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Improving the bilingual environment at UPJŠ

In order to ensure and improve the bilingual environment at our university for the students and university staff members as stated in the university’s HRS4R Action Plan (Action 18), UPJŠ is working on the translation of all its key documents. The documents will be uploaded gradually. Please be patient, if you cannot find the English … Continued
16. August 2021

Grant Calls

The researhcers at UPJŠ can find the latest calls on the portal of the Lifelong Learning Center and Projects Support.

HRS4R Implementation Strategy at UPJŠ

The HRS4R implementation strategy at UPJŠ follows up on the results of the initialization phase of the HRS4R project at UPJŠ, within which we ensured the following: The HRS4R Implementation Strategy at UPJŠ responds to the GAP analysis carried out at the university and to the defined strengths and weaknesses of UPJŠ, on the basis … Continued

Study at UPJŠ