International projects
1. STREP project 6. RP EU, FP6, SUSTDEV-1.2.7 Capture and sequestration of CO2, SES6 – DeSANNS – 020133, Advanced separation and storage of carbon dioxide: Design, Synthesis and Applications of Novel Nanoporous Sorbents, Period of addressing the project: 01/01/2006 – 31/12/2008, The consortium included 8 EU countries departments, the principal investigator for the Slovak Republic: V. Zeleňák.
2. DESY (Deutshe Electronen Synchrotron) / Hasylab I-20110282 EC project, “Advanced nanomaterials for sorption and magnetic applications“ 2011-2012, project financed by DESY, principal investigator: V. Zeleňák.
3. DESY (or sorption and magnetic applications 2010-2011, project financed by DESY, principal investigator: V. Zeleňák Deutshe Electronen Synchrotron) / Hasylab I-20100131 EC “Study of the periodic nanoporous materials.
4. “DEVMAGMIWIRTEC – Development of Magnetic Micro-Wires for Technical Applications“, which was included within 50 “Succes Stories“ in the call of the 6th RP EU – MANUNET call 2007 Project head A. Zhukov, TAMAG Iberica S.L., Spain, the person in charge of addressing the project at UPJŠ: R. Varga.
5.“SoMaMicSens – Development of soft Magnetic Microwires with GMI effect for Micro-Sensors“, ktorý bol vyhodnotený medzi 50 „Succes stories“ vo výzve 7. RP EÚ – MANUNET call 2011. Project head O. Zhukova, TAMAG Iberica S.L., Spain, in charge of UPJŠ for addressing the project: R. Varga (
APVV projects
- Inteligentné nanopórovité systémy ako nosiče liečiv (INSTAL), APVV-15-0520, (2016-2020): principal investigator V. Zeleňák
- DesIgn of NanOporouS Advanced materials for controlled drUgs Release (DINOSAUR), APVV SK-FR-2017-0011, (2018-2020): principal investigator V. Zeleňák
- Ordered Nanoporous matrices for preparation of advanced Materials (OrNaMat): grantová agentúra APVV RPEU-0027-06 (2006-2009), principal investigator V. Zeleňák
- Nanomateriály pre environmentálne aplikácie: budúcnosť je v rukách študentov (NaEnS): grant agency APVV LPP–0093–09, (2009-2012): principal investigator V. Zeleňák
- Moderné amorfné a polykryštalické funkčné materiály pre senzory a aktuátory, APVV-16-0079, (2017 – 2020): principal investigator R. Varga
- Dynamika doménovej steny v tenkých magnetických drôtoch, APVV-0027-11, (2011 – 2015): principal investigator R. Varga
- Senzory na báze magnetických mikrodrôtov, APVV-0266-10, (2010 – 2014): principal investigator J. Blažek (TUKE), R. Varga (UPJŠ)
VEGA projects
- Metalo-organické siete pre energetické aplikácie, VEGA 1/0745/17, (2017-2020): principal investigator V. Zeleňák
- Nanopórovité materiály pre separáciu technologicky dôležitých molekúl, VEGA 1/0583/11,(2011-2014): principal investigator V. Zeleňák
- Nanopórovité sorbenty pre záchyt a separáciu oxidu uhličitého: grantová agentúra VEGA 1/0119/08 (2008-2011): principal investigator V. Zeleňák
- Magnetické vlastnosti magnetických mikrodrôtov ako perspektívnych materiálov pre spintroniku a technické aplikácie, VEGA 1/0076/09, (2009 – 2012): principal investigator R. Varga
- Rýchlochladené amorfné a Heuslerove zliatiny s význačnými vlastnosťami. Príprava a charakterizácia, VEGA 1/0164/16, (2016 – 2018): principal investigator R. Varga
Selected publications
- E. Beňová, V. Zeleňák, D. Halamová, M. Almáši, V. Petruľová, M. Psotka, A. Zeleňáková, M. Bačkor, V. Hornebecq: A drug delivery system based on switchable photo-controlled p-coumaric acid derivatives anchored on mesoporous silica, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 5 (2017) 817-825 (IF: 4.543).
- R. Smolková, V. Zeleňák, L. Smolko, J. Kuchár, M. Rabajdova, M. Ferenčáková, M. Marekova, Novel zinc complexes of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, niflumic acid: Structural characterization, human-DNA and albumin binding properties, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, DOI:10.1016/j.ejmech.2017.05.009, (IF: 4.519).
- M. Almáši, V. Zeleňák, A. Zukal, J. Kuchár, J. Čejka, A novel zinc(II) metal-organic framework with a diamond-like structure: synthesis, study of thermal robustness and gas adsorption properties, Dalton Transactions, 45 (2016) 1233-1242 (IF: 4.029).
- V. Zeleňák, A. Zeleňáková, J. Kováč, U. Vainio, N. Murafa, Influence of Surface Effects on Magnetic Behavior of Hematite Nanoparticles Embedded in Porous Silica Matrix, Journal of Physical CHemistry C, 113 (2009) 13045-13050 (IF: 4.536).
- V. Zeleňák, D. Halamová, L. Gaberová, E. Bloch, P. Llewellyn, Amine-modified SBA-12 mesoporous silica for carbon dioxide capture: Effect of amine basicity on sorption properties, Microporous Mesoporous Materials, 116 (2008) 358-364 (IF: 3.615).
- V. Zeleňák M. Badaničová, D. Halamová, J. Čejka, A. Zukal, Natália Murafa, Gunter Goerigk: Amine-modified ordered mesoporous silica: Effect of pore size on carbon dioxide capture, Chemical Engineering Journal, 144 (2008) 336-342 (IF: 6.216).
- M. Almáši, V. Zeleňák, M. Opanasenko, I. Císařová, Ce(III) and Lu(III) metal-organic frameworks with Lewis acid metal sites: Preparation, sorption properties and catalytic activity in Knoevenagel condensation, Cat. Today, 243 (2015) 184-194. (IF: 4.636).