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UPJŠ in the Aurora Alliance

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About the Aurora Alliance

Aurora European Universities Alliance is one of the selected European university alliances in the Erasmus + “European Universities” initiative, which aims to increase the quality and competitiveness of European Higher Education. The Alliance consists out of a consortium of research universities committed in building their future and promoting European values and identity.

News and Events

Aurora Student Council

Aurora Student Council is a community of students within the Aurora member university ecosystem. Members of the Aurora Student Council play a pivotal role in representing their institution and in communicating Aurora’s operations and opportunities to their university’s student population.

The members of the Student Council are expected to represent the Aurora Alliance and to actively participate in external event, to organize local events aligned with Aurora’s vision, and to keep in touch with other students involved in the Student Schemes.

I am a second-year student of general medicine at the Faculty of Medicine. Due to my interests of travelling and exploring new cultures, I am eager to be a member of the Aurora Student Council, and to share my experience with the rest of our students.

Contact Persons

Mgr. Mária Vasiľová, PhD.

Staff member of the International Relations and Internationalisation Office

+421 55 234 1159