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Erasmus+ KA131: Incoming Students

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Erasmus students, welcome!

Before you come to study to Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, we have to go through some procedure. Please, read carefully the following step-by-step guide.

Contact person:

Mgr. Filip Šera, PhD.
+421 55 234 1146


Study stays are possible only within limits of Inter-Institutional Agreements (IIA) and after an official nomination by your university (please, contact the International Relations Office at your university.) You can also refer to our List of Partner Universities.

Send Nomination

If you are interested in a traineeship, please, contact the contact person at the top of this website.
After your nomination or traineeship has been accepted, you will receive an information email and the Letter of Acceptance from the contact person.

First semester (Sep – Feb):

  • Deadline for nominations:
    May 15
  • Deadline for documents:
    June 15

Second semester (Feb – Jun):

  • Deadline for nominations:
    November 15
  • Deadline for documents:
    November 30


No deadlines.

UPJŠ welcomes and offers assistance to students and staff with special needs. However, the IRO must be informed about it during the application procedure since our options are conditioned by the state and university regulations and possibilities.


The contact person at IRO will help you with the administrative stuff.
The Coordinators at Faculties, Institutes, and Departments will help you with academic issues (choice of courses etc.).

Before the mobility

We are using the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) for incoming student mobilities for studies.

The Online Learning Agreement tool is safe to use and approved by the European Commission as a valid tool in the Erasmus+ programme. It facilitates the preparation and signing of the learning agreement. 

OLA Procedure:

  1. The student starts the process by filling out the OLA, he or she signs online, and the OLA is sent to the home coordinator.
  2. The home coordinator either signs or rejects the OLA, leading the OLA to the host coordinator or back to the student, who starts over again.
  3. Finally, the OLA is sent to the host university to the coordinators listed above for their online signature.
  4. The OLA can be signed or rejected, leading the OLA to the students (with feedback or suggestions, if necessary).

If your university is not using the OLA, we also accept regular paper form of Learning Agreement (LA). In this case, the prepared LA signed by you and your home coordinator is to be sent scanned via email to the Contact Person specified above. Should there be errors, the LA will be sent back to the student with notes for modification.

When filling in the LA/OLA, please, refer to the following contact and responsible person at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice:

Contact person:

  • Mgr. Filip Šera, PhD.
  • Erasmus+ Coordinator for Incoming Students
  • 00421 55 234 1146

Responsible person:

  • Mgr. Mária Vasiľová, PhD.
  • Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator
  • 00421 55 234 1159

For the traineeships is possible to prepare only our form of the Learning Agreement for the traineeships (available in the documents section).

When choosing your courses, please, refer to the Course Catalogue, and, in case of questions related to academic issues, feel free to contact the respective Coordinator at the receiving faculty, institute or department of our university.

Please note that the required level of English or Slovak language knowledge (depending on the language of studies/traineeships) of Erasmus students is B1 or B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference – depending on the requirements of a given PJŠU faculty, department or institute. Information about the recommended language skills (language(s) of instruction and CERF level) is available in the Erasmus+ Inter-institutional agreement signed between UPJŠ and your home university by which you are nominated (in case you have any doubts or questions, please contact us).

In case you come for a traineeship and there is no Inter-institutional agreement between your institutional and our university, it depends on an individual agreement.  
In case a language certificate is required, please, upload the certificate to the online application form (we accept all types of language certificates). In case you do not have a language certificate, please, make sure that you and your coordinator fill out the Language Proficiency Form (available in the documents section). 

Native speakers and Czech students who want to study courses in Slovak language do not need to submit a language certificate. 

The online application form serves as the basis for your registration within our Academic Information System. For that reason, we kindly ask you to ensure the accuracy of the provided information and to submit it only once. Please, prepare and attach the following documents to the form:

  1. Learning Agreement signed by you, your home coordinator, and our coordinator (either downloaded OLA or the regular LA).
  2. Language certificate or language proficiency form
  3. Photo of yours
  4. Other documents (eg. passport, residence card, proof of the financial coverage in English and in Slovak language)

Submit the Online Application Form

Approximately a month before the beginning of your mobility (depending on the circumstances), you will receive an email with your login details to our Academic Information System (AiS) accompanied by instructions on finishing your registration. Within AiS, you will be asked:

  • to give your consent to personal data processing,
  • to check your personal information,
  • to upload your photo,
  • and to carry out the payment for ISIC.

Apart from short-term mobilities (up to a month), all students need to have an ISIC issued by our university.

Please, do not get ISIC from other providers prior to your mobility. The card has to be issued by Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice in order for you to gain access to university facilities and services, and to be eligible for disocunt public transport or zero-fare train transport in Slovakia.

A few days after completing the registration in our Academic Information System (AiS), you will receive a message in AiS with login details to your new student email. The first login has to be carried out via the Office 365 web client. Subsequently, you can set up access to the email inbox in MS Outlook.

If you have not received a message with your login details, please, follow this manual. The same steps are to be followed if you forget your password.

After you have successfully activated your email address, please, read these instructions, and, then, proceed to this webpage to choose your WiFi password. You can either connect with your UPJŠ student email address or, in case your home university is connected to the Eduroam network, you can also use your home university email. Eduroam is available in the university facilities (it is not available at the Pražská 2 dormitory).

After you have been accepted as an Erasmus Student by our University, please keep in touch with our IRO.

Before making any arrangement regarding your travel to Slovakia, we recommend you going through the following brochures:

We also recommend you going through the information on transport, accommodation, entry and stay obligations, healthcare etc. which are available at our One.Point website. Please, note that even citizens of the EU member states are subjected to some legal obligations when staying in Slovakia.

Arrange your travel ticket, health insurance, prepare all documents needed for stay in Slovakia (passport, visa – for non-EU countries, permission for a temporary residence in Slovakia if needed).

Inform the Contact Person specified above about the exact date of your arrival.

Erasmus Student Network

The ESN offers Buddy Programme for every incoming student  at the beginning of their mobility in Košice. They will offer you services and useful tips before the beginning of your studies in Košice. 

During the mobility

At the beginning of each semester, the International Relations Office organizes an introductory meeting for incoming Erasmus+ students. The meeting usually takes place on the first day of the semester but you will receive an invitation via email which will specify exact time, date, and place.

Students, who will come after the beginning of the semester (e.g. trainees) will be invited to a meeting with the Contact Person at our International Relations Office.

During these meetings, students will receive their ISIC cards.

If your university requires a document prooving your arrival confirmed (Certificate of Arrival, Confirmation Sheet etc.), you can either send it to the Contact Person via email, or bring it to the introductory meeting. In both cases, please, make sure that personal information (i.e. name, surname, home university etc.) is prefilled. Empty documents will not be confirmed.

The Contact Person will confirm the document and send it directly to your home coordinator, or to you if you are using some online mobility management tool.

After your arrival, you may consider making changes to the selection of courses in your Learning Agreement.

  • If you are using Online Learning Agreement, changes are usually carried out via the online tool that your university is using (please, contact your home coordinator).
  • If you are using regular paper form of Learning Agreement, changes are carried out via the Changes part of the Learning Agreement (available in the documents section). After filling in the document, have it signed by your home coordinator and send it for approval to our coordinator at the faculty institute, or dapertment.

Changes to the Learning Agreement should be consulted and approved by both your home coordinator and our coordinator at the faculty, institute, or department. The documents must be first and foremost signed by your home coordinator.

Extension of your stay (from the first semester to the full academic year) is only possible if it is approved at your home institution as well as our coordinator at the faculty, institute, or department. Your stay can be extended only within limits of the Inter-Institutional Agreement between our institutions.

Extension of your stay is carried out via an extension form (contact your home coordinator). Courses for the second semester are added by making changes to the LA.

Slovak Language Course

Are you interested in learning Slovak?
We have prepared a course for you! For more information,
see the course catalogue.

Intercultural Communication

Intercultural Communication is a trip
into the diverse worlds of customs and behaviour.
Grasp the opportunity in the form of this exceptional course.

End of the mobility

After you have finished your exams, please, ask the coordinator at faculty, institute, or department to prepare the Transcript of Records. If needed, please, send the pre-filled Certificate of Attendance from your university to the Contact Person via email who will confirm it. The documents will be provided to the student only after the fulfillment of these conditions:

1. University Library

Please, make sure that you return all borrowed books and pay out any potential debts at the University Library (the Contact Person will check it with the Library employees).

2. Dormitory

If you were accommodated at Pražská 2, we kindly ask you to secure a dormitory confirmation (available in the documents section). Please, send the scan or the photo of the confirmation to the Contact Person.

3. Survey

We sincerely appreciate your feedback as it allows us to identify shortcomings and improve our service. The survey is accessed by loging into your UPJŠ email but it is anonymous.

Submit survey

After all the afore mentioned tasks have been carried out, the Contact Person will send the scanned versions of the confirmed Transcript of Records and the Certificate of Attendance to your home coordinator after the end your mobility. If your home coordinator deems it necessary, the documents will be also send via regular mail.