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Erasmus+ KA131: Incoming Students

9minút, 20sekúnd
Mgr. Filip Šimko, PhD.
+421 55 234 1146

Erasmus+ Students,

We’re thrilled to welcome you as an Erasmus+ incoming student.

This website is your comprehensive guide to the application process, designed to make your transition as smooth as possible. Here, you’ll find everything you need to know about required documents, and important deadlines, ensuring you can focus on the exciting adventure ahead.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us!


Study stays are possible only within limits of Inter-Institutional Agreements (IIA) and after an official nomination by your university (please, contact the International Relations Office at your university.) You can also refer to our List of Partner Universities. The nominations are to be sent to the contact person specified at this website.

After your nomination or traineeship has been accepted, you will receive an information email and the Letter of Acceptance from the contact person.

UPJŠ welcomes and offers assistance to students with special needs. Please, inform the contact person during the application procedure since our options are conditioned by the state and university regulations and possibilities.

What’s next?


Your nomination has been accepted and you can start with the application procedure.

Please, do not get ISIC from other providers prior to your mobility. The card has to be issued by Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice in order for you to gain access to university facilities and services, and to be eligible for disocunt public transport or zero-fare train transport in Slovakia.

Please, inform the Contact Person specified above about the exact date of your arrival.

Learning Agreement

Learning Agreement is a basic contract formed by a collaborative effort between the student, the home university and the host university.Learning Agreement contains a list of courses, which the student is expected to complete during their stay at the host university.

Please, always refer to the Course Catalogue for incoming students and consult your choice of courses with our coordinator at the level of the receiving faculty, institute, or department.

You are free to choose whatever courses as long as the majority of them is taught at the receiving faculty, institute, or department. We do not recommend choosing courses from more than one extra department, institute or faculty due to potential schedule collisions.

We accept both Online Learning Agreements (OLA), and regular “paper” Learning Agreements (LA).

After delivering the OLA/LA to our university, we can either accept it, or, in case there are errors, return it with comments to you for amending.

Receiving UniversityP. J. Safarik University in Kosice
Receiving Faculty / DepartmentPlease, check your Letter of Acceptance
Erasmus codeSK KOSICE02
AddressSrobarova  2, 041 80 Kosice
Contact person name; email; phoneFilip Šimko;; +421 55 234 1146
Responsible person name; email; phoneMária Vasiľová;; +421 55 234 1159
Coordinator at the receiving faculty, department, or institutePlease, check the information email.
Online Learning Agreement (OLA)

If your home university joined the Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) network, you can prepare the OLA on the platform used at your home university. After the OLA has been filled in and signed online by you and the responsible person at your home university, it will be automatically delivered to us.

Online Application Form

The Online Application Form serves as the basis for your registration in our Academic Information System (AiS). For that reason, we kindly ask you to ensure utmost accuracy of the provided information. The form can be submitted only once.

Please, do not forget to attach a Language Certificate to the form, and, in case of intra-EU mobility of third-country nationals, other required documents (i.e. passport, residence card, proof of financial coverage in English and in Slovak language).

No other documents are required unless specified otherwise by the contact person.

Language Requirements

The minimum required level of English or Slovak language proficiency is B1 or B2 (CEFR) depending on the receiving department, institute, or faculty. Information about the recommended language skills is available in the Erasmus+ Inter-institutional agreement signed between your home university and our university (in case you have any doubts or questions, please contact us).

We accept all Language Certificates and other documents prooving your language proficiency. If you do not have a Language Certificate, and your university has not provided you with any document, please, fill out our Language Proficiency Form in cooperation with your home coordinator or other responsible person.

Native speakers of Slovak or Czech who want to study courses in Slovak language do not need to submit a language certificate.

After Arrival

At the beginning of each semester, the International Relations and Internationalisation Office organizes an introductory meeting for incoming Erasmus+ students. The meeting usually takes place on the first day of the semester but you will receive an invitation via email which will specify exact time, date, and place.

During the meeting, you will receive your new ISIC card.

NOTE: The official beginning of your Erasmus date aligns with the first day that you are required at our university (i.e. the beginning of the semester, unless you arrive later).

If your university requires a document prooving your arrival confirmed (Certificate of Arrival, Confirmation Sheet etc.), you can either send it to the Contact Person via email, or bring it to the introductory meeting. In both cases, please, make sure that personal information (i.e. name, surname, home university etc.) is prefilled. Empty documents will not be confirmed.

The Contact Person will confirm the document and send it directly to your home coordinator, or to you if you are using some online mobility management tool.

During the first month following your arrival, you can make changes to your Learning Agreement. Always consult the changes with your home coordinator and our coordinator at the receiving department, institute, or faculty.

In case of Online Learning Agreements, changes are made via the online tool used at your home university.

In case of regular paper form of Learning Agreement, changes are carried out via the During the mobility/Exceptional Changes part of the document.

Extension of your stay (from the first semester to the full academic year) is only possible if it is approved at your home institution as well as our coordinator at the faculty, institute, or department. Your stay can be extended only within limits of the Inter-Institutional Agreement between our institutions.

Extension of your stay is carried out via an extension form (contact your home coordinator). Courses for the second semester are added by making changes to the Learning Agreement.

Before Departure

After you have finished your exams, please, ask the coordinator at faculty, institute, or department to prepare the Transcript of Records. If needed, please, send the pre-filled Certificate of Attendance from your university to the Contact Person via email who will confirm it.

The Contact Person will send the scanned versions of the confirmed Transcript of Records and the Certificate of Attendance to your home coordinator after the end your mobility. If your home coordinator deems it necessary, the documents will be also send via regular mail.

NOTE: The official end of your Erasmus date cannot be later than the last day of your physical presence in Košice, and it cannot be later then 2 weeks from your last exam.

University Library

Please, make sure that you return all borrowed books and pay any potential debts at the University Library (the Contact Person will check it with the Library employees).

Required for final documentation


If you were accommodated at Pražská 2 or Medická dormitories, we kindly ask you to pay any remaining fees or potential debts.

Required for final documentation