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International Memberships

1minút, 27sekúnd

Active participation in the activities of various organizations and bodies, where the university and its faculties or individuals have a membership represent an important factor of the international scientific and educational activities of the university. By tracking the number and development of experts and memberships from the faculties and workplaces the university can identify the possibilities to create long-term international contacts, networks and collaborations on joint international projects.

The total number of institutional and individual memberships at the university has been over 400 for a very long time. The individual memberships are seen as assets by the experts and workplaces mainly because of the possibility of international representation of the workplaces and of the university, of modernisation of the teaching process, to increase professional qualification, of joint publications, and for the preparation of joint projects.

The university is a member of the following bodies and organisations:

  • The European University Association – EUA
  • The Magna Charta Universitatum
  • Slovak French university institute – L’Institut universitaire franco-slovaque (IUFS)
  • The American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia – AmCham
  • The British Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic – BritCham
  • Košice IT Valley 

The university considers its membership in the EUA (European University Association) as essential, since the association functions as the main body in the creation of statements and opinions in the field of university education. The memberships in the Slovak French University Institute and in the Magna Charta Universitatum Observatory are also considered as key memberships. Internationalisation within the university is also achieved by the membership in the Košice IT Valley. The university actively cooperates with the SAAIC national agency and with SAIA as well mainly in the field of mobility and scholarship propagation, and it regularly attends their conferences and workshops.  

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