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How to setup OpenVPN client for Windows

0minút, 45sekúnd

Slovak version

  1. You must have access credentials setup for WiFi network of proxy service. You can setup here
  2. Run installation of UPJŠ openvpn client.
  3. During the installation you must confirm (More info)
  4. During the installation you must confirm (Run anyway)
  5. In next step of installation you must confirm (in some cases enter administrator password): Yes
  6. Now client will install
  7. After installation on desktop there is a new icon: OpenVPN GUI
  8. After click on icon OpenVPN GUI , a new icon will be created at the left down (if you dont see icon, than icon is just hidden, so click on arrow up).After running a OpenVPN this icon became a yellow and dialog request enter you login ( – same as you use when using a WiFi) and password (same as you use when using a WiFi).
  9. After you succesfull connect to OpenVPN network you icon of OpenVPN became green

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