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EU Structural Funds Projects at UPJŠ

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Approved projects  

Project: Research and Education at UPJŠ – aiming towards excellent  European universities  (EXPERT)
ITMS Project Code: 26110230056
Tender Code: OPV-2010/1.2./02-SORO
Operational programme: Education
Co-financing fund: European Social Fund
Priority axis: 1. Reform of the Education and Vocational Training System
Measure: 1.2. Universities and Research and Development as the Driving Forces in the Development of the Knowledge Society
Project duration: II.2012-I.2014
Allocated grant: 592 794,03 €
Project: Advanced implants with stem cells for hard tissue regeneration and reconstruction (POKIMP)
ITMS Project Code: 26220220032
Tender Code: OPVaV-2008/2.2./01-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 2. Support to Research and Development
Measure: 2.2 Transfer of knowledge and technology from research and development into practice
Project duration: I.2010-III.2012
Allocated grant: 404 510 € per project,  128 060 € for 1st Partner  (UPJŠ)
Project: Research centre of applied  biomedical diagnostics (SEMBID)
ITMS Project Code: 26220220143
Tender Code: OPVaV-2009/2.2./05-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 2. Support to Research and Development
Measure: 2.2 Transfer of knowledge and technology from research and development into practice
Project duration: I.2011-XII.2014
Allocated grant: 2 090 365,08 € per project, 886 233,14 €  for 1st  Partner
Project: Centre of excellence for research of health influencing factors with focus on groups of marginalised a immunocompromised people
ITMS Project Code: 26220120058
Tender Code: OPVaV-2009/2.1/03-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 2. Support to Research and Development
Measure: 2.1 Promoting networks of excellent research and development centres as pillars of regional development and promotion of sub-regional cooperation
Project duration: 01.08.2010 – 31.07.2013
Allocated grant: 3400237,62 €
Project: Centre of excellence for biomedical technologies
ITMS Project Code: 26220120066
Tender Code: OPVaV-2009/2.1/03-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 2. Support to Research and Development
Measure: 2.1 Promoting networks of excellent research and development centres as pillars of regional development and promotion of sub-regional cooperation
Project duration: 01.11.2010 – 31.10.2013
Allocated grant: 3 531 368,50 €
Project: Centre of excellence for electromagnetic fields in medicine (CEEPM)
ITMS Project Code: 26220120067
Tender Code: OPVaV-2009/2.1/03-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 2. Support to Research and Development
Measure: 2. 1 Promoting networks of excellent research and development centres  as pillars of regional development and promotion of sub-regional cooperation
Project duration: 01.07.2010 – 31.08.2013
Allocated grant: 3 805 168,00 €
Project: Centre of excellence for neuroregenerative research
ITMS Project Code: 26220120063
Tender Code: OPVaV-2009/2.1/03-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 2. Support to Research and Development
Measure: 2.1 Promoting networks of excellent research and development centres as pillars of regional development and promotion of sub-regional cooperation
Project duration: 01.07.2010 – 31.08.2014
Allocated grant: 1000100 € for 1st partner (per project 3815673,04 €)
Project: Development of  optical nanosensors  for multicomponent  analysis  of trace amounts of environment  and  drugs pollutants (NanoBioSens)
ITMS Project Code: 26220220107
Tender Code: OPVaV-2009/2.2/04-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 2. Support to Research and Development
Measure: 2.2 Transfer of knowledge and technology from research and development into practice
Project duration: 03.01.2011 – 31.12.2013
Allocated grant: 696 079,25 €
Project: Probiotic microorganisms and bioactive  substances of natural origin for healthier population of Slovakia
ITMS Project Code: 2620220220104
Tender Code: OPVaV-2009/2.2/04-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 2. Support to Research and Development
Measure: 2.2 Transfer of knowledge and technology from research and development into practice
Project duration: I/ 2011 –  I/ 2014
Allocated grant: 873 715,00 €
Project: Modern and interactive education at UPJŠ
ITMS Project Code: 26110230035 
Tender Code: OPV-2009/1.2/01-SORO 
Operational programme: Education
Co-financing fund: European Social Fund
Priority axis: 1. Reform of the Education and Vocational Training System
Measure: 1.2. Universities and Research and Development as the Driving Forces in the Development of the Knowledge Society
Project duration: 01. 08. 2010 – 31. 07. 2013 
Allocated grant: 992212,3 €
Project: Modern Public Administration – Creation  and  innovation of study programmes of UPJŠ Faculty of Public Administration (MoVeS)
ITMS Project Code: 26110230038 
Tender Code: OPV-2009/1.2/01-SORO 
Operational programme: Education
Co-financing fund: European Social Fund
Priority axis: 1. Reform of the Education and Vocational Training System
Measure: 1.2. Universities and Research and Development as the Driving Forces in the Development of the Knowledge Society
Project duration: 01. 09. 2010 – 31. 08. 2013 
Allocated grant: 562090,11 €
Project: Modernisation of Phd study programmes in Sciences and Humanities at UPJŠ (DOKTORAND)
ITMS Project Code: 26110230013 
Tender Code: OPV-2009/1.2/01-SORO 
Operational programme: Education
Co-financing fund: European Social Fund
Priority axis: 1. Reform of the Education and Vocational Training System
Measure: 1.2. Universities and Research and Development as the Driving Forces in the Development of the Knowledge Society
Project duration: 01. 10. 2010 – 30. 09. 2013 
Allocated grant: 978705,11 €
Project: Centre of excellence for  atherosclerosis research (CEVA)
ITMS Project Code: 26220120040
Tender Code: OPVaV – 2009/2.1/02-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 2. Support to Research and Development
Measure: 2.1 Promoting networks of excellent research and development centres  as pillars of regional development and promotion of sub-regional cooperation
Project duration: 01.05.2010 – 30.04.2013
Allocated grant: 2645129,08 €
Project: Extrem – Completion of Centre of advanced physics studies of materials in extreme conditions
ITMS Project Code: 26220120047
Tender Code: OPVaV – 2009/2.1/02-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 2. Support to Research and Development
Measure: 2.1 Promoting networks of excellent research and development centres as pillars of regional development and promotion of sub-regional cooperation
Project duration: June  2010 – May  2013
Allocated grant: 2361131,7 €
Project: Creating infrastructure in centre of excellence SEPO-II
ITMS Project Code: 26220120039
Tender Code: OPVaV – 2009/2.1/02-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 2. Support to Research and Development
Measure: 2.1 Promoting networks of excellent research and development centres as pillars of regional development and promotion of sub-regional cooperation
Project duration: 01.09.2010 – 31.08.2013
Allocated grant: 2637342,45 €
Project: Innovation and  extension of ICT in educational process and building of polyfunctional lecture hall complex  of UPJŠ in Košice
ITMS Project Code: 26250120040
Tender Code: OPVaV-2009/5.1/03-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 5. Infrastructure of universities
Measure: 5.1 Building and modernization of infrastructure on universities and their internal equipment to improve quality of education process
Project duration: 01.09.2010 – 31.08.2012
Allocated grant: 5580697,92 €
Project: Network of centres of excellence for oncology /SEPO/
ITMS Project Code: 26220120024
Tender Code: OPVaV-2008/2.1/01-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 2. Support to Research and Development
Measure: 2.1 Promoting networks of excellent research and development  centres as pillars of regional development and promotion of sub-regional cooperation
Project duration: 01.07.2009 – 30.06.2011
Allocated grant: 1 310 285,56 €
Project: Centre of excellence for  research of atherosclerosis and its complications – Myocardial and Cerebral Infarction 
ITMS Project Code: 26220120025
Tender Code: OPVaV-2008/2.1/01-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 2. Support to Research and Development
Measure: 2.1 Promoting networks of excellent research and development centres as pillars of regional development and promotion of sub-regional cooperation
Project duration: 01.05.2009 – 30.04.2011
Allocated grant: 863 884,39 €
Project: CaKS – Centre of excellence of Information sciences
ITMS Project Code: 26220120007
Tender Code: OPVaV-2008/2.1/01-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 2. Support to Research and Development
Measure: 2.1 Promoting networks of excellent research and development centres as pillars of regional development and promotion of sub-regional cooperation
Project duration: 01.05.2009 – 30.04.2011
Allocated grant: 1 151 453,89 €
Project: Extrem – Centre of advanced physics studies of materials in extreme conditions
ITMS Project Code: 26220120005
Tender Code: OPVaV-2008/2.1/01-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 2. Support to Research and Development
Measure: 2.1 Promoting networks of excellent research and development centres as pillars of regional development and promotion of sub-regional cooperation
Project duration: 01.05.2009 – 30.04.2011
Allocated grant: 1 327 689,46 €
Project: Creating the OPEN DOOR University by Implementation of the Modern ICT and Reconstruction of the Faculty of Arts Building in the UPJŠ Premises
ITMS Project Code: 26250120028
Tender Code: OPVaV-2008/5.1/02-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 5. Infrastructure of universities
Measure: 5.1 Building and modernization of infrastructure on universities and their internal equipment to improve quality of education process
Project duration: 01.09.2009 – 31.08.2011
Allocated grant: 4 760 051,46 €
Project: ICT Modernisations at UPJŠ in Košice and reconstruction of University Library, auditoriums and lecture rooms
ITMS Project Code: 26250120003
Tender Code: OPVaV-2008/5.1/01-SORO
Operational programme: Research and  Development
Co-financing fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority axis: 5. Infrastructure of universities
Measure: 5.1 Building and modernization of infrastructure on universities and their internal equipment to improve quality of education process
Project duration: 01.02.2009  –  30.09.2010
Allocated grant: 3 933 771,68 € ( 118 508 805,55 Sk ) 

Study at UPJŠ