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Erasmus+ Call 2024/2025

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Short-Term Blended Student Mobilities, First and Second Study Cycles

Mobility implementation period: 31.7.2025 at the latest

Proposed deadline for the submission of applications at the individual faculties/departments/institutes*:Earliest possible starting date:
1st phase10.06.202401.08.2024
2nd phase07.10.202421.10.2024
3rd phase10.02.202524.02.2025
4th phase05.05.202519.05.2025
*IMPORTANT: The dates and conditions of the call will be specified by the faculties/institutes/departments. For more information, please contact your faculty/department/institutional coordinator.
  • The rules of the call are governed by the rules of Directive no. 1/2020, which establishes the procedure for the administration of the Erasmus+ program at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its components.
  • Processing of applications, checking of documents and the entered information and the evaluation within the faculties is the responsibility of the faculties.
  • Short-term blended student mobilities are intended for doctoral (MUDr.), bachelor’s and master’s degree students.
  • Short-term blended mobilities of students consists of a short-term physical mobility (study or traineeship) of students abroad (in a program country) with minimal duration of 5 days and of a mandatory virtual element, while the volume, method and time of the virtual part are freely adjustable.
  • The implementation of the virtual part is to be ensured by the sending faculty/department/institute in cooperation with the receiving institution. The sending faculty/department/institute is responsible for and confirms the quality of the implemented virtual activity.
  • This opportunity should be taken up in particular by those students who cannot go on a long-term physical mobility, for example, due to their study field or because they have fewer opportunities for participation.
  • It is up to the faculties and university workplaces to assess the appropriateness of student mobility choices and to ensure that long-term physical mobilities remain the norm.
  • The physical mobility of any short-term blended student mobility must meet the criterion of minimal duration: from 5 to 30 days (excluding travel time) and must be combined with an obligatory virtual element.
  • At least three credits of the ECTS system must be awarded for a blended student mobility.
  • The university will provide the participant of a short-term blended mobility with a grant up to the amount covering 5 days of physical mobility abroad.
  • Participants of a short-term blended mobility have the opportunity to implement mobilities that are longer than 5 days with  a so-called combined grant, i.e. with financial support from Erasmus+ resources combined with a period with zero grant, or full mobilities with zero grant.
  • One travel day before the first day of activity abroad and/or one travel day following the last day of activity abroad is added to the mobility period. These days are included in the calculation of individual support according to the scheme of 5 days of activity + 2 days of travel.
  • Short-term blended mobilities are not available for recent graduates.
EU Member StatesBelgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden
Programme countries that are not members of the EUthe Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Turkey

Student mobilities for the purpose of study are governed by inter-institutional agreements, which contain the exact number of student mobilities for the given field, with the exact length of their stay.

The host university must be a higher education institution of a country involved in the Erasmus+ program with an ECHE (European Charter for Higher Education) charter. Faculty (departmental, institutional) Erasmus coordinators as well as the employees of the International Relations Office of the UPJŠ Rectorate will provide you with more detailed information about inter-institutional agreements for the individual study fields.

In case of student mobility for traineeships the receiving organisation can be:

  • any Programme Country public or private organisation active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training, youth, research and innovation. For example, such organisation can be:
    • a public or private, a small, medium or large enterprise (including social enterprises);
    • a public body at local, regional or national level;
    • embassies or consular offices of the sending Programme Country;
    • a social partner or other representative of working life, including chambers of commerce, craft/professional associations and trade unions;
    • a research institute;
    • a foundation;
    • a school/institute/educational centre (at any level, from pre-school to upper secondary education, and including vocational education and adult education);
  • a non-profit organisation, association, NGO;
  • a body providing career guidance, professional counselling and information services;
  • a Programme Country HEI awarded with an ECHE.

Participants of short-term mobilities (5-30 days) are entitled to individual support for physical mobilities, including travel days, regardless of the target country: 79 EUR per day.

Mobility participants with fewer opportunities are entitled to a top-up amount of € 100 above the basic rate for a physical mobility lasting 5-14 days and of € 150 for a physical mobility lasting 15-30 days.

Support for travel costs is granted to participants with fewer opportunities. The travel grant is covered by a special range of fixed amounts according to the distance bands valid for the whole program:

Distance bandStandard travelGreen travel
From 10 to 99 km:23 EUR/participant 
From 100 to 499 km180 EUR/participant210 EUR/participant
From 500 to 1 999 km:275 EUR/participant320 EUR /participant
From 2 000 to 2 999 km:360 EUR/participant410 EUR /participant
From 3 000 to 3 999 km:530 EUR/participant610 EUR /participant
From 4 000 to 7 999 km:820 EUR/participant 
8 000 km or more:1 500 EUR/participant 

Contributions to mobility participants with fewer opportunities

Other participants are not entitled to support for travel costs.

Students who do not receive support for travel costs can opt for green travel (bicycle, bus, shared journey by car and train). In this case, they will receive a one-time contribution of EUR 50 as a supplementary amount to individual support. The allowance for traveling by sustainable modes of transport (green travel) is eligible only if a sustainable mode of transport was used for the majority of the journey.

For more information, please contact your faculty/department/institutional coordinator.

Contact persons at IRO:
Mgr. Jakub Paľovčík

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Short-Term PhD Mobilities

Mobility implementation period: 31.7.2025 at the latest

Proposed deadline for the submission of applications at the individual faculties/departments/institutes*:Earliest possible starting date:
1st phase10.06.202401.08.2024
2nd phase07.10.202421.10.2024
3rd phase10.02.202524.02.2025
4th phase05.05.202519.05.2025
*IMPORTANT: The dates and conditions of the call will be specified by the faculties/institutes/departments. For more information, please contact your faculty/department/institutional coordinator.
  • The rules of the call are governed by the rules of Directive no. 1/2020, which establishes the procedure for the administration of the Erasmus+ program at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its components.
  • Processing of applications, checking of documents and the entered information and the evaluation within the faculties is the responsibility of the faculties.
  • For the period 01.08.2024 – 31.07.2025, the university will allocate funds for 1 mobility for each study program in the doctoral degree.
  • Each short-term mobility must meet the criterion of minimal duration. Short-term mobilities have a minimum duration of 5 days and a maximum of 30 days.
  • The university will provide grant to the participant of a short-term mobility up to a maximum amount covering 10 days of physical mobility abroad.
  • Short-term mobility participants also have the opportunity to implement mobilities that are longer than 10 days with  a so-called combined grant, i.e. with financial support from Erasmus+ resources combined with a period with zero grant, or full mobilities with zero grant.
  • One travel day before the first day of activity abroad and/or one travel day following the last day of activity abroad is added to the mobility period. These days are included in the calculation of individual support according to the scheme of 5 to 10 days of activity + 2 days of travel.
  • Short-term PhD mobility is not available for recent graduates.
  • PhD students can use the Erasmus+ funds to implement one mobility with a duration of 5-10 days within the framework of this call.
EU Member StatesBelgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden
Programme countries that are not members of the EUthe Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Turkey

Student mobilities for the purpose of study are governed by inter-institutional agreements, which contain the exact number of student mobilities for the given field, with the exact length of their stay.

The host university must be a higher education institution of a country involved in the Erasmus+ program with an ECHE (European Charter for Higher Education) charter. Faculty (departmental, institutional) Erasmus coordinators as well as the employees of the International Relations Office of the UPJŠ Rectorate will provide you with more detailed information about inter-institutional agreements for the individual study fields.

In case of student mobility for traineeships the receiving organisation can be:

  • any Programme Country public or private organisation active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training, youth, research and innovation. For example, such organisation can be:
    • a public or private, a small, medium or large enterprise (including social enterprises);
    • a public body at local, regional or national level;
    • embassies or consular offices of the sending Programme Country;
    • a social partner or other representative of working life, including chambers of commerce, craft/professional associations and trade unions;
    • a research institute;
    • a foundation;
    • a school/institute/educational centre (at any level, from pre-school to upper secondary education, and including vocational education and adult education);
  • a non-profit organisation, association, NGO;
  • a body providing career guidance, professional counselling and information services;
  • a Programme Country HEI awarded with an ECHE.

Participants of short-term mobilities (5-30 days) are entitled to individual support for physical mobilities, including travel days, regardless of the target country: 79 EUR per day.

Mobility participants with fewer opportunities are entitled to a top-up amount of € 100 above the basic rate for a physical mobility lasting 5-14 days and of € 150 for a physical mobility lasting 15-30 days.

Support for travel costs is granted to participants with fewer opportunities. The travel grant is covered by a special range of fixed amounts according to the distance bands valid for the whole program:

Distance bandStandard travelGreen travel
From 10 to 99 km:23 EUR/participant 
From 100 to 499 km180 EUR/participant210 EUR/participant
From 500 to 1 999 km:275 EUR/participant320 EUR /participant
From 2 000 to 2 999 km:360 EUR/participant410 EUR /participant
From 3 000 to 3 999 km:530 EUR/participant610 EUR /participant
From 4 000 to 7 999 km:820 EUR/participant 
8 000 km or more:1 500 EUR/participant 

Contributions to mobility participants with fewer opportunities

Other participants are not entitled to support for travel costs.

Students who do not receive support for travel costs can opt for green travel (bicycle, bus, shared journey by car and train). In this case, they will receive a one-time contribution of EUR 50 as a supplementary amount to individual support. The allowance for traveling by sustainable modes of transport (green travel) is eligible only if a sustainable mode of transport was used for the majority of the journey.

For more information, please contact your faculty/department/institutional coordinator.

Contact persons at IRO:
Mgr. Jakub Paľovčík

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Blended Intensive Programmes

Mobility implementation period: 31.7.2025 at the latest

Proposed deadline for the submission of applications at the individual faculties/departments/institutes*:Earliest possible starting date:
1st phase10.06.202401.08.2024
2nd phase07.10.202421.10.2024
3rd phase10.02.202524.02.2025
4th phase05.05.202519.05.2025
*IMPORTANT: The dates and conditions of the call will be specified by the faculties/institutes/departments. For more information, please contact your faculty/department/institutional coordinator.
  • The rules of the call are governed by the rules of Directive no. 1/2020, which establishes the procedure for the administration of the Erasmus+ program at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its components.
  • Processing of applications, checking of documents and the entered information and the evaluation within the faculties is the responsibility of the faculties.
  • Short-term student mobilities within Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) can only be implemented as study mobilities, traineeships are not allowed.
  • BIP mobilities are available for all study levels.
  • BIP mobilities of students consists of a short-term physical mobility of students abroad (in a program country) with minimal duration of 5 days and of a mandatory virtual element, while the volume, method and time of the virtual part are defined by the BIP organizers. Based on the particular BIP, the virtual element can take place before, after, or during the physical mobility (or their combination).
  • The coordinators should nominate students primarily for those BIPs in which their workplace is a co-organizer of the program and the program itself is implemented abroad, in the country of the BIP coordinator.
  • The university will provide a BIP mobility participant with a grant for each day of physical mobility abroad.
  • One travel day before the first day of activity abroad and/or one travel day following the last day of activity abroad is added to the mobility period. These days are included in the calculation of individual support according to the scheme of  days of activity + 2 days of travel.
  • At least three credits of the ECTS system must be awarded for a blended student mobility.
  • BIP mobilities are not available for recent graduates.

EU Member StatesBelgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden
Programme countries that are not members of the EUthe Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Turkey

Student mobilities within the framework of BIP are governed by inter-institutional agreements.

The host university must be a higher education institution of a country involved in the Erasmus+ program with an ECHE (European Charter for Higher Education) charter. Faculty (departmental, institutional) Erasmus coordinators as well as the employees of the International Relations Office of the UPJŠ Rectorate will provide you with more detailed information about inter-institutional agreements for the individual study fields.

Participants of short-term mobilities (5-30 days) are entitled to individual support for physical mobilities, including travel days, regardless of the target country: 79 EUR per day.

Mobility participants with fewer opportunities are entitled to a top-up amount of € 100 above the basic rate for a physical mobility lasting 5-14 days and of € 150 for a physical mobility lasting 15-30 days.

Support for travel costs is granted to participants with fewer opportunities. The travel grant is covered by a special range of fixed amounts according to the distance bands valid for the whole program:

Distance bandStandard travelGreen travel
From 10 to 99 km:23 EUR/participant 
From 100 to 499 km180 EUR/participant210 EUR/participant
From 500 to 1 999 km:275 EUR/participant320 EUR /participant
From 2 000 to 2 999 km:360 EUR/participant410 EUR /participant
From 3 000 to 3 999 km:530 EUR/participant610 EUR /participant
From 4 000 to 7 999 km:820 EUR/participant 
8 000 km or more:1 500 EUR/participant 

Contributions to mobility participants with fewer opportunities

Other participants are not entitled to support for travel costs.

Students who do not receive support for travel costs can opt for green travel. In this case, they will receive a one-time contribution of EUR 50 as a supplementary amount to individual support.

For more information, please contact your faculty/department/institutional coordinator.

Contact person at IRO: Mgr. Veronika Petruňová

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Call for applications for staff mobilities – teaching  within the Erasmus+ program for the a.y. 2024/2025

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice sees staff mobilities as effective tools for developing professional and personal competences and for building relations with international partners. In this regard, they mainly contribute to the further development of employees, to the improvement of the educational process at the university and to the internationalization of the university environment. It is important for the university to effectively comply with the ethical and moral principles in the implementation of mobilities within the Erasmus+ program. It is also important that the implemented staff mobilities can be and are recognized at the individual workplaces as part of career growth and development of human resources in accordance with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers based on the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R).

The ERASMUS+ program enables university teachers to participate in short-term teaching mobilities at the partner universities in the EU countries.

Mobility implementation period: 10.10.2024 – 15.10.2025

Application submission deadline:Earliest possible start date:
1st phase27.09.2024 by 12:0010.10.2024
2nd phase05.02.2025 by 12:0019.02.2025
3rd phase07.05.2025 by 12:0021.05.2025
  • mobility of teachers for the purpose of teaching – the aim is to teach at the receiving institution, while the teaching load must be a minimum of 8 hours per week
  • combined mobility for university teachers – this is a combination of mobility activities of teaching and training, within which the minimum number of teaching hours is reduced to 4 hours. The teaching and training activities are carried out at the same institution and on the basis of existing inter-institutional agreements. Staff members, who are interested in a combined mobility, should prepare a mobility program for teaching, in which they should also include their planned activities for the training part.
  1. The main criterion is the quality of the submitted teaching program with regard to the benefit of the planned mobility for the department/faculty/university. The person interested in mobility is obliged to adequately justify the mobility in the section ´PROPOSED MOBILITY PROGRAMME´.
  2. Preference is given to employees who participate in a teaching mobility in a foreign language.
  3. Preference is given to mobilities to countries where the language of teaching and communication is English, or another world language.
  4. The applicants must be the employees of UPJŠ.
  • The mobility must be implemented by 15.10.2025
  • Duration of mobility: from 2 to 60 days, including travel for all types of activities, while the university provides a financial contribution for max. 5 days of activity and 2 days of travel. Mobilities longer than 5 days can be implemented with the so-called combined grant, i.e. with financial support from EU sources – Erasmus+ combined with a zero-grant period.
  • Within the framework of the call for the 2024/2025 academic year, academic staff can apply for 1 training mobility and 1 teaching mobility.
  • The employees are required to use their work email addresses and not the private ones in their application. The International Relations Office will send all key information to the official work addresses only.
  • After the mobility, the employee is obliged to submit a mobility report to the International Relations Office, in which the achieved results and benefits of the mobility will be summarized.

Teacher mobilities are governed by inter-institutional agreements, which contain the agreed number of teacher mobilities for a given field, with the exact length of their stay and the number of hours taught. The receiving institution must be a higher education institution of a country participating in the Erasmus+ program with an ECHE (European Charter for Higher Education) charter. The faculty (departmental, institutional) Erasmus coordinators as well as staff of the International Relations Office will provide you with more detailed information about the inter-institutional agreements for the individual departments: current list of inter-institutional agreements and partner universities.

Contact the partner university where you plan to implement your teacher mobility, and with which UPJŠ has signed an inter-institutional agreement for the given academic year in the RELEVANT FIELD. Agree with the responsible person from the partner university on the implementation of the mobility and its details. Subsequently, after reaching an agreement with the partner university, please fill in the latest version of the Mobility Agreement Staff Mobility For Teaching document. For the purposes of submitting your application, it is not necessary to ensure the signature and stamp of the receiving institution, however, it is necessary to document e-mail communication with the receiving institution, or an official letter in which the consent of the responsible person of the receiving institution will be expressed that your teacher mobility can take place on the given date. For the purposes of submitting an application, it is necessary to secure the signature of the responsible person at your workplace and the signature of the vice dean responsible for international relations/the Erasmus programme.

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, the amount of travel costs and individual support (boards+accommodation) will be calculated by the person responsible for the implementation of the mobilities of university staff at the International Relations Office of the UPJŠ Rectorate (IRO).

The completed application forms must be delivered to the following persons:

  • employees of the Faculty of MedicineRNDr. Nela Farkašová, PhD., Department of International Relations and Faculty Presentation, Faculty of Medicine
  • employees of the Faculty of LawMgr. Eva Tkáčová, Department of Foreign Relations and Further Education, Faculty of Law
  • employees of the Faculty of Public Administration  – Ing. Jana Chmelová, Department for Development and International Relations, Faculty of Public Administration
  • employees of the Faculty of ScienceIng. Zuzana Petruláková, Office for External Relations, Faculty of Science, Šrobárova 2, door no. 317
  • employees of the Faculty of ArtsBc. Natália Bačová/Ing. Michaela Baltesová, Department of Science, Research, Qualification, Doctoral Studies, and International Relations, Faculty of Arts
  • employees of the Rectorate and university workplacesMgr. Valentína Švedová, International Relations Office, Šrobárova 2, ground floor, door no. 6

The selection of employees will take place at the UPJŠ Rectorate. The results of the selection procedures will be published continuously in AIS2 in the section Notices for employees.

Contribution for living expenses (accommodation+meals) per day in EUR for the 2024/2025 acad. year:

Receiving countryDaily grants in EUR
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden190 eur
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain170 eur
Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey148 eur

Contribution to travel costs in EUR:

Distance bandsStandard travel grantGreen travel
between 0 and 99 km 28 EUR per participant56 EUR per participant
between 100 and 499 km 211 EUR per participant285 EUR per participant
between 500 and 1999 km 309 EUR per participant417 EUR per participant
between 2000 and 2999 km 395 EUR per participant535 EUR per participant
between 3000 and 3999 km 580 EUR per participant785 EUR per participant
between 4000 and 7999 km: 1188 EUR per participant1188 EUR per participant
8000 km or more 1735 EUR per participant1735 EUR per participant

Distance calculator

Contribution for green travel:

  • The mobility participants have the opportunity to ask the university for a contribution for green travel, if the participant uses: train, bus, bicycle, carpooling or a combination of them for their trip to and from the mobility.
  • The condition for awarding the contribution is that the participant realizes most of his trip in a green way.
  • To grant a contribution, it is necessary to proceed in the following way:
    • The mobility participant will hand in to the mobility coordinator at the International Relations Office a Declaration of Honour before or after the mobility, in which s/he specifies the means of transport used for the journey to the place of mobility and home.
    • After the mobility, the mobility participant is obliged to attach a travel ticket as proof of the green method of travel and a confirmation of payment to the declaration. The date of departure and arrival must closely follow the mobility period.
    • The use of carpooling is only possible if the applicant travels for his/her mobility in one car at the same time to the same place together with at least one other mobility participant who is also an employee of the university.
  • On the basis of the submitted documents, the university will assign the participant a contribution for green travel, which will be added to the total amount of the mobility grant.
  • Contribution for a mobility participant with special needs:
  • Mobility participants with disabilities have the opportunity to apply for an additional grant, a so-called special grant to cover additional costs incurred in connection with his/her mobility.
  • These costs are specifically intended to cover the extra financial support required for participants with physical, mental or medical disabilities to enable their participation in a mobility.
  • Financing mechanism: real costs documented by accounting documents/bills.
  • Procedure: the participant submits the application for a special grant and the Consent to the processing of a special category of personal data together with the application for mobility. The International Relations Office will check the submitted documents, evaluate the validity of the requested amount, and if everything is in order, it will sign them and, based on the entered data, ensures the allocation of the special grant.

Approved by the Erasmus+ Coordination Commission on September 9, 2024.

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Call for applications for staff mobilities – training within the Erasmus+ program for the a.y. 2024/2025

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice sees staff mobilities as effective tools for developing professional and personal competences and for building relations with international partners. In this regard, they mainly contribute to the further development of employees, to the improvement of the educational process at the university and to the internationalization of the university environment. It is important for the university to effectively comply with the ethical and moral principles in the implementation of mobilities within the Erasmus+ program. It is also important that the implemented staff mobilities can be and are recognized at the individual workplaces as part of career growth and development of human resources in accordance with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers based on the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R).

The mobility supports the professional development of teaching and non-teaching staff of higher education institutions.

Mobility implementation period: 10.10.2024 – 15.10.2025

Application submission deadline:Earliest possible start date:
1st phase27.09.2024 by 12:0010.10.2024
2nd phase05.02.2025 by 12:0019.02.2025
3rd phase07.05.2025 by 12:0021.05.2025
  • training activity to develop pedagogical and/or curriculum design skills – available only to academic staff
  • training to develop professional competences – available for academic and administrative staff
  • job shadowing – available for academic and administrative staff
  • workshop – available for academic and administrative staff (except for conferences)
  • language courses – available for academic and administrative staff
  • training within a Blended Intensive Program (BIP)
  1. The quality of the submitted training program with regard to the benefit of the planned mobility for the department/university workplace/faculty/university. The person interested in a mobility is obliged to adequately justify his/her mobility in the section ´PROPOSED MOBILITY PROGRAMME´.
  2. The staff members who have not yet participated in a mobility are preferred. In the selection of employees, the university also takes into account the number of completed mobilities in the last two academic years.
  3. Preference is given to employees who actively participate in the internationalization activities at UPJŠ, and who participate in a Staff Week and job-shadowing mobility.
  4. Mobility to countries in which the language of communication is English or another world language is preferred.
  5. Preference is given to mobilities that are aimed at developing pedagogical and/or curriculum design skills, or at the innovation of study programs.
  • the mobilities must be completed by 15.10.2025
  • Length of the mobility:
    • academic staff: from 2 to 60 days including travel for all types of activities, while the university provides a financial contribution of max. 5 days of activity and 2 days of travel. Mobilities longer than 5 days can be implemented with the so-called combined grant, i.e. with financial support from EU sources – Erasmus+ combined with a zero-grant period,
    • administrative staff: from 2 to 7 days including travel for all types of activities, while the university provides a financial contribution of max. 5 days of activity and 2 days of travel.
  • Within the framework of the call for the 2024/2025 academic year, academic staff can apply for 1 training mobility and 1 teaching mobility.
  • Within the framework of the call for the 2023/2024 academic year, administrative employees who are actively involved in tasks related to internationalization at the university can apply for a maximum of 2 mobilities. The active involvement of UPJŠ employees in the tasks related to internationalization at the university should be presented in detail in their applications.
  • Within the framework of the call for the 2023/2024 academic year, administrative employees who are not actively involved in tasks related to internationalization at the university can apply for a maximum of 1 mobility.
  • In the case of two successive mobilities, the allocation of a travel grant for both mobilities will be assessed individually, taking into account the criterion of effective use of grants.
  • In the event that several employees are interested in visiting the same receiving institution in the same period, the employees are obliged to provide information on the added value of mobility for each applicant in terms of their professional growth.
  • In the case of starting a mobility on Friday or at the weekend, or in the case of mobilities that include the weekend, the employee is obliged to justify the choice of date.
  • Preference will be given to mobilities that are focused on activities such as training, workshops, and internships. The applications for language courses will be evaluated and approved subsequently and only if the budget of the given selection phase allows their implementation.
  • Employees are required to enter their work email addresses and not private email addresses in their applications. The International Relations Office will send all key information only to the official work addresses.
  • After the mobility, the employee is obliged to submit a mobility report to the International Relations Office, in which the achieved results and benefits of the mobility will be summarized.

Contact the partner university where you plan to implement your mobility. Agree with the responsible person from the partner university on the implementation of the mobility and its details. Subsequently, after reaching an agreement with the partner university, please fill in the latest version of the Mobility Agreement Staff Mobility For Training. For the purposes of submitting the application, it is not necessary to secure the signature and stamp of the receiving institution, however, it is necessary to document e-mail communication with the receiving institution (or an official letter), in which the consent of the responsible person of the receiving institution will be expressed that your mobility can take place. For the purposes of submitting an application, it is necessary to secure the signature of the responsible person at the your workplace and the signature of the vice dean responsible for international relations/the Erasmus programme (does not apply to employees of the UPJŠ Rectorate)..

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, the amount of travel costs and individual support (boards+accommodation) will be calculated by the person responsible for the implementation of the mobilities of university staff at the International Relations Office of the UPJŠ Rectorate (IRO).

The completed application forms must be delivered to the following persons:

  • employees of the Faculty of MedicineRNDr. Nela Farkašová, PhD., Department of International Relations and Faculty Presentation, Faculty of Medicine
  • employees of the Faculty of LawMgr. Eva Tkáčová, Department of Foreign Relations and Further Education, Faculty of Law
  • employees of the Faculty of Public Administration  – Ing. Jana Chmelová, Department for Development and International Relations, Faculty of Public Administration
  • employees of the Faculty of Science – Ing. Zuzana Petruláková, Office for External Relations, Faculty of Science, Šrobárova 2, door no. 317
  • employees of the Faculty of ArtsBc. Natália Bačová/Ing. Michaela Baltesová, Department of Science, Research, Qualification, Doctoral Studies, and International Relations, Faculty of Arts
  • employees of the Rectorate and university workplacesMgr. Valentína Švedová, International Relations Office, Šrobárova 2, 2nd floor – Small meeting room.

The selection of employees will take place at the UPJŠ Rectorate. The results of the selection procedures will be published continuously in AIS2 in the section Notices for employees.

Contribution for living expenses (accommodation+meals) per day in EUR for the 2024/2025 acad. year:

Receiving countryDaily grants in EUR
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden190 eur
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain170 eur
Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey148 eur

Contribution to travel costs in EUR:

Distance bandsStandard travel grantGreen travel
between 0 and 99 km 28 EUR per participant56 EUR per participant
between 100 and 499 km 211 EUR per participant285 EUR per participant
between 500 and 1999 km 309 EUR per participant417 EUR per participant
between 2000 and 2999 km 395 EUR per participant535 EUR per participant
between 3000 and 3999 km 580 EUR per participant785 EUR per participant
between 4000 and 7999 km: 1188 EUR per participant1188 EUR per participant
8000 km or more 1735 EUR per participant1735 EUR per participant

Distance calculator

Contribution for green travel:

  • The mobility participants have the opportunity to ask the university for a contribution for green travel, if the participant uses: train, bus, bicycle, carpooling or a combination of them for their trip to and from the mobility.
  • The condition for awarding the contribution is that the participant realizes most of his trip in a green way.
  • To grant a contribution, it is necessary to proceed in the following way:
    • The mobility participant will hand in to the mobility coordinator at the International Relations Office a Declaration of Honour before or after the mobility, in which s/he specifies the means of transport used for the journey to the place of mobility and home.
    • After the mobility, the mobility participant is obliged to attach a travel ticket as proof of the green method of travel and a confirmation of payment to the declaration. The date of departure and arrival must closely follow the mobility period.
    • The use of carpooling is only possible if the applicant travels for his/her mobility in one car at the same time to the same place together with at least one other mobility participant who is also an employee of the university.
  • On the basis of the submitted documents, the university will assign the participant a contribution for green travel, which will be added to the total amount of the mobility grant.
  • Contribution for a mobility participant with special needs:
  • Mobility participants with disabilities have the opportunity to apply for an additional grant, a so-called special grant to cover additional costs incurred in connection with his/her mobility.
  • These costs are specifically intended to cover the extra financial support required for participants with physical, mental or medical disabilities to enable their participation in a mobility.
  • Financing mechanism: real costs documented by accounting documents/bills.
  • Procedure: the participant submits the application for a special grant and the Consent to the processing of a special category of personal data together with the application for mobility. The International Relations Office will check the submitted documents, evaluate the validity of the requested amount, and if everything is in order, it will sign them and, based on the entered data, ensures the allocation of the special grant.

Approved by the Erasmus+ Coordination Commission on September 9, 2024.

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Call for applications for long-term student study mobilities (2nd call for the a. y. 2024/2025)

Mobility implementation period: summer semester of the a.y. 2024/2025

In case of long-term study mobilities it is necessary to apply at the individual faculties / departments / institutes by 07.10.2024. This term can be modified by the faculty / department / institute.

The dates and conditions of the call will be specified by the faculties / institutes/ departments. For more information, please contact your faculty / department / institutional coordinator.

  • long-term study mobility with min. duration of 2 months (for all levels of study)
  • long-term study mobility combined with traineeship with min. of 2-month duration of the study part (for all levels of study)
  • The rules of the call are governed by the rules of Directive no. 1/2020, which establishes the procedure for the administration of the Erasmus+ program at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its components.
  • Processing of applications, checking of documents and the entered information and the evaluation within the faculties is the responsibility of the faculties.
  • The mobilities within the framework of this call can be implemented only in the following Programme countries.
  • Student mobilities for the purpose of study are governed by inter-institutional agreements, which contain the exact number of student mobilities for the given field, with the exact length of their stay. The host university must be a higher education institution of a country involved in the Erasmus+ program with an ECHE (European Charter for Higher Education) charter. Faculty (departmental, institutional) Erasmus coordinators as well as the employees of the International Relations Office of the UPJŠ Rectorate will provide you with more detailed information about inter-institutional agreements for the individual study fields.
EU Member StatesBelgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden
Programme countries that are not members of the EU the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Turkey

Basic rates of individual support for students for a long-term mobility and top-ups:

Target countryGrant per month
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden674€
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain606€
Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey550€

The mobility participants with fewer opportunities are entitled to a top-up amount of € 250 / month above the basic grant.

Support for travel costs:

Travel distanceStandard travel – amount*Green travel** – amount*
10 – 99 km28€56€
100 – 499 km211€285 €
500 – 1 999 km309€417 €
2 000 – 2 999 km395€535 €
3 000 – 3 999 km580€785 €
4 000 – 7 999 km1 188 €1 188 €
8 000 km and more1 735 €1 735 €
*”amount” stands for travel allowance to and from the venue of the activity
**The allowance for traveling by sustainable modes of transport (green travel) is eligible only if a sustainable mode of transport (bicycle, bus, carpooling, train) was used for the majority of the journey. Carpooling is allowed only if the two or more university staff/students partake in the journey.

Types of support for disadvantaged students

For more information, please contact your faculty/department/institutional coordinator.

Contact person at IRO:
Bc. Ing. Daniela Filipová

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Call for applications for long-term student traineeship mobilities (2nd call for the a. y. 2024/2025)

Mobility implementation period: summer semester of the a.y. 2024/2025

The proposed deadlines for the submission of applications at the individual faculties / departments / institutes*:Term of the earliest possible departure:
1st phase07.10.202421.10.2024
2nd phase10.02.202524.02.2025
*The dates and conditions of the call will be specified by the faculties/institutes/departments. For more information, please contact your faculty/department/institutional coordinator.
  • long-term professional traineeship with min. duration of 2 months (for all levels of study)
  • long-term traineeship for enhancing digital skills with min. duration of 2 months (for all levels of study)
  • long-term traineeship for recent graduates with min. duration of 2 months, while the traineeship can be professional or aimed at digital skills (for the recent graduates of BA, MA, PhD studies)
  • The rules of the call are governed by the rules of Directive no. 1/2020, which establishes the procedure for the administration of the Erasmus+ programme at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its components (available in Slovak).
  • The processing of applications, checking of documents and entered information and evaluation within the faculties is the responsibility of the individual faculties.
  • The mobilities of this call may be implemented in the following countries.
  • In case of student mobility for traineeships the receiving organisation can be:
    • any Programme Country public or private organisation active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training, youth, research and innovation. For example, such organisation can be:
      • a public or private, a small, medium or large enterprise (including social enterprises);
      • a public body at local, regional or national level;
      • embassies or consular offices of the sending Programme Country;
      • a social partner or other representative of working life, including chambers of commerce, craft/professional associations and trade unions;
      • a research institute;
      • a foundation;
      • a school/institute/educational centre (at any level, from pre-school to upper secondary education, and including vocational education and adult education);
    • a non-profit organisation, association, NGO;
    • a body providing career guidance, professional counselling and information services;
  • The university will provide the participant of a long-term traineeship for a recent graduate with a grant of a maximum amount covering 2 months of physical mobility abroad.
EU Member StatesBelgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden
Programme countries that are not members of the EU the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Turkey

Grant rates:

Target countryGrant/month
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Netherlands, Malta, Germany, Portugal, Austria, Spain, Italy824 €
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland, Romania, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey756 €
  • The mobility participants with fewer opportunities are entitled to a top-up amount of € 250 / month above the basic grant.
  • Students can opt for green travel. In this case, they will receive a single contribution of EUR 50 as a top-up to the individual support and, if necessary, a maximum of 4 days of additional individual support to cover travel days  for a return trip.
  • Green mode of transport: bicycle, bus, shared journey by car and train.
  • The allowance for traveling by sustainable modes of transport (green travel) is eligible only if a sustainable mode of transport was used for the majority of the journey.
  • Types of support for disadvantaged students

For more information, please contact your faculty/department/institutional coordinator.
Contact person at IRO:
Mgr. Miroslava Paľovčík Navrátilová

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Call for the PhD students and employees of UPJŠ to submit their applications for an international Erasmus+ mobility to countries not associated to the Erasmus+ programme (countries outside the EU/world) in the summer semester of the 2024/2025 academic year

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice understands the mobilities of employees and students as an effective tool for developing professional and personal competences, and for building relations with international partners. Accordingly, the mobilities contribute to the further development of employees and students, to the improvement of the educational process at the university, and to the internationalization of the university environment. The university considers it important that the possibilities for the implementation of mobilities within the framework of Erasmus+ are used effectively in compliance with the ethical and moral principles. It is also important that the implemented students and staff mobilities are recognized at the individual workplaces of the university as part of the career growth and development of human resources in accordance with the principles of the European Charter of Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers based on the Human Resources Strategy for Research (HRS4R).

In the new 2021-2027 program period, the classical Erasmus+ programme acquired a greater international character as international mobility was introduced into the existing mobility framework of higher education.

“International mobility” is the mobility of students and staff between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. “Partner Countries” means the “third countries not associated to the Erasmus+ programme”, which is the official term. ‘Outgoing’ (mobility) means going from Programme Countries to Partner Countries.

International mobility is embedded and carried out within the KA131 quality framework, consisting of the following quality elements:

The rules of the call are governed by Directive no. 1/2020, which establishes the procedure for the administration of the Erasmus+ programme at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its workplaces.

  • Student mobility: short-term mobility of PhD students
  • Staff mobility: training, teaching
  • Only outgoing mobilities are allowed!
Western Balkans (Region 1)Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro
Neighbourhood East (Region 2)Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Territory of Ukraine as recognised by international law
South-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia
Russian Federation (Region 4)Territory of Russia as recognised by international law
Region 5 AsiaBangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, DPR Korea, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam

High income countries:
Brunei, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Macao, Singapore and Taiwan
Region 6 Central AsiaAfghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Region 7 Middle EastIran, Iraq, Yemen High income countries: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
Region 8 PacificCook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu

High income countries:
Australia, New Zealand
Region 9 Sub-Saharan AfricaAngola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cabo Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Congo – Democratic Republic of the, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Region 10 Latin AmericaArgentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela
Region 11 CaribbeanAntigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent & Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago
Region 12 US and CanadaUnited States of America, Canada
Region 13Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City State
Region 14Faroe Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Collection of applications: from 13.3.2025

Mobility implementation period: until 31.7.2025

The collection of applications and their evaluation will take place as follows:

  • Since the university has a limited budget for international mobilities (20,000 EUR), the applications will be accepted in the order in which the International Relations and Internationalization Office receives them.
  • The collection of applications will last until the aforementioned budget is distributed among the mobilities.
  • After reaching the limit of the expected drawdown, we will continue to collect applications, but these mobilities will be included in the reserve list instead. We will continunusly monitor the drawdown of the budget and, in the event of further funds becoming available, we will immediately inform the applicants from this list in the order in which we received their applications.
  • Only those applications will be accepted that are completely and in detail prepared and submitted with all mandatory attachments and signatures. (see Application procedure)

The allowed duration of a mobility is from 5 to 60 days for staff mobilities, and from 5 to 30 days for PhD student mobilities, while for both types the university provides a financial contribution for a maximum of 5 days of activity and 2 days of travel. Mobilities longer than 5 days can be implemented with the so-called combined grant, i.e. with financial support from EU sources – Erasmus+ combined with a zero-grant period.

Travel Grant

Distance bandStandard travelGreen travel
 10 – 99 km:23 EUR per participant 
 100 – 499 km180 EUR per participant210 EUR per participant
 500 – 1 999 km:275 EUR per participant320 EUR per participant
 2 000 – 2 999 km:360 EUR per participant410 EUR per participant
 3 000 – 3 999 km:530 EUR per participant610 EUR per participant
 4 000 – 7 999 km:820 EUR per participant 
8 000 km alebo viac:1 500 EUR per participant 

Distance calculator

The following are eligible for a travel grant:

  • University staff
  • All outgoing students participating in international mobility involving third countries not associated to the Programme, with the exception of regions 13 and 14.

The mobility participants have the opportunity to ask the university for a contribution for green travel in addition to the regular grant, if the participant uses: train, bus, carpooling (shared car), bicycle or their combination.

  • To be eligible for the contribution the participant has to carry out the majority of the travel via a green form of transport.
    • To receive the contribution, the following must be fulfilled:
    • A Declaration of Honor which specifies the form of transport to or from the mobility is to be submitted to the coordinator at the International Relations and Internationalisation Office by the mobility participant.
    • The dates of departure and arrival must be in continuance with the mobility duration.
    • Carpooling is possible only if the applicant is traveling to the mobility with another participant of the same mobility, who is an employee of UPJŠ, in one car at the same time.
  • Based on the submitted documents, the university will allocate the contribution for green travel to the overall amount of the financial support.

Individual Support

PhD mobilities:

Participants of short-term mobilities are entitled to individual support for physical mobilities, including travel days, regardless of the target country: 79 EUR per day. Mobility participants with fewer opportunities are entitled to a top-up amount of 100 EUR above the basic rate for a physical mobility lasting 5-14 days.

Staff mobilities:

Target countryFinancial support per day
Partner countries in regions 1 -12180
Partner countries in regions 13160
Partner countries in regions 14180

Employees and PhD students must hand in their application with a detailed description of the planned activities, and justify the eligibility of the mobility.

If more employees / PhD students are planning to implement their mobility at the same institution within the same time span, each of them must provide information on the added value of the mobility from their personal perspective in regard to their professional growth and the necessity of the shared visit.

After the mobility, the employee / PhD student must submit a mobility report to their superiors and to the International Relations and Internationalisation Office of UPJŠ. The report must provide a summary of achieved accomplishments and benefits of the mobility. The means of dissemination of the mobility accomplishments to other employees of the faculty/ university department are left to the superiors’ assessment.

The employees / PhD students contact the partner university at which they plan to spend their mobility. The plan of the mobility details and realisation is to be established in cooperation with the responsible person from the partner university. Afterwards, the newest version of the Mobility Agreement Staff Mobility For Training / Mobility Agreement Staff Mobility For Teaching in case of staff mobilities, or Learning Agreement for Studies / Learning Agreement for traineeships in case of PhD mobilities is filled in.

For the purposes of submitting an application, it is not necessary to provide a signature and stamp of the receiving institution, however, it is necessary to:

  • provide the e-mail communication with the receiving institution (or an official letter) in which the consent of the responsible person of the receiving institution is expressed that the mobility can take place.
  • In the event that the receiving institution is a university, it is also necessary to provide the e-mail communication in which the consent to sign an interinstitutional agreement for the purposes of implementing the participant’s international mobility at the given university is expressed. More information on interinstitutional agreements in the Additional Information section.
  • For the purposes of submitting an application, it is necessary to provide the signature of the responsible person at the employee’s workplace and the signature of the Vice-Dean for International Relations (does not apply to employees of university workplaces and the UPJŠ Rectorate).

The completed forms and consents must be delivered by email to the International Relations and Internationalization Office.

The applicants will be selected based on the order of the reception of their applications, and only those applications will be accepted that are completely and in detail prepared and signed and sent with all mandatory attachments.

The applications must be sent with all the mandatory documents to the email address:

The employees/students will be informed about their inclusion on the selected or reserve list and about the amount of the allocated grant by email. The final list of selected applicants will be published in AIS2 in the Announcements for employees section.

Selection criteria

  1. Completeness of the submitted application:
    • the completed training/teaching program, or learning agreement for study/traineeship contains a detailed schedule of planned activities,
    • the application contains the signatures of the superior (in the case of staff mobility), the Erasmus coordinator (in the case of student mobility) and the vice-dean for international relations (in the case of all faculties, does not apply to university departments and the Rectorate),
    • the consent from the receiving institution to implement the mobility must be attached to the application,
    • the consent to sign an inter-institutional agreement for the purposes of implementing the participant’s international mobility, if the receiving institution is a university also must be attached to the application.
  2. Date and time of delivery of the application to the email address:
  • PhD study mobility: IIA is required
  • PhD traineeship mobility: IIAs are required if the traineeship is held at a HEI (e.g. university laboratories, hospitals etc.). For other types of receiving institutions, an IIA is not required.
  • Teaching staff mobility: IIA is required.
  • Training staff mobility: IIAs are required if the traineeship is held at HEI (e.g. university laboratories, hospitals etc.). For other types of receiving institutions, an IIA is not required.

Employees and PhD students with approved mobilities are responsible for the organisation of their mobilities: inquiry into the procedures and conditions for entry to the partner country, visa application, receiving of the necessary vaccination before entry to the country, etc.

Contact Person:
Mgr. Mária Vasiľová, PhD.
Tel.: 0552341159

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