Intellectual property protection and transfer activities at the UPJŠ in Košice are realized through the Center for Technology Transfer (CTT) (formerly the Department for Transfer of Research and Know-how Results into Practice), which operates within the UPJŠ Technology and Innovation Park (TIP UPJŠ). CTT has been established and fulfills university-wide tasks in the framework of technology transfer and intellectual property protection at UPJŠ. The CTT contributes to the development of the university mainly by supporting the commercialization of part of academic research. commercialization, popularizing innovative strategies in science, research and education, and providing advice on intellectual property protection. The long-term goal of CTT is to coordinate activities leading to commercialization of intellectual property and know-how arising at UPJŠ in Košice. CTT ensures this goal in close cooperation with intellectual property creators working at individual faculties and other workplaces of UPJŠ, as well as in cooperation with SAFTRA s. r. o., which is a commercial entity fully owned by the University Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.
- protection and management of intellectual property (IP) UPJŠ and its commercializatio
- Coordination and consultancy in establishing and operating start-up companies at UPJ
- coordination of TIP-UPJŠ cooperation with spin-off and external industrial partners
- counseling, assistance, consultation, education.

Specialist in intellectual property management and administration

Špecialista pre výskum a komercializáciu
- Priorities and content of CTT activities
- Directive no. 3/2019 on protection of intellectual property at UPJŠ in Košice and its components
- Form for describing the subject of industrial property, the form – Annex 1 serves as a basis for elaboration of the description of the subject of industrial property, which is a part of the Directive no. 3/2019 on protection of intellectual property at UPJŠ in Košice and its components.
ONLINE EVENT: Effective use and requirements in international WIPO databases
On February 24, 2021, representatives of the Center for Technology Transfer participated in a seminar organized by the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), where databases of patents, trademarks and designs were presented and made available by WIPO, as well as other online research tools.
In this context, the latest published WIPO documents have been presented, namely the publication Identifying Inventions in the Public Domain, A Guide for Inventors and Enterpreneurs, and the publication Using Inventions in the Public Domain, A Guide for Inventors and Enterpreneurs. Both of these publications can help researchers working at the University of P. J. Šafárik in Košice in the identification and subsequent use whenever there are inventions originally protected under patent protection, and thus to expand the research which has been carried out so far.
Publication Identifying Inventions in the Public Domain
Publication Using Inventions in the Public Domain
Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information invites workers in the field of technology transfer, science and research management staff, researchers of universities / SAV / departmental research institutes, entrepreneurs, business people, students and the general public for the 9th annual event with international participation TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER EVENT IN SLOVAKIA AND ABROAD 2019, which will take place from 22 to 24 October 2019 in Bratislava.
Slovak Matchmaking Fair Bratislava 2019
Science for practice: in cooperation with the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency – SARIO, selected representatives from universities and SAS will participate in the Slovak Matchmaking Fair Bratislava 2019. It is the largest and most prestigious international event of the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency for 13 years brings together Slovak and foreign entrepreneurs.