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What is an International Credit Mobility?

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International Credit Mobility (ICM or KA107 for short) is an activity under the Erasmus+ Key Action 1 (KA1): Mobility of Individuals, more precisely under Erasmus+ Key Action 107 (KA107): Mobility of Individuals between Programme and Partner Countries.

Through ICM, a Higher Education Institution (HEI) in a Partner Country can send its students and/or staff to a partner HEI in a Programme Country and vice versa.

Types of ICM activities and eligible organisations:
The following types of mobilities are supported:

  • student mobility for studies
  • student mobility for traineeships
  • staff mobility for teaching
  • staff mobility for training
Sending organisation can be…Receiving organisation can be…
Student mobility for studies (SMS)Programme or Partner Country HEIProgramme or Partner Country HEI
Student mobility for traineeships (SMP)Programme or Partner Country HEIProgramme or Partner Country HEI
Programme or Partner Country public or private organisation
Staff mobility for teaching (STA)Programme or Partner Country HEI
Programme or Partner Country public or private organisation
Programme or Partner Country HEI
Staff mobility for training (STT)Programme or Partner Country HEIProgramme or Partner Country HEI
Programme Country public or private organisation
Contact persons at the International Relations Office:

Erasmus+ institutional coordinator
Mgr. Mária Vasiľová, PhD.
VoIP (enum): +421 55 234 1159

Mgr. Veronika Petruňová
VoIP (enum): +421 55 234 1679

Study at UPJŠ