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Student Mobilities

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Who am I?

Incoming student

Are you a student from abroad interested in an exchange at UPJŠ?
One.Point is a place, where you will find answers to all of your questions!

Outgoing student

Are you a student of UPJŠ interested in an international stay?
This website will provide you with all the information!

#Erasmus+: Enriching lives, opening minds

Erasmus+ is an EU mobility programme that allows students and staff to go abroad with financial support.The flagship of the programme is Key Action 131 (KA131), which allows students to travel to the programme countries (EU countries + North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey). Learn more…

Prospective applicants become students at a foreign partner university. The minimum duration of a long-term mobility is 2 months. The minimum duration of short-term mobility is 5 days and 2 days of travel (7 days altogether). The amount of time which a student can spend abroad is limited to 12 months per a study cycle (study mobility and traineeships combined). Students have to acquire at least 20 credits, for this reason, the recommended duration of a study mobility is at least one semester. Study mobility is available to students from the first year of studies (from the fifth year for the Faculty of Medicine students). Learn more…

Download the latest list of partner universities

Prospective applicants become involved with an institution or a company of their choice (institutions related to the administration of the Erasmus+ programme are not eligible). The minimum duration of a long-term mobility is 2 months. The minimum duration of short-term mobility is 5 days and 2 days of travel (7 days altogether). The amount of time which a student can spend abroad is limited to 12 months per a study cycle (study mobility and traineeships combined). Traineeship is available to students from the first year of studies (Faculty of Medicine students can go on traineeships only during the summer months). In 12 months of graduation, students can do a traineeship for recent graduates. Learn more…

Traineeship offers

Doing an Internship Abroad: All you need to know

Students also have the opportunity to take the so-called blended intensive programmes (ZIP).

These are short-term intensive programmes for the purpose of study, which use innovative ways of teaching and learning, including online collaboration. UPJŠ may be the organiser (coordinator) of the programme or a partner institution, and students are nominated for such a programme by their department (faculty/department/institute) that is a co-organiser of such a programme.

Download manual

Erasmus+ KA171 allows the establishment of partnerships between institutions of higher learning in Europe and across the globe within the scope of special projects, based on which mobilities of students and staff members can be facilitated. Learn more…

Erasmus+ Call 2024/2025

Choose mobility type The International Relations and Internationalisation Office at UPJŠ has prepared for you an overview of upcoming Erasmus+ calls for applications in 2024/2025. Take a look at the newest Catalogue of Student Mobility Options within the Erasmus+ Programme! Short-Term Blended Student Mobilities, First and Second Study Cycles Mobility implementation period: 31.7.2025 at the … Continued


Feel free to contact the Erasmus+ coordinator at your faculty, institute, or department,
or the university International Relations Office (IRO)

Useful Information

Are you hesitating or eager to help?

Erasmus Alumni Club is an initiative of students who spent an Erasmus+ stay abroad and are now eager to help prospective applicants.

Do you need help, or do you want to join?

Your story can be next!

Would you like to share your Erasmus+ experience abroad with other students?
Do not hesitate and send us your story alongside photos to

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