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Trainings for Researchers at UPJS

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Horizon Europe: Your Path to Research and Innovation Funding

Horizon Europe: Your Path to Research and Innovation Funding

When: June 27, 2024 3 PM
Where: Grand meeting room, UPJŠ Rectorate, Šrobárova 2
The aim of the workshop is to provide participants with a deeper insight into the Horizon Europe programme, its opportunities and benefits. Participants will learn how the programme works, what its main objectives and priorities are, and what funding opportunities it offers. It will also include the experiences of successful applicants and evaluators.

Managing Difficult (Academic) Situations and Self-Care

Managing Difficult (Academic) Situations and Self-Care

When: June 13, 2024 1:30 PM – 3 PM
Where: AS2S2, Sokrates (Moyzesova st. 9)
Due to varied workload ranging from interactions with people to achieving performance goals, academic staff faces a higher risk of stress, exhaustion and even burnout. Regardless of their position, both managing challenging situations and taking care of oneself are crucial for maintaining balance and long-term well-being.

Career Planning within the European Research Area

Career Planning within the European Research Area

When: June 7, 2024 10 AM
Where: AP2S11, Platón (Moyzesova st. 9)
The aim of the intensive training is to enhance practical skills in career planning and presentation through the implementation of practical tasks and activities based on supporting documentation and aimed at the preparation of professional materials according to the requirements of the European Research Council.

Border Research and its support by the European Research Council

Border Research and its support by the European Research Council

When: May 21, 2024 1:30 PM – 3 PM
Where: AP2P4, Platón (Moyzesova st. 9)
The aim of the seminar is to create a space for professional development of selected target groups by enhancing their skills in the field of project activities through training aimed at introducing selected individual grant support schemes, standard calls conditions, procedure and quality assessment criteria for European Research Council projects.