The Faculty of Science of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice cooperates within this project with the University of Prešov in Prešov and with the Technical University in Košice, who is the main coordinator of the project.
The strategic objective of this project is to build the “Technicom” University Science Park, which will be an internationally acknowledged centre of research and transfer of technologies in the field of innovative applications to support knowledge-based technologies. The first specific objective of the project is to ensure the organization and management of building and running the USP through scientific management. The second specific objective is to build a real and functioning park infrastructure as a sophisticated research and technology unit. The third specific objective is to ensure top applied research and development in selected areas of science, including the social and humanitarian dimensions:
• information and communication technologies
• electrical engineering, automation and control systems
• engineering
• civil engineering (construction, transport, geodesy)
• environmental engineering (mining, metallurgy, sciences of water management) including the social
and humanitarian dimensions.
The main objective is to reach the following functions:
• to ensure the creation of business incubators for small and for medium “Hi-Tech” businesses, for start-ups, and for spin-off firms, which are generated mainly on the basis of relevant research results and developments, which were carried out within the research and innovating activities and projects of the universities and the institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences,
• to support a wide-ranging, effective and mutually beneficial cooperation concentrating on research and development among the institutes of the universities, the Slovak Academy of Sciences, and the organizations from the social and economic spheres,
• to ensure proper conditions for a sustainable development of research with a permanent impact on transfer of knowledge and technologies, and on the innovative practice on regional, national and on international level,
• to become a primary contact for those firms, which are interested in a cooperation with research and development teams from the institutes of the universities.