJŠ define the basic legislative starting points and general principles according to which a reliable, fair and transparent admission procedure is carried out at the university for each study programme carried out at UPJŠ in I., II., combined I. and II. and in III. level of higher education.
Study regulations in all phases of study are governed by the UPJŠ Study Regulations for I., II. and combined I. and II. degree, the Doctoral Study Regulations and the Higher Education Act. All defined rules of the admission procedure, the course of study as well as the recognition of education and the awarding of academic degrees are easily accessible to the public on the UPJŠ website as well as on the websites of the university faculties. (S 5.1, S 5.2)
The process of improving the selection of applicants from high schools and creating conditions for obtaining the best applicants for studies has long been fulfilled through modern and attractive promotion of UPJŠ and active cooperation of UPJŠ with major partners in education (schools, founders, interest organisations).
The selection of applicants for study on the basis of verification of general study prerequisites, identifying and taking into account individual creativity, specific needs and motivation is conditioned at individual faculties of UPJŠ differently:
For those who are interested in studying at UPJŠ, the university provides an opportunity to look into the process of teaching and scientific work during the Open Days and the One Day for University students event. Every year, these events attract a number of high school students to the university, who gain an overview of life at the university, extracurricular activities, as well as a lot of information about the conditions of admission to UPJŠ. (S 5.1, S 5.2)
Regulations for the implementation of study programmes implemented at UPJŠ regulate and enable the recognition of studies and parts of studies in accordance with the Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region so as to support national and international student mobility.
UPJŠ, as a research-oriented university that strategically supports promising scientific research directions, respects the ethical aspects of scientific work and strives to shape a correct and ethical environment in all aspects of scientific research. As part of the implementation of study programs, UPJŠ ensures research integrity as a prerequisite for quality scientific work consisting in strict adherence to the highest professional and moral standards, transparency, conducting research critically and without prejudice and absolute integrity of practice, teaching and administration of science. This is declared in compliance with the Code of Ethics and the UPJŠ Student Code of Ethics, to which the Principles of Good Practice in Scientific Publishing, the Rules for Assessing Plagiarism and the Principles of Good Research Practice at UPJŠ are closely linked. (S 5.4)
Examination of suggestions by:
- the student seeks the protection of his / her rights or legally protected interests, which he / she considers to have been violated by the activity or inaction of the university, a part of the university or the employees of the university, or
- the student points out specific shortcomings in the activity or inactivity of the university, part of the university or university staff, especially violation of legal regulations or violation of internal regulations of the university or its part, is governed by the Rector’s decision n. 9/2023 on the Submission and Handling of Queries, Complaints and Petitions at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its Parts, Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education § 3 para. 3 letter g), the Act on Complaints, the Rector’s Decision on Handling Complaints and the Study Regulations of UPJŠ.
Main principles of filing complaints at UPJŠ:
- The filing of a complaint must not become an incentive or a reason to draw consequences that would cause any harm to the complainant.
- When handling a complaint, the Section of control activities is obliged to immediately inform the person against whom the complaint is directed, with its content to such an extent and time that its investigation cannot be thwarted. At the same time, it will allow him / her to comment on the complaint, submit documents, documents, information and data necessary for handling the complaint.
- The complaint may not be assigned to the investigation and equipment of the person against whom it is directed, nor to an employee of UPJŠ in its management.
- UPJŠ is obliged to keep the identity of the complainant secret if the complainant so requests. UPJŠ may conceal the identity of the complainant if it is in the interest of handling the complaint.
- In accordance with the rules for monitoring, the Rector appoints the relevant commission to review the received suggestions and, based on the nature of the suggestions, also appoints student representatives to the commission. (S 5.5)
Successful completion of studies at UPJŠ is defined by the Study Regulations of UPJŠ for I., II. and combined I. and II. degree of study, the Study Rules of the doctoral study and is completed by the award of an academic degree. The university issues diplomas – a university diploma, a diploma supplement and a state examination certificate – which include an indication of the acquired qualification, including the achieved educational results and their context, degree and content of studies that students have completed and successfully completed. The use of degrees, honorary degrees and designation of functions of university teachers is governed by the Methodological Guideline of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic. The University Information System is used to check the fulfillment of the conditions for the award of an academic degree, in particular information from AiS2 and the Library Information System (KIS), and relevant links to other parts of the departmental information system. (S 5.6)
- Study Regulations of UPJŠ for I., II. and combined I. and II. degree of study
Annex no. 1: Recommended method of allocating credits to subjects in the creation of study programs at UPJŠ at the 1st, 2nd and combined 1st and 2nd level of study - Study Regulations of doctoral studies
Annex no. 1: to the Study Regulations for Doctoral Studies at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice - SAAVŠ Standards
- Rector’s Decision no. 23/2021 on the determination of tuition fees, fees associated with studies and on the reimbursement of costs associated with raising qualifications in the academic year 2022/2023 at UPJŠ in Košice
- Rector’s Decree No. 19/2018 on Minimal Standards of Support Provided to Students and Applicant Students with Special Needs at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and Its Units
- Rector’s Decision no. 14/2021, determining the Principles of the Admission Procedure for studies at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Code of Ethics
- Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Student Code of Ethics
- Rector’s decision n. 9/2023 on the Submission and Handling of Queries, Complaints and Petitions at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its Parts
- Rector’s decision no. 5/2021, issuing the principles of good practice in scientific publication at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its parts
- Rector’s decision no. 21/2021, on issuing rules for the assessment of plagiarism at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its parts
- Rector’s Decision no. 2/2022, determining the principles of good research practice at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its parts
- Methodological guideline for the use of degrees, honorary degrees and designation of functions of university teachers
- Rector’s Decision 13/2017 on the handling of complaints
- Design manual – decrees and certificates
- Act on Higher Education Institutions 131/2001 Coll.
- Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education 269/2018 Coll.
- Complaints Act 9/2010 Coll.
- Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region
Teachers of the study programme
UPJŠ in Košice guarantees fully qualified teachers for the study program, whose number and work capacity correspond to the number of students and the personnel demands of the educational processes. The staffing of university teachers, researchers, professors, associate professors and senior staff is governed by the Principles of the Selection Procedure at UPJŠ in Košice.
University guarantees the same approach in determining the scope of direct teaching of university teachers working in the positions of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, assistant and lecturer, thus ensuring an even distribution of the workload. (S 6.1)
In order to support the development of scientific research and the career growth of young researchers and in accordance with the Higher Education Act, UPJŠ in Košice offers an attractive opportunity to apply for postdoctoral positions.
- Organizational structure of UPJŠ in Košice
Implemented study programmes at UPJŠ have appointed persons responsible for the study programme (hereinafter referred to as “OZŠP”). The Accreditation Rules of UPJŠ classify OZŠP as a person with competencies and responsibility for the implementation, development and quality assurance of the study program guarantee the professional quality and content accuracy of the study program proposal. OZŠP is appointed on the basis of expertise and fulfillment of valid criteria by the dean of the relevant faculty or the deans of the relevant faculties, if the program will take place at several faculties, or by the director of the university pedagogical or research department. (S 6.4)
“A profile study subject is a study subject of the study programme which contributes significantly to the achievement of the graduate’s profile, i.e. the aims and learning outcomes of the relevant study programme.”
The persons who conduct the final theses carry out active creative activity or practical activity at the level corresponding to the level of the study programme in the issue of professional and thematic focus of the supervised theses. The supervisors of dissertations are persons in the position of professor or in the position of associate professor or other similar position in a research institution cooperating contractually in the provision of a third-degree study programme with a university.
University complies with all declared requirements for the submission and publication of final theses, as well as for signing license agreements for the final theses.
The development of professional, language, pedagogical, digital skills and transferable competences of teachers of study programs is regularly supported by trainings and offered education.
The University is mainly one of the founding members of the Slovak Academic Association for Lifelong Learning, mainly through the Lifelong Learning Center and Project Support (CCVaPP), but also for some faculties and university workplaces, which has long been established in the field of lifelong learning.
CCVaPP provides a range of commercial and non-commercial educational activities that enable everyone to supplement, expand and deepen their education, acquire the ability to participate in the life of civil society or to fulfill their interests.
CCVaPP’s educational activities include further education, continuous education and attestation examinations for pedagogical staff, education within the University of the Third Age and various activities for primary school pupils and high school students as well as public administration employees. (S 6.6)
Current courses and education:
- Development of pedagogical and psychological abilities of UPJŠ teachers (cycle of professional events): Communication of a teacher with a student with special needs: 4.6.2021 at 13:00
- LiveAgent helpdesk training: 2.6.2021 at 9:00
- Information security education: 20.5., 24.5., 27.5.2021
- Study regulations of UPJŠ for I., II. and combined I. and II. degree of study
Annex no. 1: Recommended method of allocating credits to subjects in the creation of study programs at UPJŠ at the 1st, 2nd and combined 1st and 2nd level of study - Study regulations of doctoral studies
Annex no. 1: to the Study Regulations for Doctoral Studies at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice - SAAVŠ Standards
- Rector’s Decision no. 14/2021, determining the Principles of the Admission Procedure for studies at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Rector’s decision no. 5/2021, issuing the principles of good practice in scientific publication at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its parts
- Rector’s decision no. 21/2021, on issuing rules for the assessment of plagiarism at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its parts
- Rector’s Decision no. 2/2022, determining the principles of good research practice at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its parts
- Methodological guideline for the use of degrees, honorary degrees and designation of functions of university teachers
- Rules for the establishment of postdoctoral reasercher positions students at UPJŠ in Košice
- Principles of the selection procedure for filling the positions of university teachers, the positions of researchers, the positions of professors and associate professors and the positions of senior staff
- Determination of the standard schedule of pedagogical workload at UPJŠ
- Determining the procedure for translating the final thesis at the 1st, 2nd and combined 1st and 2nd level of higher education and determining the procedure for signing the license agreement
- Principles for verifying the quality of higher education at UPJŠ
- Act on Higher Education Institutions 131/2001 Coll.
- Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education 269/2018 Coll.
Creative activity of the university
The aim of quality assurance and verification at UPJŠ is to create conditions for ensuring the development of the university and at the same time to permanently improve educational, creative and support activities at the university.
One of the main tasks of the university in fulfilling its mission is to support creative scientific research. Scientific Board of UPJŠ evaluates the level of the university in all aspects of creative activity.
The minimum requirements for staffing the quality of creative activity are stipulated in particular by:
- Criteria for obtaining scientific and pedagogical titles of associate professor and professor,
- Rules for the submission of proposals for the award of scientific qualifications by the Attestation Committee
- Principles of the selection procedure for filling the positions of university teachers, the positions of researchers, the positions of professors and associate professors and the positions of senior staff
- Rules for the establishment of postdoctoral researcher positions at UPJŠ and its parts.
Verification of the quality of creative activity at the university is mainly based on:
- annual reports on the quality of creative activity at the university and its parts
- scientometric analysis of results
- professional assessment of results by independent, internationally accepted and recognized experts
- the main indicators of the quality of creative activity
Evaluation report on the quality of creative activity are is prepared by faculties and university workplaces every five years. The structure of the report and the methodology of its elaboration is defined by the Principles for Verifying the Quality of Creative Activity at UPJŠ.
University uses the recommendations of the International Council of UPJŠ for continuous external verification of the quality of education and creative activity.
The results of creative activity in the relevant field of study, in which the study programme is carried out at the required level depending on its degree, teachers of UPJŠ providing profile subjects of the study programme prove by submitting the Characteristics of the submitted creative activity and updating the Scientific-artistic pedagogical characteristics.
- Statute of the International Council of UJPŠ
- Principles for verifying the quality of creative activity at UPJŠ
- Rules for the establishment of postdoctoral reasercher positions students at UPJŠ in Košice and its parts
- Principles of the selection procedure for filling the positions of university teachers, the positions of researchers, the positions of professors and associate professors and the positions of senior staff
- Rules for the submission of proposals for the award of scientific qualifications by the Attestation Committee
- Criteria for obtaining scientific and pedagogical titles of associate professor and professor
Resources for ensuring the study programme and student support
UPJŠ is especially active in project activities, which are covered by the Center for Lifelong Learning and Project Support. The activities of the Project Support Department are focused on:
- continuous research and monitoring of the possibilities of financing project activities and non-selective, transparent and timely provision of information to the faculties and workplaces of the university
- methodological activity in the creation of project intentions and proposals,
- elaboration of project intentions and preparation of documents for the approval process
- support activities in the planning, preparation and processing of project proposals, administration of applications and contract documents,
- support activities in the project implementation processes
- administration and administration of the project portal
Comprehensive overview of project support at UPJŠ:
- Current challenges / History of challenges
- Grant schemes
- Scientific programs and projects
- Overview of projects solved at UPJŠ 2001 – 2016
- Overview of projects solved at UPJŠ 2016+
The mission of the Internal Scientific Grant System of Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (“VVGS”) is to support and stimulate the concentration of research potential of creative workers and doctoral students at UPJŠ working in various areas of research and education, create conditions for spontaneous interconnection of research topics in order to more successfully apply for projects from the external environment, enable more efficient use of advanced infrastructure and create a competitive and stimulating environment for doctoral and postdoctoral students of UPJŠ.
UPJŠ provides sufficient spatial, material, technical and information resources of the study programme separately for each seat in which the study programme takes place, in proportion to the goals and outcomes of education. The coverage of expenditures on higher education, creative scientific research and research activities, which belong to the priorities of UPJŠ and also for the expansion of existing infrastructure, reconstruction of buildings and introduction of modern information and communication technologies, is declared annually in the Annual Management Report.
Tuition fees and training costs are always publicly available. Students will find financial support to secure current student expenses, but also to implement their visions and projects through loans from the Education Support Fund or scholarships from the National Scholarship Programme.
Ensuring the quality of study programmes requires an appropriate quality of support activities. These are provided by individual parts of the university, whose structure and competencies are defined in the Organizational Rules of UPJŠ. Academic Information System AiS2 is used to support comprehensive education management at all three levels of higher education.
UPJŠ has currently 5 faculties, which are suitably supplemented by university workplaces, the existence of which is essential to ensure the required quality of selected services, which are characteristic of a respected and materially well-equipped university. At present, university workplaces include:
- University Library (together with its organizational unit – ŠafárikPress Publishing House)
- Information and Communication Technologies Center – CIaKT
- Lifelong Learning Center and Project Support – CCVaPP
- University Counselling Center – UNIPOC
- Botanical Garden
- Student Dormitories and Canteen
- Teaching and training facility Danišovce
- Technology and Innovation Park TIP – UPJŠ. (S 8.1, S 8.3, S 8.5)
Educational activities at UPJŠ, which are provided by distance or combined method, are sufficiently supported and secured. Distance education at the university is used mainly in the form of supervised independent study and as a support for full-time study. Electronic support uses shared online educational content available in LMS Moodle, MS Teams, Google Classroom, etc., at the discretion of the teacher. Study materials, presentations, interactive elements of active cognition, feedback and self-assessment tools as well as administrative tools for submitting assignments, discussion forums for teamwork, are arranged in a structure corresponding to the syllabus of the subject. In one place, the student receives comprehensive support, all instructions and systemically arranged teaching materials. The teacher monitors the activity of the individual student, the scope and quality of the processed assignments, responds to the personalized questions of the students and guides the individual study pace and the choice of the study path of the students. Students are led to their own responsibility for education, adherence to the time schedule and teamwork.
Distance education at the university is implemented in the form of e-learning.
It includes:
a) implementation of online lectures, seminars and consultations,
b) providing records of lectures with the possibility of interaction with the teacher through discussion forums, social reader, online assessment
c) use of feedback tools – electronic tests, questionnaires, surveys, self assesment-tests, to the provided educational content, study materials and interactive elements,
d) implementation of mixed teaching with emphasis on the full-time part in the laboratory.
Software platforms have been created at the university, supporting organizational forms of education based on distance learning. They contain teaching programs, subjects and thematic units supplemented by electronic materials, teaching aids. They also include organizational and administrative support. Information on the distance form, an overview of tools with instructions and available university portals can be found on the e-learning and distance learning website of UPJŠ. (S 8.2)
Reflektovaním nepredvídate, boli na UPJŠ prijaté opatrenia na vykonanie dizertačnej skúšky a obhajobu dizertačnej práce dištančnou formou. (Š 8.2)
UPJŠ is open to all those interested in studying, while the university responds effectively to the diversity of needs and interests of students. The university creates a generally accessible academic environment and corresponding individual study conditions for applicants and students with special needs without reducing the requirements for their study performance.
The following support services are available to students with special needs:
- Counselling: psychological, social, legal, career
- Technical support (special devices and aids)
- IT consulting – assistance and support in the use of IT resources. Advice on setting up AiS2 for visually impaired students. PC settings for visually impaired students.
- Library and lending services tailored to the special needs of students.
- Erasmus +: student of UPJŠ with special needs has the opportunity to apply for a grant, which is used to cover expenses related to special needs during the implementation of mobility abroad. More information at the Department for International Relations (S 8.6, S 8.9)
Career counselling at UPJŠ is provided by the University Counselling Center UPJŠ in Košice (UNIPOC) for all UPJŠ students free of charge. Within these services, UNIPOC builds on four foundations:
UNIPOC provides students with information about the situation on the labor market, employment opportunities, the proper preparation of resumes or cover letters. Through education on social networks, it regularly brings students information from the world of work and unemployment. University Counselling Center also provides:
- legal counselling
- psychological counselling
- social counselling
- counselling on effective learning (S 8.6)
The development of UPJŠ students is ensured not only by quality education, but also by social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities during their studies. The university covers and supports student organizations and student interest associations. UPJŠ publishes the official journal of the university – Universitas Šafarikiana, which regularly informs about events on the campus. Student Radio and Uni TV UPJŠ also operates at the university as a means of internal communication, but also with the ambition to bring life closer to the general public at UPJŠ.
Sports activities for UPJŠ students are provided by the University Department of Physical Education and Sport (ÚTVŠ). It offers a choice of 21 sports through the subject Sports Activities. Students can play sports not only within the compulsory or optional subject, but also beyond the credit form. The traditional addition to the ÚTVŠ offer are winter and summer courses (ski course, survival, cycling course, rafting on the river Tisza and exercise by the sea). Students who do not have enough sports activities offered by ÚTVŠ can also apply for a much wider range of sports offered by TJ Slávia UPJŠ. There are 5 gyms available for students’ sports, most of which have undergone a major renovation in recent years. The gym is equipped for the needs of various levels – from beginners to advanced and is regularly supplemented and innovated. There are 4 tennis courts and 3 multifunctional concrete courts in the ÚTVŠ building. (S 8.7)
City of Košice, as the metropolis of eastern Slovakia, provides students with an ideal environment for cultural and social activities as well as spiritual growth. The historic city and its surroundings offer many ideas for exploring, trips and sports.
- Statute of the International Council of UJPŠ
- Organizational rules of UPJŠ
- Rector’s Decision No. 9/2025 on the determination of tuition fees, fees associated with studies and reimbursement of costs associated with increasing qualifications in the 2025/2026 academic year at UPJŠ in Košice new!
- Rector’s Decision No. 6/2024 on the determination of tuition fees, fees associated with studies and on the reimbursement of costs associated with increasing qualifications in the academic year 2024/2025 at UPJŠ in Košice (hereinafter referred to as the “Fee Regulation”)
- Rector’s Decree No. 19/2018 on Minimal Standards of Support Provided to Students and Applicant Students with Special Needs at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and Its Units
- Organizational rules of the UPJŠ Counselling Center
- Rector‘s Decision no. 25/2021, issuing the statute of the Internal Scientific Grant System Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Rector’s Decision no. 22/2020 on the production and use of audio-visual recordings from teleconferencing educational, popularization and presentation activities at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its parts
- Conditions for the use of teleconferencing technology for the purposes of conducting the dissertation examination and defending the dissertation thesis at UPJŠ in Košice
- Housing and accommodation regulations of UPJŠ
University pays attention to the connection of knowledge with practice, which is supported by strong ties with important partners and organizations (S 8.4, S 8.10, S 2.9, Š 2.11):
Faculty of Medicine
• Specialized teaching facilities
• Scientific research and experimental workplaces
• MEDIPARK Clinical and Preclinical Research Center
• Center for Simulator and Virtual Medicine
Faculty of Science
• Centers of excellence
• Start-up projects
• Shared laboratories
• Technicom University Science Park
• Promatech – Research Centre
Faculty of Law
• Workplace of legal clinics
Faculty of Public Administration
• Partner organisations
Faculty of Arts
• Department of Interpreting
• Partner organisations
Department of Physical Education and Sport
• Partner organisations
Collection and processing of information about the study programme
Publication of information about the study programme
The aim of the university is to provide the public with the image of UPJŠ as a leader in the field of education and research in Slovakia and abroad through the always up-to-date state of information about study programs that are implemented at the university.
All information on study programmes can be found in Slovak and English on the Register of Study Programmes website.
The register contains clearly structured information on all study programmes implemented at UPJŠ. Through the Study Programme Description, Information Sheets and Scientific and Artistic Pedagogical Characteristics of the staff, all information about the study programmes is easily and freely accessible to students, supporters, potential students, students with special needs, graduates, other stakeholders and the general public in all languages in which study programmes are carried out.
All current information on study programmes and studies at the university is publicly available on the UPJŠ website, as well as on the faculty websites:
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Public Administration
- Faculty of Arts
- Department of Physical Education and Sport (S 10.1, S 10.2)
The management of study programmes takes place through the Academic Information System AiS2, a comprehensive information system used to manage studies at all three levels of study.
Continuous monitoring, periodic evaluation and periodic approval of the study programme
The quality of educational activities at UPJŠ in I., II. combined I. and II. Degree of study is monitored by the Study Programme Board. The quality of study programmes at the doctoral level is monitored by the Trade Union Commission.
The objectives of obtaining feedback are based on the Principles for obtaining feedback for the purposes of evaluating the quality of educational activities, creative activities and support activities at UPJŠ:
- constantly improving the quality of preparation, organization, content, course and continuity of studies in individual study programmes,
- improving the quality of support activities for university management, educational activities and creative activities,
- improving the conditions for the employment of graduates,
- improving the academic environment and improving the image of the university in public,
- obtaining documents for quality verification within IQS and creation of strategic and operational materials.
To meet these goals, the university conducts the following periodic types of surveys:
- evaluation of the quality of education at the 1st, 2nd level and combined 1st and 2nd level of higher education
- evaluation of the quality of education at the 3rd level of higher education
- evaluation of the quality of education and possibilities of application in practice by graduates
- evaluation of employee satisfaction.
For the effective management of the study programme, the quality of the provided study programmes is monitored mainly through:
- questionnaire surveys on student satisfaction with educational and related support activities
- teaching observation
- analytical data on the application of graduates in practice
- other information obtained within the process of monitoring the quality of educational activities, which is regulated in the Rules for monitoring the quality of educational activities at bachelor’s, master’s, combined bachelor’s and master’s degree and doctoral degree.
The results of the feedback are always reflected in the measures taken, which lead to the improvement and innovation of the study programme, while all measures are communicated with stakeholders and made public.
The evaluation of the study program is ensured by periodic meetings of the Study Programme Boards and Trade Union Commissions, at which information is regularly obtained and gathered on:
- achieved goals and related learning outcomes
- graduate applicability
- the work capacity of teachers
- the number of students admitted and an analysis of the number of students studying the study programme
- the effectiveness of the admission procedure and the students’ results during the first year of study
- the conditions and outcomes of students with special needs
- effectiveness of methods for verifying learning outcomes and student assessment
- achieving learning outcomes outside the univeristy
- adherence to academic, professional ethics, research integrity and plagiarism
- student suggestions and complaints
- the level of creative activity of the teachers of the study programme
- on the development of teachers in the study programme
- the views of students, employers and other stakeholders.
Students, teachers, employers and other stakeholders in the study programme are involved in the process of monitoring the quality of study programmes at UPJŠ. Study programme is periodically approved in accordance with the formalized processes of the internal system in a period corresponding to its standard length of study.
The aim of monitoring is to improve the level of important parameters of the study programme, which will increase the quality of educational activities, the employability of graduates, or their competitiveness in the labor market. (S 11.1, S 11.2, S 11.3, S 11.4, S 11.5)
- Rector’s decision no. 8/2021 issuing the Rules of the Internal Quality Assurance and Verification System of education, scientific, research, development, artistic or other creative and supportive activities at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Rules for monitoring the quality of educational activities at bachelor’s, master’s, combined bachelor’s and master’s degree and doctoral degree
- Rector’s Decision no. 13/2021, issuing the Principles for obtaining feedback for the purposes of evaluating the quality of educational activities, creative activities and support activities at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University
- Minutes of the periodic meeting of the Study Programme Board (RŠP)
- Minutes of the meeting of the Study Programme Board (RŠP) to assess the compliance of SP with the SAAVŠ Standards
- Minutes of the meeting of the Trade Union Commission to assess the compliance of the SP with the SAAVŠ Standards