Mgr. Filip Šimko, PhD.
+421 55 234 1146
Your Traineeship
Take your academic journey to a new level with a traineeship at our university!
This website serves as your comprehensive guide to the application procedure for Erasmus+ Traineeships. You will find here all the steps, documents and other useful information.
Erasmus+ Traineeships are not dependent on inter-institutional agreements, however, the sending institution must be a holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).
There are no deadlines for traineeships.
Traineeship Timeline
Contact us
If you are interested in a traineeship at our university, send a short introductory email to the contact person specified at this website.
Do not forget to mention your study field, home university, expectations and traineeship period.
After receiving your email, we will check our options and let you know!
If you are accepted…
After being accepted by our university, you will receive a Letter of Acceptance and an information email from the contact person specified at this website.
Learning Agreement (LA)
After you have been accepted, you will need to prepare your Learning Agreement for Traineeship (LA) in cooperation with your mentor at our university.
After your LA is ready, send it signed by you and the responsible person at your home university to the contact person specified at this website.
Online Application Form
Apart from the Learning Agreement you are required to submit our Online Application Form, based on which you will be registered in our Academic Information System. You can also apply for accommodation via the form. You will receive the link to the Online Application Form via email from the contact person.
Do not forget to attach a Language Certificate to the form!
Please, do not get ISIC from other providers prior to your mobility. The card has to be issued by Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice in order for you to gain access to university facilities and services, and to be eligible for disocunt public transport or zero-fare train transport in Slovakia.
Academic Information System and ISIC
Approximately a month before the beginning of your traineeship (depending on the circumstances), you will receive an email with your login details to our Academic Information System (AiS) accompanied by instructions on finishing your registration.
All students need to have an ISIC issued by our university.
Student email and WiFi
A few days after finishing your registration in AiS, you will receive a message in AiS with the login detail to your new UPJŠ email account.
After activating your email account, you will be able to set up access to the Eduroam WiFi at our university.
More information is available at our One.Point website.
Please, inform the Contact Person specified above about the exact date of your arrival.
That’s it!
All that remains now is for you to arrive safe and sound to our university.
We recommend you going through our Survival Guide for Mobility Participants and our One.Point website. The website will provide you with important infomration on transport, accommodation, entry and stay obligations, healthcare etc.
Do not forget to get in touch with Erasmus Student Network Kosice (ESN Kosice) who will provide you with a buddy!
Learning Agreement
Learning Agreement for Traineeships (LA) is a basic contract formed by a collaborative effort of the prospective trainee and the mentor at our university.
LA specifies:
- The duration of the Traineeship
- Programme of the Traineeship
- Monitoring Plan
- Evaluation Plan
Please, prepare the LA in cooperation with your mentor at our university. After the content of your LA is ready, please, send it signed by you and your home coordinator to the contact person.
We accept all templates of Learning Agreements as long as the document includes all the information specified in the official template issued by the European Commission.
Receiving Organisation | Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice |
Department | Please, check your Letter of Acceptance |
Address | Srobarova 2, 041 80 Kosice |
Country | Slovakia |
Contact person name; position; email; phone | Filip Šimko; Erasmus+ Coordinator for Incoming Students;; +421 55 234 1146 |
Mentor name; position; e-mail; phone | Please, check the information email. |
Supervisor | Please, contact your Mentor. |
Responsible person at the Receiving Institution | Apart from the supervisor, please, include our Institutional Erasmus Coordinator in the Commitment part: Mária Vasiľová; Institutional Erasmus Coordinator;; +421 55 234 1159 |
Online Application Form
The Online Application Form serves as the basis for your registration in our Academic Information System (AiS). For that reason, we kindly ask you to ensure utmost accuracy of the provided information. The form can be submitted only once.
Please, do not forget to attach a Language Certificate to the form, and, in case of intra-EU mobility of third-country nationals, other required documents (i.e. passport, residence card, proof of financial coverage in English and in Slovak language).
No other documents are required unless specified otherwise by the contact person.
Language Requirements
The minimum required level of English or Slovak language proficiency is B1 or B2 (CEFR) depending on the receiving department, institute, or faculty. Information about the recommended language skills is available in the Erasmus+ Inter-institutional agreement signed between your home university and our university (in case you have any doubts or questions, please contact us).
We accept all Language Certificates and other documents prooving your language proficiency. If you do not have a Language Certificate, and your university has not provided you with any document, please, fill out our Language Proficiency Form in cooperation with your home coordinator or other responsible person.
Native speakers of Slovak or Czech who want to study courses in Slovak language do not need to submit a language certificate.
After Arrival
Before your arrival to our university, you will be invited by the Contact Person to a short introductory meeting at our International Relations and Internationalisation Office. During the meeting, you will receive your ISIC
NOTE: The official beginning of your Erasmus date aligns with the first day that you are required at our university (i.e. the meeting with the contact person).
Before Departure
If needed, please, send the pre-filled Certificate of Attendance from your university to the contact person via email who will confirm it.
We will prepare the final part of your Learning Agreement (After the mobility), a.k.a. Traineeship Certificate, and send it via email to you and the responsible person at your home university alongside the Certificate of Attendance after your traineeship ends.
If deemed necessary by the responsible person at your home university, we will mail the physical copies of the documents via postal service.
NOTE: The official end of your Erasmus date cannot be later than the last day of your physical presence in Košice.
University Library
Please, make sure that you return all borrowed books and pay any potential debts at the University Library (the Contact Person will check it with the Library employees).
Required for final documentation
If you were accommodated at Pražská 2 or Medická dormitories, we kindly ask you to pay any remaining fees or potential debts.
Required for final documentation
We sincerely appreciate your feedback as it allows us to identify shortcomings and improve our services. The survey is completely anonymous.
Bank account
If you have opened a bank account in Slovakia, please, do not forget to close it before departure (you really wanna avoid the headache of closing it from your home country).
Public Health Insurance
If you have arranged the free of charge public health insurance, you are obliged to inform the insurance company about your departure.
Date of Departure
Please, inform the Contact Person about the exact date of your physical departure from Košice as soon as you know it.
Required for final documentation