The UPJŠ academic community expresses its deep concern at the development of the situation in Ukraine and strongly condemns Russia’s military attack on our neighbor.
The right of every independent state to decide its future democratically, without pressure from another country or even military force, must be respected in the 21st century.
We express solidarity with all Ukrainians. We assure students and all academics in Ukraine that we are in solidarity with them and that we will help them. Intensive discussions are already taking place in the management of the university and its individual faculties on specific forms of assistance, about which we will keep informed. We assure our students from Ukraine that we are ready for an immediate dialogue to alleviate their concerns. UPJŠ creates a hospitable environment for all its students and we will support all forms leading to mutual cohesion.
At the same time, we call for a return to a diplomatic and peaceful solution to the situation, for respect for peace as one of the most important values,for the respect for the principles of democracy and for the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms in Ukraine.
Following the meeting of the Extended Rector’s Council on February 28, 2022 Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice is currently suspending cooperation and the implementation of agreements with the educational and scientific research institutions of the Russian Federation as an expression of deep concern over the development of the situation in Ukraine and disapproval of the military operations of the Russian Federation in the territory of Ukraine.
Our university is at the disposal of our students, staff and their family members affected by the current situation.
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At disposal is our University Counselling Center – UNIPOC