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Commissions and working groups within HRS4R at UPJŠ

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Commissions and working groups

Mission and role of the commission

Steering Committee

Project management: content, time, administrative, financial

Document Analysis Commission

Content analysis of the documents and regulations at UPJŠ, analysis of the OTM-R methodology, elaboration of the OTM-R document

Soft Analysis Commission

Elaboration of the questionnaire, Implementation of the survey, evaluation of the questionnaires

  • working group of prof. L. Lovaš

Elaboration of the questionnaire, evaluation of the questionnaires

  • Working group for opposing the questionnaire

After compiling the questionnaire, its analysis and summarization of comments to the Soft Analysis Commission

GAP Analysis Commission

Evaluation of deficiencies on the basis of data from technical analysis and from the Soft Analysis Commission, elaboration of the GAP analysis document

Action Plan Commission

Elaboration of the proposal and the final version of the action plan before sending it to the EC, implementation of the action plan

  • working group for opposing the GAP document and the action plan

After compiling the GAP analysis document, its analysis and summarization of comments to the GAP Analysis Commission, after compiling the action plan, its analysis and summarization of comments to the Action Plan Commission


  • working group of the vice-deans of the faculties

Commenting the working versions of the questionnaires, ensuring and filling in the questionnaires and meeting deadlines, ensuring staff for the ad hoc working groups


Study at UPJŠ