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In case you have any questions, feel free to contact the coordinator at your faculty, department or institute, or get in touch with our coordinator at the International Relations office:
Bc. Ing. Daniela Filipová
+421 55 234 1166
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Information for Prospective Applicants
Erasmus+ mobility for Studies goals:
- to compare the same/a similar study field at home and abroad
- to acquire new theoretical and practical knowledge and experience in the given study field and to improve language skills, to do research for a final thesis
- to acquire new knowledge and skills and strengthen key competencies such as effective communication and communication in a foreign language, intercultural competence, organizational skills, problem solving, information literacy, practical experience and skills from the life abroad etc.
Conditions for applying for an Erasmus+ mobility for Studies:
- only duly registered students, who are at least 1st-year BA students (full-time and part-time), can participate in an Erasmus+ mobility for studies since the summer semester of the 1st year BA study (in case of mobility in the summer semester of the 1st year of the BA study, it is possible to participate in the selection procedure in the winter semester of the 1st year of the BA study)
- if the student plans to participate in an Erasmus+ mobility for studies as a 1st-year MA student or as a 1st-year PhD student, s/he can start the Erasmus+ mobility for Studies only after the registration process for studies at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice is closed (UPJŠ), since graduates are not registered as our students after the state examinations anymore and they become our students again only after registration
- the minimal length of an Erasmus+ mobility for Studies is 2 months
- students can benefit of an exchange abroad with Erasmus+ multiple times, either as a student or as a trainee, but their total time abroad may not exceed 12 months within one cycle of study (in case of one-cycle study fields, e.g. medicine of dentistry the total time is 24 months)
- students can choose only those universities for an Erasmus+ mobility for Studies with which the UPJŠ has concluded an inter-institutional agreement for a particular study field
- the list of inter-institutional agreements is available on the following website.
Erasmus+ mobility for Studies – Application Process:
- Contact the Erasmus coordinator of your faculty/department/institute. The list of Erasmus coordinators is available on the following website.
- Find out the terms and conditions of the selection procedure. The criteria and deadlines are set by the faculties/departments/institutes.
- Verify the list of available universities for your study field.
- Find out the conditions of studying abroad and the language requirements of the receiving university taking into consideration your studies at UPJŠ (recognition of courses completed abroad, study plan at UPJŠ during your mobility, individual study plan).
- As soon as the results of the selection procedure are published follow the instructions for the selected students (see: “Information for the selected students”)
- The results of the selection procedure are available in the AIS2 system: Content Management System/Administration and Publication of Documents/Notice/ Erasmus+ – informácie pre študentov UPJŠ
Erasmus+ mobility for Studies – General Rules:
- Students can benefit of an exchange abroad with Erasmus+ multiple times, either as a student or as a trainee, but their total time abroad may not exceed 12 months within one cycle of study (in case of one-cycle study fields, e.g. medicine of dentistry the total time is 24 months)
- In case the student is interested in an Erasmus+ mobility multiple times the minimum duration of each mobility must be maintained (2 months,).
- A mobility is considered as successfully finished, only if the student achieves the results that are in accordance with his/her Learning Agreement for Studies. The student’s obligation is not only to stay abroad for the period of his/her mobility, which is specified in his/her Grant Agreement, but also to fulfil the goals that were set in the approved Learning Agreement for Studies. In case the student fails to fulfil the goals that were set in the approved Learning Agreement for Studies, the university may ask the student for a full or partial refund of the financial support awarded.
- During the Erasmus+ study mobility it is necessary to obtain at least 20 ECTS credits per semester (PhD students do not need to obtain credits during their mobilities).
- In case the student does not meet the minimum requirements regarding the number of ECTS credits, the university is entitled to request a full/partial refund of the financial support awarded.
- This rule does not apply in case of force majeure, i.e. any unforeseeable exceptional situation or event beyond the student’s control, which prevents him/her from fulfilling any of his/her obligations under the Learning Agreement, was not attributable to error or negligence on his/her part, and was reported immediately to the International Relations Office of the UPJŠ. Subsequently, the IRO evaluates the reported situation and determines whether it may be considered a force majeure or not.
- To attend a university abroad for 1-2 semesters
- Students with disabilities or special educational needs can request an additional grant for participants with specific needs via the International Relations Office of the UPJŠ (IRO).
- The amount of the grant for a mobility depends on the length of the study period (number of months/days) abroad.
- When calculating the Erasmus grant for a mobility each month is considered to be 30-day long. In case of an incomplete month, the grant is calculated according to the number of days (1 day = 1/30 monthly rate).
- The financial support is not intended to cover all the costs of studying abroad, but to cover part of these increased mobility costs. Therefore, co-financing is necessary.
- The student is not entitled to use the provided financial support to cover similar mobility costs, if it has already been financed from other sources of the European Union.
- The lump sum for a month is intended to cover general costs connected to a mobility as well as travel costs.
- Erasmus+ Short-term mobility of doctoral students
- Activities focus on study, skills development, research and collaboration
- The length of the mobility is 5-30 days, while in the case of short-term mobility for doctoral students, a virtual part is not mandatory
- A signed interinstitutional agreement with the host institution is necessary to implement the mobility.
- Learning Agreements (same (online) form as in the case of long-term mobility) are first written out in paper form, and then it is necessary for students also to prepare an online version via the Online Learning Agreement platform or via the Erasmus application
- Mobility participants with a fewer opportunities are entitled to a one-off allowance above the basic rate of 100€ for physical mobility lasting 5-14 days and 150€ for physical mobility lasting 15-30 days.
- Study for all levels of study based on the target group of the BIP
- Blended intensive programs for students must consist of short-term physical mobility abroad combined with a mandatory virtual element enabling collaborative online learning exchange and teamwork
- The length of the physical part of the mobility is from 5 to 30 days of the program. No criteria are set for the duration of the mandatory virtual element.
- Physical activity may take place at the host higher education institution or at any other place in the country of the host higher education institution.
- UPJŠ must be a co-solver of the given BIP within which the student travels and must have signed an inter-institutional agreement with the host university to which the planned mobilities within the given BIP have been stated.
- Learning Agreements (same (online) form as in the case of long-term mobility) are first written out in paper form, and then it is necessary for students also to prepare an online version via the Online Learning Agreement platform or via the Erasmus application
- UPJŠ provides an individual support and, if necessary, support for travel costs for participants in physical activity.
- Students must obtain at least three ECTS credits for blended virtual and physical mobility.
Information meetings
The IRO organises information meetings for selected participants.
In case you couldn’t join us, see the report from the meeting!
Online Learning Agreement
OLA is an official tool by the European Commission.
It is an electronic version of the paper LA. Registration is necessary.
Mobilities can be also managed via the Erasmus+ App.
Before the mobility
Selection procedures ake place on the faculties/departments/institutes. Each faculty has a set number of mobilities, and based on this number they determine the order of the selected students and the list of substitutes (and possibly rejected students). In the selection process the partner universities are also assigned to the students, and the students’ nomination will be sent to the receiving universities based on this information.
The IRO sends the nomination of the selected students to the universities that were assigned to them. The receiving university should send to the student further instructions by mail, possibly accompanied by a letter of acceptance, after accepting his/her nomination (it may take some time).
- The student has to deliver the following documents to the IRO by the stated deadline:
- all documents required by the receiving university (e.g. language certificate, list of passed courses at UPJŠ, application form, application for accommodation, ID, passport, curriculum vitae, motivation letter, etc.)
- all documents required by the sending institution (i.e. learning agreement, bank account details, European Health Insurance Card, commercial insurance, information where, how and until when it is necessary to send the documents).
- Online Learning Agreement (OLA)
- The deadlines for delivering the necessary documents are announced on the meeting for the selected students.
- If the deadline for receiving/uploading the documents at the receiving university is earlier than our deadline, the student needs to hand in the documents based on the deadline of the receiving university.
- The student has to find out what documents are needed by the receiving institution, and until when, where and how they need to be delivered. Information on the required documents can be found on the website of the receiving university, or it can be sent by email by the receiving university.
- In addition to the documents required by the receiving university, the IRO also needs:
- Learning Agreement – part Before the Mobility:
the student chooses the courses that s/he would like to attend at the receiving university and the courses which will be recognized, when s/he returns from the mobility – the selection of courses has to be consulted with the faculty/departmental/institutional coordinator. The list of Erasmus Coordinators at UPJŠ in Košice is available on the following website. The student delivers the Learning Agreement (LA) to the IRO only when it is signed by the student and his/her coordinator (in the case of the Faculty of Arts it is signed by the departmental and faculty coordinator, and in the case of Faculty of Science it is signed by the institutional and faculty coordinator). The IRO will then ensure the signature of the Erasmus Institutional Coordinator.
- During the Erasmus+ study mobility it is necessary to obtain at least 20 ECTS credits per semester (PhD students do not need to obtain credits during their mobilities).
- If the receiving university does not have its own version of the Learning Agreement document, the student needs to hand in our version (available in the Documents part)
- If the receiving university has its own version of the Learning Agreement document, the student can hand in only this version. In case the Learning Agreement of the receiving institution does not contain the table for the recognised courses (Table B in our document), the student needs to hand in both versions.
- Bank account details – (the form is available in the Documents part)
- We need the IBAN form of the bank account number.
- European Health Insurance Card
- must be valid to cover the entire period of the mobility. If the student travels to a country, where this card is not valid (e.g. Turkey), s/he will have to ensure commercial insurance.
- We recommend students to ensure commercial insurance for the period of their Erasmus+ mobility in an insurance company based on their preference as well.
- New: Erasmus+ insurance –
- Students also have to submit the following information to the IRO: deadline of the receiving institution for submitting the necessary documents, method of submission (by post, mail, or through their online system by the students)
- All the documents for the receiving university and for the IRO need to delivered to the IRO directly, or to the faculty/departmental/institutional coordinators, who send these documents to the IRO
- Please send two copies of those document, which need to be sent by regular mail to the receiving university (1 copy for the IRO and 1 copy for the receiving university). If it is sufficient to send the documents by email to the receiving university 1 copy is enough.
- The IRO sends the documents to the receiving university. The students send their documents to the receiving university only if it is required by the receiving university, and the students need to upload their documents into the online system of the receiving institution. If that is the case, please inform us about this requirement.
- Please take your nomination for an Erasmus mobility seriously! In case you withdraw your application for a mobility, inform us about it via an email stating the reason of your withdrawal, and please inform your faculty/departmental/institutional coordinator as well.
Basic rates of individual support for students for long-term mobility
Destination | Monthly grant |
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden, United Kingdom, Liechtenstein, Norway, Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Netherlands, Malta, Portugal | 674€ |
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland, Romania, Northern Macedonia, Turkey, Serbia | 606€ |
Mobility participants with fewer opportunities are entitled to a contribution above the basic rate of 250€/month.
Students can opt for green travel. In this case, they will receive a one-off allowance of 50€ as an additional amount of individual support and, if necessary, a maximum of four days of additional individual support to cover the days traveled on the return journey.
Basic rates of individual support for students for a short-term mobility and top-ups
Participants of short-term mobilities (5-30 days) are entitled to individual support for physical mobilities, including travel days, regardless of the target country:
Destination | Grant for days 1-14 | Grant for days 15-30 |
All programme countries | 70 EUR | 50 EUR |
Mobility participants with fewer opportunities are entitled to a top-up amount of € 100 above the basic rate for a physical mobility lasting 5-14 days and of €150 for a physical mobility lasting 15-30 days.
Support for travel costs is granted to participants with fewer opportunities. The travel grant is covered by a special range of fixed amounts according to the distance bands valid for the whole program:
Distance band | Standard Travel | Green Travel |
10 – 99 km: | 23 EUR/participant | – |
100 – 499 km | 180 EUR/participant | 210 EUR/participant |
500 – 1 999 km: | 275 EUR/participant | 320 EUR/participant |
2 000 – 2 999 km: | 360 EUR/participant | 410 EUR/participant |
3 000 – 3 999 km: | 530 EUR/participant | 610 EUR/participant |
4 000 – 7 999 km: | 820 EUR/participant | – |
8 000 km alebo viac: | 1 500 EUR/participant | – |
Signing the Agreement on Providing Financial Support (Financial Agreement)
- The financial agreement is signed approximately 1 month before the start of mobility (ideally)
- The IRO prepares the student’s financial agreement only when:
- it received all the necessary documents from the student
- it received the Learning Agreement/OLA signed by the receiving university as well
- student has created an Online Learning Agreement (OLA)
- the student announces the exact dates of his/her mobility
- If the student plans to participate in an Erasmus+ mobility for studies as a 1st-year MA student or as a 1st-year PhD student, s/he can start the Erasmus+ mobility for Studies only after the registration process for studies at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice is closed (UPJŠ), since graduates are not registered as our students after the state examinations anymore and they become our students again only after registration.
- As soon as the financial agreement is signed 80% of the grant will be transferred to the student (the remaining 20% of the grant will be transferred to the student after his/her mobility and the fulfilment of all mobility obligations).
Completing the language assessment test before the mobility within the OLS system
- Each student whose language of study/language of work at the receiving institution is available in the OLS system is required to complete an online language test prior to the commencement of his/her mobility. Native speakers are an exception to this rule.
- Instructions for completing the first language assessment will be sent to the student’s email address by the IRO after the financial agreement is signed. The test determines the student’s level of knowledge, but the achieved result does not affect the student’s mobility.
- After submitting the entrance test the student will have the opportunity to complete a free and voluntary online language course from the languages available in the online system.
Erasmus Play
Erasmus Play is an international student housing platform that helps you to find your new home. Choose your accommodation between residences, apartments, shared flats or rooms for students.
- If the student plans to participate in an Erasmus+ mobility for studies as a 1st-year MA student or as a 1st-year PhD student, s/he can start the Erasmus+ mobility for Studies only after the registration process for studies at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice is closed (UPJŠ), since graduates are not registered as our students after the state examinations anymore and they become our students again only after registration.
- Students cannot participate in an Erasmus+ mobility for studies, if their study at the UPJŠ is interrupted.
- Students cannot participate in an Erasmus+ mobility for studies, if their study at the UPJŠ is finished.
- Students have to finish their Erasmus+ mobility for studies before the date of the state examinations, if they participate in an Erasmus+ mobility during their last year in the study cycle.
- Before leaving for an Erasmus+ mobility for studies the student should find out what are his/her responsibilities at the home faculty/department/institute that are connected to his regular studies at the home institution.
- If students want to participate in an Erasmus+ mobility for studies during their last year in the study cycle, it is necessary to find out at the faculty/department/institute whether it is possible to participate taking into consideration the responsibilities before finishing their studies and attending state examinations.
- If the receiving institution requires a language certificate, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what type of certificate is required (whether they need a specific type or just a confirmation from the language teacher at UPJŠ) and deliver it to the IRO together with the other necessary documents.
- If the student decides to prolong his/her mobility, it is necessary to inform the IRO at least 30 days before the end of the mobility based on the date in the financial agreement.
- If the student decides to shorten his/her mobility, it is possible to do so, but s/he needs to stay abroad at least 2 months (the minimal length of an Erasmus+ mobility for studies is 2 months). In case the student returns from abroad earlier than 2 months, s/he will have to refund the entire grant. If the confirmed duration of the mobility is more than 2 months but less than the agreed period based on the financial agreement, the student will be required to return the aliquot part of the grant for the remaining period.
- If the student decides to withdraw his/her application for a mobility, s/he has to inform the IRO via an email stating the reason of his/her withdrawal.
- The interruption of a mobility is not allowed. Such interruption can be authorized only by the Erasmus + National Agency in exceptional cases.
- During the Erasmus+ study mobility it is necessary to obtain at least 20 ECTS credits per semester (PhD students do not need to obtain credits during their mobilities). If the student fails to do so, the university may ask the student for a full or partial refund of the financial support awarded.
- Credit recognition is managed by the home faculty/department/institute of the student.
- The documents should be delivered not only to the IRO after the mobility, but it is also necessary to deliver their copies to the faculty/department/institute of the student.
- Accommodation in the receiving country is managed by the student in cooperation with the receiving university.
- The student is obliged to report any change in his/her contact information (address, telephone number, email address) and changes in his/her bank account details as well
Contributions beyond basic grants
Participants with fewer opportunities are entitled to further financial support.
Another option is the green travel support.
Online Language Support
Thanks to OLS, mobility participants are able
to test their language skills or to enroll to a language course.
During the mobility
- The student is allowed to make changes to his/her original LA upon arrival at the receiving institution.
- The changes to the LA are made in cases when it is not possible for the student to attend a chosen course at the receiving university, or if the student decides to take up a new course, that was not included in the original Learning Agreement.
- The changes in the LA must be consulted by the student‘s faculty/departmental/institutional coordinator at the UPJŠ and the document must be signed by the student, the receiving institution and the coordinator at the UPJŠ. The document with all the necessary signatures needs to be sent to the IRO (the scanned copy is sufficient). The changes must be made no later than 1 month after the beginning of mobility.
- The During the mobility part of the LA contains table A (courses attended at the receiving university) and table B (recognition at the UPJŠ).
- In case of force majeure, i.e. any unforeseeable exceptional situation or event beyond the student’s control, which prevents him/her from fulfilling any of his/her obligations under the Learning Agreement, the student has to report immediately the situation to the International Relations Office of the UPJŠ.
- If the student decides to prolong his/her mobility, it is necessary to inform the IRO at least 30 days before the end of the mobility based on the date in the financial agreement. The student has to ensure the consent of his/her coordinator at UPJŠ and the consent of his/her coordinator at the receiving institution (email forms are sufficient).
- Subsequently, the IRO will assess the possibility of prolonging the mobility. The students do not automatically receive financial support for the extended period of the mobility. The UPJŠ decides whether to allocate funds to the student for the period of extension or to approve the extension of mobility only with zero grant.
Share your story with us!
Would you like to share your Erasmus+ experience abroad with other students?
Do not hesitate and send us your story alongside photos to
After the mobility
- Up to 30 days after the end of the mobility the student should deliver to the IRO his/her mobility Certificate confirming the length of the mobility, or another document from the receiving university confirming the dates of the mobility (the IRO prefers the After the Mobility part of the Learning Agreement).
- The student should also deliver to the IRO his/her Transcript of records and ECTS credits from the receiving institution up to 30 days after the end of the mobility (the IRO prefers the After the Mobility part of the Learning Agreement).
- The student should submit his/her EU-Survey online report within 30 days of receiving the email with the call. The email is sent to the student’s e-mail address at the end of the mobility.
- As soon as the student delivers his/her mobility certificate, his/her transcript of records, submits his online EU – survey and if the duration of his/her mobility in the mobility certificate is the same as in the financial agreement and the student received at least 20 ECTS credits from the receiving university, the student will obtain the remaining 20% of the grant.